Sample Data set (01102800.AED 29KB)
========================================================= Radiosonde : The dataset documentation ---------------------------------------------------------- 1.TITLE CAMP-TIBET / Radiosonde LEVEL 1 DATA. 2. INVESTIGATOR(S) 2.1 Investigator(s) Name And Title OGINO Shin-Ya (Graduate School of Science and Technology/ Kobe University, Japan) 2.2. Title of Investigation. CEOP(Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period)/ CAMP(CEOP related Asian Monsoon Experiment)-Tibet 2.3 Contacts (For Data Production Information) =============================================================================== | Contact 1 | Contact 2 --------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------ 2.3.1 Name | OGINO Shin-Ya | FUJII Hideyuki --------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------ 2.3.2 Address | Graduate School of | Depertment of Civil Engneering | Science and Technology, | University of Tokyo, | Kobe University, | 7-3-1 Hongo,Bunkyoku, | Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan | Tokyo,113-8656 Japan --------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------ 2.3.3 Tel.No. | +81 78 803 6558 | +81-3-5841-6107 --------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------ 2.3.4 Fax.No. | +81 78 803 5787 | +81-3-5841-6130 --------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------ 2.3.5 E-mail. | ogino@ahs.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp | fujii@hydra.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp ============================================================================== 3. OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE Radiosonde observations are conducted in dorder clarify the energy and water cycle in the Tibetan Plateau. It is important to understand the interaction between the surface and the boundary layer and also between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere. The purpose of radiosonde observation is to measure the vertical profile of temperature, humidity and wind. 4. EQUIPMENT Radiosonde: Vaisala RS80 GPS radiosonde Radiosonde receiver: Vaisala DigiCORA II MW15 4.1 Platform Ground 4.2 Calibration. Surface pressure, temperature and relative humidity are calibrated in the normal DigiCORA operation before the balloon launch. 5. THEORY OF MEASUREMENTS The radiosonde observation is conducted with the standard method. The radiosonde (includes pressure, temperature and humidity sensors and the radio transmitter) attached to the balloon ascends upward with the speed of about 5 m/s measuring the pressure, temperature and relative humidity, and transmit these data to the receiver at the ground. The wind is calculated from the balloon movement measured by the GPS. 6. STATION AND DATA INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 6.7 Station name | Lat. | Long. | Alt. | Temporal Coverage | Temporal | Data File | (deg.) | (deg.) | (m) | | Resolution | name -------------+--------+---------+------+----------------------------+------------+---------- BJ | 31.369 | 91.899 | 4509 | June 10-17 | 3 or 6 hour| yymmddhh.AED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.8 Spatial Coverage from the ground upto 20 km altitude 6.9 Spatial Resolution about 50 m in vertical (10 sec sampling) 7. DATA DESCRIPTION 7.1. Type of Data. ========================================================================= 7.1.1 | 7.1.2 | 7.1.3 | 7.1.4 Parameter/Variable | Range | Units | Source Description | | | -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- Altitude | 0 - 35000 | m | calculated from pressrure, | | | temperature and humidity -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- Pressure | 1100 - 1 | hPa | barometer -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- Temperature | -100 - +50 | degC | thermometer -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- Relative Humidity | -1 - +100 | % | humidity sensor -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- Dew point | -100 - +50 | degC | calculated from pressrure, temperature | | | temperature and humidity -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- Wind direction | 0 - 360 | deg | GPS -------------------+---------------+--------+---------------------------- wind speed | 0 - 100 | m/s | GPS ========================================================================= 7.2. Missing Value Identify "/////" (The number of "/" is diffrent among the parameters) 7.3. Time Stamp N/A 7.4. Sample Database Data Record. 0 0 22 1006.9 24.6 96 23.9 351 1.3 TUdfv 0 10 69 1001.4 24.2 89 22.3 15 2.2 Pi wi 0 20 121 995.6 24.0 87 21.7 27 2.5 TU 0 30 179 989.0 24.1 83 21.0 35 2.7 0 40 239 982.3 24.3 78 20.2 38 2.9 0 50 301 975.4 24.6 74 19.7 39 3.0 .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. 7.5. Data Format. 1st and 2nd column: time after the balloon launch (minitues and seconds) 3rd column: Altitude (m/MSL) 4th column: Pressure (hPa) 5th column: Temperature (degC) 6th column: Relative humidity (%) 7th column: Dew point temperature (degC) 9th column: Wind direction (deg) 10th column: Wind speed (m/s) 11th, 12th, ...: Flags(*) (*) flags: T: Significance level of temperature U: Significance level of humidity d: Significance level of wind direction f: Significance level of wind speed v: Significance level of wind using vector criteria Tr: Tropopause Pi: Pressure interpolated Ti: Temperature interpolated Ui: Humidity interpolated 8. NOTES 8.1. Known Problems With The Data. N/A 8.2. Other Relevant Information. N/A 9. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS N/A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------