parcel model unable to match droplet concentrations using measurements of CCN and updraft.
It is important for the model to match the droplet concentration. The measured CCN spectrum was
N = 270 S^1.5 but we had to fudge it to N = 1000 S^1.2
Here is model input file
wave cloud tests, sinusoidal parcel with 1 km lift for Wyo sounding
-.126 0.000 0. ! RM1, RM2, F for condens-frz. (10f8.0)
622.-8.0 1.2003500. 0. ! PAM, TAM, RHOAMV, VZ, VZDEL (16f5.0)
0 ! NATRL, IRAD (2i3) ! next 2 lines CNCN, CACN
0.10.0500.0250.0100.0050.0030.001 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0
1000. 1.20 ! CCCN, CCNP, SSCCN (16f5.0)
1 -2 ! means: start (no further particle data)
1200. 1.0 10 10 ! TSTOP, TIME, NSKIP, nICEchoice
-4 ! quit (don't run beyond TSTOP seconds
!Line Description
!1 Comment line describing experiment (heads output file)
!2 Immersion freezing activation line. RM1 is no longer used. RM2
! is a parameter in the heterogeneous freezing of solution
! droplets below -35C that equates to the fraction of CCN
! containing a potential freezing nucleus (0.1 is a reasonable
! value) if activated. F is a switch to activate immersion
! freezing routine for cloud droplets (F = 1 activates).
!3 Normally, this line specifies initial parcel pressure (mb),
! temperature (C), vapor density (g/m3), vertical velocity (cm/s),
! and acceleration (+/-cm/s2). For this simulation, the
! vertical velocity term was used to specify the parcel height.
!4 Switch for natural (0) or artificially seeded (1 or 2) simulation.
! Parameter IRAD (0 or 1) is not documented in the original code or
! manual. It may relate to radiation terms in the diffusion and heat
! exchange equations. We have always used IRAD = 0.
!5 Size distribution of natural aerosols (bin limits given in last
! two lines of KY_CONST.INP) for scavenging and contact freezing
! calculations. Units are per cc.
!6 Size distribution of artificial ice nuclei (per cc).
!7 CCN spectral coefficients N0 and P. SSCCN is for use if one
! wants to assume that all of the CCN up to a given water
! supersaturation have already been "used." Usually set to 0.
!8 Starting switches
!9 Total run time (s), time step (s), write data every #th step,
! and a parameter related to printing out ice crystal size dists.
!10 Switch to stop (-4), alter updraft (-3), add particles (-2) etc...