This page presents the oral poster presentations and the posters given on Monday 14 August 2006 at the First (CPPA) PIs Meeting
at the Hilton El Conquistador Resort in Tucson, AZ

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Monday, 14 August 2006
An EPIC 2001 ITCZ Integrated Dataset and Cloud-Resolving Model (CRM) SimulationC. BrethertonAbstractPresentationPoster
The marine atmospheric boundary layer over the eastern Pacific and its simulation in climate modelsM. BrunkeAbstractPresentationPoster
The IPRC Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Model (IROAM): Eastern tropical Pacific coupled climate, biases, and sensitivitiesS. de SzoekeAbstractPresentationPoster
Oceanic mesoscale variability and clouds on 10oNFarrarAbstractPresentationPoster
Interannual Variability of Near-Coastal Eastern Pacific Tropical CyclonesD. GutzlerAbstractPresentationPoster
The Pan-American Precipitation Pattern and its tropical connectionsH. HuangAbstractPresentationPoster
Mid-level and deep convective cloud characteristics across the tropical PacificM. JensenAbstractPresentationPoster
Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Variability and Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropical Northeast Pacific (the MJO)E. MaloneyAbstractPresentationPoster
Horizontal and vertical structure of easterly waves in the Pacific ITCZM. CroninAbstractPresentationPoster
Seasonal Influence of ENSO on the Atlantic ITCZ and equatorial South AmericaM. MűnnichAbstractPresentationPoster
Orographic Effects on Tropical StratocumulusI. Richter / C. R. MechosoAbstractPresentationPoster
Impact of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Summer Climate of the Western HemisphereC. WangAbstractPresentationPoster
Oceanic Eddy Flux Forcing in the Eastern Subtropical PacificR. WellerAbstractPresentationPoster
Assessing the NCEP CFS Model Bias ssociated with the Marine Stratus Clouds over Southeast PacificP. XieAbstractPresentationPoster
IPRC Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Model (iROAM) on Earth SimulatorS. XieAbstractPresentationPoster
Hydraulic Redistribution by Plant RootsG. AmenuAbstractPresentationPoster
Statistical Characterization of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Moisture and Vegetation in North America for Regional Climate Model ApplicationsC. CastroAbstractPresentationPoster
Application of NARR-Based NLDAS Ensemble Simulations to Continental-Scale Drought MonitoringB. CosgroveAbstractPresentationPoster
Comparing Multiple Soil Moisture Data Sets to Study Land Surface Hydrological Processes over the USY. FanAbstractPresentationPoster
Evaluation of the North American Regional Reanalyses over Complex Terrain: Grid-Scale Precipitation and DownscalingJ. HorelAbstractPresentationPoster
A Comparison of Orographic Precipitation Simulated Using High Spatial Resolution and a Subgrid ParameterizationR. LeungAbstractPresentationPoster
Merging MicroMet and SnowModel to create high-resolution snow distributions in complex terrainG. ListonAbstractPresentationPoster
Applying Noah LSM in LIS to Provide a Realtime and 25-year Retrospective Global Land Data Base for Climate Model Impact Studies in the NOAA-NCEP Climate Test BedJ. MengAbstractPresentationPoster
Statistical Vegetation Feedback EstimatesM. NotaroAbstractPresentationPoster
Effects of Surface Moisture, Land-Atmosphere Exchanges, \par and Turbulent Transport on Precipitation over the Rocky Mountains and High PlainsM. PagowskiAbstractPresentationPoster
Surface heterogeneity effects on regional-scale fluxed in stable boundary layers: an LES studyF. Porte-AgelAbstractPresentationPoster
ECPC Contributions to CEOPJ. RoadsAbstractPresentationPoster
Drought and Wet Spells over the United States and MexicoK. MoAbstractPresentationPoster
Quantifying the strength of soil moisture-precipitation coupling and its sensitivity to surface water budget changesG. WangAbstractPresentationPoster
Impact of vegetation feedback on the response of precipitation to antecedent soil moisture anomalies over North AmericaG. WangAbstractPresentationPoster
Towards the improvement of the NCEP Noah LSM in the NLDAS during the warm seasonH. WeiAbstractPresentationPoster
Summer and Winter Seasonal Ensemble Hindcasts over North American with the Eta Regional Climate ModelR. YangAbstractPresentationPoster
Launching Phase II of NLDAS: A Preliminary ResultY. XiaAbstractPresentationPoster
The effect of vegetation biophysical processes (VBP) in climate simulationY. XueAbstractPresentationPoster
The Sensitivity of North American Warm Season Precipitation to Vegetation and Groundwater DynamicsZ. YangAbstractPresentationPoster
GRACE and CLMZ. YangAbstractPresentationPoster
Hydroclimatic Anomaly Propagation with Increasing Depth of the Soil Profile in Illinois - Implications for Land Memory ProcessesP. YehAbstractPresentationPoster
Growing temperate shrubs over arid to semi-arid regions in CLM-DGVMX. ZengAbstractPresentationPoster
Hydrologic variations in the Gulf of California Watershed in the context of climate change: Investigations of the recurrence of extraordinary events and their possible consequencesL. Brito-CastilloAbstractPresentationPoster
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