20110628 Day of flight 21:38 Take-off delayed due to faulty DSM on Fred's rack. WT 248 closed; Changeover disabled; SP to cell. 23:36 Delayed cal briefly to sample over Lauder. Apparently Lauder was at 23:36 or so... LS was purging at time of passing over Lauder. 23:40:15 Cal back to auto again. 23:45:00 Checked to be sure cal will not go over midnight Zulu 23:59:59 Passed midnight NOT on a cal, without problem. 00:06 Finally closed LP green valve and on/off. Though there was a slight change in O2, this looks to have been a few mins earler (around 00:03), which was about 2-3 mins after we changed from flying over land to open water 00:09-00:11 Inlet Breath Test 1 on AO2 inlet @ 16Kft Possibility of small (.5ppm) raise in CO2 signal, but not anything sure. CO2 signal went up about 5 mins later, but same signature shows up in MEDCO2, so seems to be natural. 01:06 Noted metallic taste in mouth, perhaps smell of ozone... no one else detects it; possibly just my drink... 01:32-24 MEDUSA Inlet breath test @ 40Kft No obvious increase in MEDCO2 or MEDH2O signals. 01:36-01:38 AO2 inlet Breath Test #2 @ 40kft Possibility of a small rise in CO2 at about 36:30... 02:06 Forced cal on AO2 to get full dive from 43Kft to surface in a few mins at turnaround point. 02:20 Realized I forgot to reset calint to 50. Manual control, and back to SA around 39Kft 02:23 Reset to Automatic cal control, still with Calint 50. But somehow it wants to cal again. FREAKING CALS!! 02:24 Reset to Manual Control!! Will have to remember to change back after dive. Setting alarm. 02:27 Noticed that after HA3 adjustment, PaWT is lower, now at about 756. Which means WT P is lower than SP P for the first time in a while. 02:33 Actually, now PaWT is 800 again. Perhaps WT was purging, unbeknownst to me? 02:53 Returned cal to auto. Calint is still 50l 04:16~ At 52.1S, prominent front in clouds (see pics from Nikon) Boundary between polar currents? 06:10 Delayed cal to get whole profile into Hobart