Each data set submitted by a Reference Site will be named using the following conventions:
CSE is the Continental Scale Experiment (CSE) acronym (e.g., CAMP);
which is the same as the CSE Identifier shown in the actual data file.
RefSite is the name of the Reference Site or an obvious shortened version of same (e.g., ChinaSea);
which is the same as the Reference Site Identifier shown in the actual data file.
Station is the name of the particular station at the Reference Site (e.g., Taipei);
(if a Reference Site has only one station just repeat the RefSite name);
which is the same as the Station Identifier shown in the actual data file.
bdate is the beginning date of the data in the actual data file in the format:
yyyy is the four digit year,
mm is the two digit month, and
dd is the two digit day;
edate is the ending date of the data in the actual data file in the same format as the bdate;
ext is the file extention which varies depending on the data set as follows:
Data Set | File Extension |
Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data Set | sfc |
Flux Data Set | flx |
Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture Data Set | stm |
Meteorological Tower Data Set | twr |
CAMP is the CSE identifier
ChinaSea is a shortened version of the complete Reference Site name
Taipei is one of the stations that is a part of the ChinaSea Reference Site
20021001 1 October 2002 is the beginning date of the data within the file
20030331 31 March 2003 is the ending date of the data within the file
sfc this is the Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data Set