USE DATA FROM PERIOD: 1.000 355.74 CYLINDER POSITIONS (UNKNOWN=0, CO2 AND O2 KNOWN=1, CO2 ONLY KNOWN=2, DON'T USE=8, EMPTY=9): 1 1 2 0 3 1 4 0 5 0 6 1 7 0 8 1 9 0 10 1 11 0 12 1 13 9 NOTES: Unknowns pos ID description 2 CC129271 BB Secondary 4 CC129281 BB Secondary 5 CC129295 BB Secondary 7 CC129307 BB Secondary 9 CC161540 BB Secondary 11 CC129293 BB Secondary Knowns pos ID CO2 O2 description 1 ND20050 333.248 -39.35 BB Primary A 3 ND20887 361.722 -183.67 BB Primary B 6 ND19681 390.186 -369.79 BB Primary C 8 ND19273 414.850 -518.41 BB Primary D 10 ND19517 460.206 -714.23 BB Primary E 12 ND19529 504.414 -922.78 BB Primary F - seventh run of primaries versus secondaries - nskip 10 (makes slopes 0) - had to delete first line of mr because of bad date - deleted first 4 and last 3 lines of hr to match