Below is a list of publications resulting from CASES and some for the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments Group (ABLE), which runs the ABLE array in the lower Walnut River Watershed.
Pflaum, J.C., 1997: Research and educational opportunities in water resources at the cooperative atmosphere-surface exchange study (CASES) site. Water Resources education, training and practive: Opportunities for the next Century, a conference held 29 June--3 July by the American Water Resources Association.
Grossman, R. L. and M. A. LeMone, 1998: Primary effects of soil moisture content on the diurnal variation of the structure of the fair-weather atmospheric boundary layer: CASES--97 (Walnut River Watershed, S. Central Kansas). International Conf. of Precipitation:Predictability of Rainfall at the Various Scales, June 29--July 1, 1997, Mauna Lani Bay, Hawaii. 20
Grossman, R.L. and M.A. LeMone, 1998: CASES and CASES-97, A Land Surface - Atmosphere Interaction Study Opportunity. Annual Meeting of the American Water Resources Association, Breckenridge, CO. An attempt to interest the hydrological community in CASES and the CASES-97 data set.
LeMone, M.A., and R. L. Grossman, 1998:~ Primary effects of soil moisture content on the diurnal variation of the structure, and moisture budgets in the fair-weather atmospheric boundary layer: CASES--97 (Walnut River Watershed, southeastern Kansas). GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 8-12 June 1998.
LeMone, M.A., R.L. Grossman, and W. Blumen, 1998: Effect of Soil moisture on the diurnal variability of the atmospheric boundary layer. Presented (by Blumen) at the European Geophysical Association (Nice, France), April.
LeMone, M.A., R.L. Grossman, and R.Coulter, 1998: The need for longer-term sets of complementary and horizontally-distributed profile measurements in boundary-layer field campaigns (invited paper). Fourth International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling. Snowmass, CO, September 21--25.
LeMone, M.A., S. Oncley, T. Horst, R. Grossman, J. Lundquist, R. Qualls, R. McMillen, B. Hicks, R. Coulter, and J. Klazura, 1998: Factors affecting the diurnal variation of water vapor over a mesoscale watershed: preliminary results from CASES-97. Poster presentation given as part of the AMS Special Session on Hydrology, Phoenix, Arizona, January.
Chen, Fei, D. Yates, M. LeMone, H. Nagai, S. Oncley, r. Qualls, and R. Grossman, 1999: A multi-scale data set for studying land-surface heterogeneity and validating land-surface models. Hydrology Program Investigators Meeting, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2-3 Nov., 1999, Columbia, MD.
Cuenca, R.H., 1999: Ground-based soil moisture observations in regional scale experiments. 31F-07 (invited) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 13-17.
Grossman, R.L., and M.A. LeMone, 1999: CASES-97 moisture and sensible heat budgets over a midwest watershed during the morning transition: Methods and results. H41C-13 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 13-17.
Haffner, D.P, L. Venkataraman, R.L. Dubayah, and R.J. Qualls, 1999: Sensitivity of Boundary layer depth and surface properties in a coupled land surface atmosphere model. HB41-03 poster AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 13-17.
LeMone, M.A., and R.L. Grossman, 1999: CASES-97: Some features in the horizontal variability in the diurnal variation of the temperature and water vapor near the surface. H41C-12 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 13-17.
Lundquist, J.K, and W. Blumen, 1999: The influence of surface processes on the development of the low level jet over the Great Plains of the United States. H52-07 poster AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec 13-17.
Nagai, H., H. Yamazawa, M. LeMone, F. Chen, D. Yates, S. Oncley, and R. Grossman, 1999: Development of atmosphere-soil-vegetation model. 1999 Autumn Conference of Meteorological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, Japan, 24--26 November, 1999.
Wesely, M. L., R. L. Coulter, and J. Song, 1999: Evapotranspiration and soil moisture estimates in the Walnut River Watershed. Poster presentation and web text for the Land Surface Hydrology Program Investigators Meeting, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2-3 Nov., 1999, Columbia, MD.
Conference-Proceedings Publications
LeMone, M. A., S. Oncley, T. Horst., R. L. Grossman, J. K. Lundquist, R. McMillen, B. Hicks, R. Coulter, and G. Klazura, 1998: CASES-97: Diurnal variation of the fair-weather PBL. Proceedings, Special Session on Hydrology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88--92.
Pekour, M. S., 1998: Removal of bird contamination in wind profiler signal spectra. Proceedings, 9th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing and Associated Techniques of the Atmosphere and Oceans, University of Agricultural Sciences, 6-10 July 1998, Vienna, Austria, pp. 80-83.
Coulter, R.L., 1999: Convergence estimates over the ABLE region during CASES-97 obtained from radar wind profiler and sodar data. Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological soc., Dallas, Texas, 10--15 January 1999, 508--511.
