Regional Hydroclimate Project:
formerly known as CAMP (CEOP Asian Monsoon Project)
Tibet - Amdo-Tower
Tibet - Amdo-SMTMS
Tibet - ANNI-AWS
Tibet - BJ-SAWS1
Tibet - BJ-SAWS2
Tibet - BJ-SAWS3
Tibet - BJ-SMTMS
Tibet - BJ-Tower
Tibet - D105-AWS
Tibet - D105-DSTMS
Tibet - D105-SMTMS
Tibet - D110-AWS
Tibet - D110-SMTMS
Tibet - D66-AWS
Tibet - D66-SMTMS
Tibet - Gaize
Tibet - MS3478-AWS
Tibet - MS3608-AWS
Tibet - MS3608-SMTMS
Tibet - MS3637-SMTMS
Tibet - Naqu-DSTMS
Tibet - Tuotuohe-SMTMS
Name:Shigenori Haginoya
Physical Meteorology Research Depertment, Meteorological Research Institute, JMA.
1-1, Nagamine, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0052, JAPAN
Telephone: +81-29-853-8706
Fax: +81-29-855-6936
Latitude : 32.30 N
Longitude : 84.05 E
Elevation : 4416 m a.s.l.
Tibet Mesoscale Map (click for full resolution):
Tibet Plateau Map (click for full resolution):
Station Description:
General Description:
To clarify the energy and water cycle in the Tibetan Plateau, it is important to understand the characteristics of the basic meteorological elements and surface fluxes. The purpose of Gaize AWS (Automatic Weather Station) observation is to monitor these meteorological values.
Station Operator:
A staff of Gaize Meteorological Station (station number 55248).
Vegetation and Land Use:
Dominant land cover at the measurement location: Bare land (with thin weed-like plant): Plain land.
Canopy height: Less than 5cm.
Density of Canopy: No information.
Land cover within 50 m of site: Bare land.
Land cover within 500 m of site: Bare land.
Land cover within 12 km of site: Bare land.
Seasonal land cover changes: Vegetation is sparse and limited to rainy season (June - August). During this period it consists of short plateau spike-like weeds (Stipa purpurrea) and desert spike-like weeds (Stipa glareosa), which are only a few tens of mm height at the observation site.
Major changes in land cover at site during CEOP data period: No information.
Slope at the site: Plain
Other notes: None
Soil Type and Characterization:
Surface soil type: clay with a certain amount of sand.
Soil type in deeper layers: No information.
Surface soil porosity: 0.37
Soil porosity in deeper layers: No information.
Soil infiltration rate: No information.
Bulk Dry Density: 1.49x10^3kgm-3
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: No information.
The Soil Reference Group(s) (from World Reference Base for Soil Resources): No information.
Semi-arid or arid climate conditions.
- Station pressure - 0.5 m PTB220C VAISALA
- Air Temperature - 0.5 m Thermometer Ogasawara Keik
- Dew point - 0.5 m derived
- Relative humidity - 0.5 m HMP-45D VAISALA
- Specific humidity - 0.5 m derived.
- Wind speed - 4.6 m 3 cup anemometer(VS-125) Ogasawara Keiki
- Wind direction - 4.6 m WS-D32 Komatsu
- U wind component - 4.6 m derived.
- V wind component - 4.6 m derived.
- Precipitation - 0.5 m Rain Guage Ogasawara Keiki
- Snow depth - Not measured.
- Incoming shortwave radiation - 1.67 m MS-802 EKO
- Outgoing shortwave radiation - 1.30 m MS-802 EKO
- Incoming longwave radiation - 1.67 m MS-202 EKO
- Outgoing longwave radiation - 1.30 m MS-202 EKO
- Net radiation - derived
- Skin temperature - 1.37 m Thermo-hunter IK3 OPTEX
- Incoming Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) - Not measured.
- Outgoing Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) - Not measured.
- Sensible heat flux - Not measured.
- Latent Heat flux - Not measured.
- CO2 Flux - Not measured.
- Soil heat flux - 3 and 8 cm depths MF-81 EKO
- Soil temperature - 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 cm depths - Pt100 Ogasawara Keiki
- Soil moisture - 3, 20, and 40 cm depths - Trime EZ IMKO
No data of this type available at this station.
No data of this type available at this station.
None provided.
- MAHASRI (13 March 2007; Washington, DC, USA)
- Introduction to CAMP Quality Control Data System (27 February 2006; Paris, France)
- GAME/CAMP (10 March 2004; Irvine, California, USA)
- GAME/CAMP (02 April 2003; Berlin, Germany)
- CAMP Tibet 31 March 2003; Berlin Germany)
- CAMP Tibet (6 March 2002; Tokyo, Japan)
- EOP-3/4 and beyond Data Sets and Documentation
- Soil Temperature and Moisture Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- Flux Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- Meteorological Tower Data: Current Status and Browse Plots
- EOP-1 Converted Format Data Sets and Documentation
- EOP-1 Native Format Data Sets and Documentation