The documentation (i.e. the "Readme" file) that accompanies each CEOP Reference Site Data Set is as important as the data itself. This information permits collaborators and other analysts to become aware of the data and to understand any limitations or special characteristics of data that may impact its use elsewhere. The data set documentation should accompany all data set submissions and contain the information listed in the outline below. The following outline (and content) should be adhered to as closely as possible to make the documentation consistent across all data sets. A documentation file submission must accompany each submitted data set.
TITLE: This should match the data set name
Name(s) of Reference Site Contact(s)
Complete mailing address, telephone/facsimile Nos.,
E-mail address and WWW address (if applicable)
Similar contact information for data questions (if different than above)
Introduction or abstract
Time period covered by the data
Physical location (including lat/lon/elev) of the measurement or platform, landscape, and soil characteristics
Data source if applicable (e.g. for operational data include agency)
Any World Wide Web address references (i.e. additional documentation such as Project WWW site)
Description of instrumention (e.g. make, model, height, and relationship to the canopy.)
Figures (or links), if applicable
Instrumentation specifications (e.g. accuracy, precision, frequency, resolution, etc.)
Description of data collection
Description of derived parameters and processing techniques used (e.g., sampling interval,
averaging methods, etc.)
Description of quality control procedures including an exact description of data flagging methodology (e.g., range limits, physically based checks, etc.)
Description of gap filling procedures
PI's assessment of the data (i.e. disclaimers, instrument problems, quality issues, etc.)
Missing data periods
Data intercomparisons, if applicable
Specify how you require your data to be referenced.
List of documents cited in this data set description