LeMone, M.A., and R.L. Grossman, 1999: Evolution of potential temperature and moisture during the morning: CASES-97. Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence 500--503 and Proc. 14th Conf. on Hydrology 446-449, Dallas, TX, 10-15 Jan,
Song, J., M.L. Wesely, R.L. Coulter, B.M. Lesht, R.H. Cuenca, S.P. Oncley, and E.A. Brandes, 1999: Inference of extractable soil moisture in the plant root zone at the Walnut River Watershed. Proc. 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Dallas, TX, 10-15 January. 539--541.
Song, J., M.L. Wesely, R.L. Coulter, B. M. Lesht, S.P. Oncley, R.H. Cuenca, and E.A.Brandes, 1999: Diurnal evapotranspiration estimates inthe Walnut River Wastershed. 14th Conf. on Hydrology. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Dallas, 10-15 January, 1999, 102--105.
Chen, Fei, D. Yates, M. LeMone, H. Nagai, S. Oncley, R. Qualls, and R. Grossman, 2000: A multi-scale data set for studying land-surface heterogeneity and validating land-surface models. AMS Conference on Hydrology, 10--14 Jan, in press.
Song, J., and M. L. Wesely, 2000: Estimating root-zone moisture and evapotranspiration by using satellite data. Preprints, 15th Conference on Hydrology, 9-14 Jan. 2000, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Boston, MA, in press.
Refereeed publications
Brandes, E.A., J. Vivekanandan and J.W. Wilson, 1999: A comparison of radar reflectivity estimates of rainfall from collocated radars. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Technol., 16, 1264--1272.
Pekour, M.S., and R.L. Coulter, 1999: A technique for removing the effect of migrating birds in 915-MHz wind profiler data. J. Atmos. Technology, 16, 1941--1948.
Vivekanandan, J., D.S. Zrnic, S.M. Ellis, R. Oye, A.V. Ryzshkov and J. Straka, 1999: Cloud microphysics retrieval using S-band dual-polarization radar measurements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 80, 381--388.
LeMone, M.~A., R. Grossman, R. Coulter, M. Wesely, G. Klazura, G. Poulos, W. Blumen, J. Lundquist, R. Cuenca, S. Kelly, E. Brandes, S. Oncley, R. McMillan, B. Hicks, 2000: Land-atmosphere interaction research and opportunities in the Walnut River Watershed in Southeast Kansas: CASES and ABLE. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., in press.
Song, J., M.W. Wesely, R.L. Coulter, and E.A. Brandes, 1999: Estimating watershed evapotranspiration with PASS. Part I: Inferring Root-Zone moisture conditions using satellite data. Submitted to J. Hyrometeorology
Song, J, M. L. Wesely, M.A. LeMone, and R.L. Grossman, 1999: Estimating watershed evapotranspiration with PASS. Part II: Moisture budgets during drydown periods. Submitted to J. Hydrometeorology.
David Yates is preparing a paper on CASES-97 right now, but it has not yet been submitted.
Unpublished Manuscripts:
Ameka, Agbeli, 1999: An intercomparison of surface meteorological data collected during CASES-97. Paper for CU Course ATOC 4900.
Uebelherr, Joshua, 1999: Soil Moisture analysis of the Cooperative Atmospheric Surface Exchange Study 1997: Walnut Creek Watershed, Butler County, Kansas. Paper for GEOG 3511 at CU. (He's doing a senior thesis using CASES97 data)
ABLE: Possibly some CASES
Conference Proceedings
Wesely, M. L., R. L. Coulter, G. E. Klazura, B. M. Lesht, D. L. Sisterson, and J. D. Shannon, 1997: A planetary boundary layer observation capability in Kansas. Preprints, First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, 2-7 Feb. 1997, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Boston, MA, pp. 169-171.
Coulter, R. L., G. E. Klazura, B. M. Lesht, J. D. Shannon, D. L. Sisterson, and M. L. Wesely, 1998: Using the ABLE facility to observe urbanization effects on planetary boundary layer processes, Preprints, 2nd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Boston, MA, pp. J76-J79.
Coulter, R. L., G. Klazura, B. M. Lesht, J. D. Shannon, D. L. Sisterson, and M. L. Wesely, 1998: The Argonne Boundary Layer Experiments facility: Using minisodars to complement a wind profiler network. Proceedings, 9th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing and Associated Techniques of the Atmosphere and Oceans, University of Agricultural Sciences, 6-10 July 1998, Vienna, Austria, pp. 183-186.
Refereed Publications
Coulter, R. L., G. Klazura, B. M. Lesht, J. D. Shannon, D. L. Sisterson, and M. L. Wesely, 1999: The Argonne Boundary Layer Experiments facility: Using minisodars to complement a wind profiler network. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, in press.