[1] "2017-04-07 23:29:30 MDT" [1] "1602" [1] "reading in daily output files:" [1] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/160222.html" [2] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/160223.html" [3] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/160224.html" [4] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/lmg_1602.html" [1] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/160222.html" [2] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/160223.html" [3] "/net/www/docs/homes/stephens/GO2/1602/160224.html" [1] "160222" "160224" [1] "160222" "160223" "160224" [1] "000000" "999999" [1] "Output file empty for 160222" [1] "160223_mr_proc.txt, 160223_cal_periods.txt, 160223_cal_param.txt,267jogs" [1] "160224_mr_proc.txt, 160224_cal_periods.txt, 160224_cal_param.txt,1029jogs" [1] "160222" "160224" "d053" "d055" [1] "Calculating derived concentration values" [1] "2017-04-07 23:29:30 MDT" [1] "o2scaleopt = wt, ave o2scale1 = 0.899, ave o2scale2 = 0.793" [1] "redoing deltadiff calc" [1] "reading in medium-rate plot titles" [1] "Plotting 1-minute data" [1] "2017-04-07 23:29:31 MDT" [1] "Plotting O2 and CO2 concentration data" [1] "2017-04-07 23:29:32 MDT" [1] "2017-04-07 23:29:32 MDT" [1] "Reading in cylinder log" Read 68 records [1] "Finding cylinder IDs" Read 420 records [1] "position 1 cylinder CB08910 description: HS CO2 = 384.48 O2 = -529.1" [1] "position 2 cylinder CA07671 description: MS CO2 = 393.12 O2 = -532.4" [1] "position 3 cylinder CB08911 description: LS CO2 = 405.98 O2 = -657.2" [1] "position 4 cylinder CC332564 description: LT CO2 = 393.93 O2 = -579.4" [1] "position 5 cylinder CB10023 description: WT1 CO2 = NA O2 = NA" [1] "position 6 cylinder CA07556 description: WT2 CO2 = NA O2 = NA" [1] "Plotting jog shapes" [1] "1602 Valve transient for Line 1 after Cal = -0.05 , -0.05 , 0 , -0.01 , -0.01 n = 4" [1] "1602 Valve transient for Line 1 after HS = -0.02 , -0.02 , -0.02 , -0.02 , -0.02 n = 2" [1] "1602 Valve transient for Line 1 after MS = -0.14 , -0.06 , 0.01 , 0 , -0.01 n = 2" [1] "1602 Valve transient for HS after Line 1 = 0.75 , 0.38 , 0.01 , 0.01 , 0.01 n = 1" [1] "1602 Valve transient for HS after LS = 3.48 , 1.75 , 0.02 , 0 , 0 n = 2" [1] "1602 Valve transient for MS after LS = 2.07 , 1.03 , -0.01 , -0.01 , 0 n = 1" [1] "1602 Valve transient for MS after LT = 1.32 , 0.65 , -0.02 , -0.02 , -0.01 n = 1" [1] "1602 Valve transient for LS after Line 1 = -1.67 , -0.84 , 0 , 0 , 0 n = 2" [1] "1602 Valve transient for LS after HS = -3.57 , -1.79 , -0.01 , 0 , 0 n = 1" [1] "1602 Valve transient for LT after LS = 0.65 , 0.34 , 0.03 , 0.02 , 0.01 n = 1" [1] "Plotting calibration sds and slopes" [1] "Plotting calibration parameters" [1] "Plotting calibration data" [1] "10 out of 30 remaining 1-min values OK w abs(diffback+difffwd)/2 < 0.2 and difference from interpolated clean < 0.2 ppm" [1] "20 out of 1152 1-min values rejected as stack air" [1] "20 out of 1152 Line 1 1-min values rejected as stack air" [1] "0 out of 0 Line 2 1-min values rejected as stack air" [1] "JGOFS data found" [1] "calculating wind bins" [1] "No data at PSA to aggregate" [1] "making cruise html" [1] "2017-04-07 23:29:47 MDT" [1] "plotting cyl pressures" [1] "LMG" [1] "making time-series html" [1] "making latitude gradient html" [1] "making html"