Regional Hydroclimate Project:
CPPA (Climate Prediction Program for the Americas; formerly GAPP)
SGP (Southern Great Plains)
E12 (Extended Facility 12, Pawhuska, OK)
Name:Steve Williams
3450 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
Telephone: (303) 497-8164
Fax: (303) 497-8770
Latitude: 36.84100 N
Longitude: 96.42700 W
Elevation: 331 m
ARM SGP Overview Map (click for full resolution):

ARM SGP E12 Area Map (click for full resolution):

Google Earth .kmz file of CPPA SGP Reference Site station and radiosonde locations
Station Description:
General Description:
Broad ridge in the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, a few hundred meters north of the Oklahoma Mesonet Foraker site ( The ground drops sharply several hundred meters north of the EF, and the pasture has never been plowed. There are irregular rock horizons at this location, with a broken layer of shale about 45 cm down, and fractured, increasingly dense sandstone below that. Sensors were installed at 5, 15, 25, 35, and 60 cm. Grazing and fire permitting, the tallgrass can reach heights of several meters here, and roots were thick down to the rock. Micrometeorological data will be representative of conditions on the broad hilltop.
Station Operator:
Vegetation and Land Use:
Dominanat land cover at the measurement location: native prairie
Canopy height: No information
Land cover (approximate percentages of each type) within 50 m of the measurement location: no information
Land cover (approximate percentages of each type) within 500 m of the measurement location (1 km pixel): no information
Land cover (approximate percentages of each type) within 12 km of the measurement location (1/4 degree pixel): no information
Seasonal land cover changes: no information
Major changes in land cover at the site during the CEOP data collection period: No information
Slope at the site: no information
Mean elevation and range of elevations in 1 km pixel: No information
Soil Type and Characterization:
Surface Soil Type: sandy loam (3-8cm) - 61.62% sand; 29.95% silt; 8.43% clay; 0% gravel
Deeper Layers Soil Type: sandy loam (30-35cm) -64.95% sand; 23.71% silt; 11.34% clay; 2.53% gravel
Surface Soil porosity: no information
Deeper Layers Soil Porosity: no information
Soil infiltration rate: no information
Bulk dry density:
1-8 cm - 1.26 g/cm3
28-34 cm - 1.38 g/cm3
Saturated hydraulic conductivity: no information
Soil Reference Group(s) (from World Reference Base for Soil Resources): no information
No information
- Station pressure not measured
- Air Temperature not measured
- Dew point not measured
- Relative humidity not measured
- Specific humidity not measured
- Wind speed not measured
- Wind direction not measured
- U wind component not measured
- V wind component not measured
- Precipitation not measured
- Snow depth Not measured.
- Incoming shortwave radiation height unspecified; Precision Spectral Pyranometer
- Outgoing shortwave radiation height unspecified; Precision Spectral Pyranometer
- Incoming longwave radiation height unspecified; Precision Infrared Radiometer
- Outgoing longwave radiation height unspecified; Precision Infrared Radiometer
- Net radiation height unspecified; derived
- Skin temperature not measured
- Incoming Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) not measured
- Outgoing Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) not measured
- Sensible Heat Flux height unspecified; Vaisala Inc., Model #s HMP 35A and HMP 35D at two heights
- Latent Heat Flux height unspecified; Vaisala Inc., Model #s HMP 35A and HMP 35D at two heights
- CO2 Flux not measured
- Soil Heat Flux -0.05 m height; Soil Heat Flow Probes, Radiation & Energy Balance Systems, Inc., Model #s HFT-3, HFT3.1
- Soil Temperature -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.60, -0.85, -1.25, and -1.75m heights; Model 229L Matric Potential Sensor, Campbell Scientific, Inc.
- Soil Moisture -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.60, -0.85, -1.25, and -1.75m heights; Model 229L Matric Potential Sensor, Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Further information available on soil data here.
Further information available on radiation data here.
No data of this type at this station.
Further information available on flux data here.
No data of this type at this station.
- CPPA (13 March 2007; Washington , DC, USA)
- GAPP (10 March 2004; Irvine, Calif ornia, USA)
- GAPP (31 March 2003; Berlin, Germany)
- GAPP (6 March 2002; Tokyo, Japan)
- EOP-3/4 and beyond Data Sets and Documentation
- Surface Meteorological Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- Soil Temperature and Moisture Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- Flux Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- Meteorological Tower Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- EOP-1 Converted Format Data Sets and Documentation
- EOP-1 Native Format Data Sets and Documentation