EFS Notes 07-08-18 through 08-20 Installed AIRCOA G with three inlet lines. Line 1 using 1/4" Synflex to mast on Dalton building roof. Line 2 using 1/2" Synflex to Web Camera on first slickrock bench. Line 3 using 1/2" Synflex to second bench. Gast pump pulling on lines 2 and 3, ~ 4.5 SLPM each. Set up solenoid valves on lines 2 and 3 to isolate Gast Pump when sampling. Put 1' of 1/4" bev-a-line in line on lines 2 and 3 before tees to isolate tubing electrically. Line 1: 24' vertically plus 27' horizontally (7.3 and 8.2 m) 7' of 1/2" inside Dalton will assume 8' of 1/4" downstream of tees (not measured) 191' from Dalton to base of cliff 51' of tubing up cliff to web-cam +8' for mast (?) Line 2 is 58' vertically and 257' total 1/2" (plus 8' of 1/4") accounting for factor of 5.5 between 1/2" and 1/4" Synflex inner cross-section (software assumes all 1/4") makes this equivalent to 58' vertically plus 1363.5 horizontally (1413.5' total) Line 2: 58' vertically plus 1363.5 horizontally (17.6 m and 414.4 m) Line 3 is 128' vertically and 635' total 1/2" (plus 8' of 1/4") accounting for factor of 5.5 between 1/2" and 1/4" Synflex inner cross-section Line 3: 128' vertically plus 3372.5' horizontally (38.9 m and 1025.1 m) but software also assuming flow is 0 sccm through these lines when it is really ~ 4.5 SLPM. . . need to turn off or manually hack lag correction. . . 257' of 1/2" Synflex is 5.6 L so flushing in 1.25 min. 635' of 1/2" Synflex is 14.0 SLPM so flushing in 3.1 min. 10/09/07 - UPS died. Unit powered back up on 07-10-20 07-12-14 Memory stick filled up. Cleared and rebooted on 07-12-18. 08-02-07 Updated to new aircoa program (ascii dates) 08-03 to 08-06 Sample Flow meter has been gradually dropping 080911-080912 BBS, SB, and DB on site. Found Nafion #2 had a large hole in outer sheath - this was the cause of the low sample (outlet) flow. Replaced this Nafion. Replaced both mole seives. Found line 2 1/4" union fitting was finger tight, but no apparent leak as line 2 flow meter has read 0 during purge. Zero'd Li820, span did not need adjusting. Checked existing purge flows - had to put rotameter inline - read 8.5 SLPM on line 2 and 8.5 SLPM on line 3, but cal likely off b/c at low pressure. Replaced line 2 and 3 MFMs with AWM43600s, removed line 2 and 3 needle valves, removed standard purge pump, ran outlet line to large purge pump, and changed plumbing back to standard arrangement (only difference now is the purge pump is large). Checked new purge flows. Line 3 purging around 3.5 SLPM, line 2 purging at 5 SLPM - difference does not appear related to line lengths, but possibly related to filter restrictions. Ran line to upper bench - made old line 3, new line 2 and upper bench inlet the new line 3. Old line 2 (web camera) line left disconnected inside Dalton. Grounded all 4 lines with unions and a copper stake outside Dalton House. Slight revisions to old measurements: Line 1: 24' vt., 51' total (all 1/4") Line 2: 128' vt., 643' (of 1/2") + 8' (of 1/4") total Line 3: 288' vt., 1126' (of 1/2") + 8' (of 1/4") total (the unions at the ends of the first sections of lines 2 and 3 are ~ 19' apart - suspect that line 2 is 19' shorter, but need to confirm, for now left as is) Since program assumes all 1/4" need to convert total into 1/4" equiv. (*5.5) and then subtract off height to get horizontal distance: Line 1: 24/27 Line 2: 128/3416 Line 3: 288/5913 In meters: Line 1: 7.3/8.2 Line 2: 38.9/1038.3 Line 3: 87.5/1797.3 08-09 Line 1 now shows ~ 0.3 ppm drawdown in the afternoon. Previously, line 1 and 2 were likely biased low by about this amount from the line pressure effect. 08-11-13 Memory stick filled up. Cleared and rebooted on 8-17-08 (LT) 09-04-29 Mirco-pump failed. Stopped program on 09-05-11.