(Aug 31, 1998 - draft contribution for AMS BAMS article, in preparation)
The focus of the ice nuclei (IN) studies during FIRE-SHEBA
Primary instrumentation for these studies was on the NCAR C-130.
Measurements were made using the following techniques:
Ice nuclei were measured with a continuous flow diffusion (CFD)
chamber, which is illustrated in Figure 1. The CFD chamber consists
of two concentric cylinders. Sample air is sandwiched between
particle-free sheath air and flows downward through the space
between the cylinders. The cylinder walls are coated with ice
and held at different temperatures to create a supersaturation.
Ice nuclei activate, grow as ice crystals to ~3 to 8µm and
are detected at the exit with an optical particle counter (OPC).
The number of voltage pulses exceeding the threshold for 3µm
particles is recorded at 5Hz. Analog pulse heights are also scaled
into 256 channels, compiled every 10s, for analyzing particle
size distributions from ~0.4 to 8µm. The crystals exiting
the chamber can be collected on electron microscope grids with
an inertial impactor.
Total flow through the CFD is ~10LPM, of which the
sample is ~1LPM; thus 90% of the flow is filtered and recycled
as a particle free sheath. The flow is laminar, and residence
time is 3-10s. Sample temperature can be set in the range 10
to -35°C. The sample humidity can be independently set from
ice saturation to 20% water supersaturation, SSw.
Arrangements for sampling air on the C-130 are shown
in Figure 2. The community air was continuously flushed with
a large flow of air (~1000 LPM). Ice nuclei measurements were
made at the CSU instrument rack with small flows from the duct.
The CFD drew about 1 LPM and the CN counter drew ~1.5 LPM. During
selected periods of ~10-30 minutes, additional aerosol samples
were collected on 47mm diameter polycarbonate membrane filters.
These collected all aerosol particles for later processing in
the laboratory. Other samples of total aerosol were taken by
using a PIXE impactor to collect particles onto electron microscope
(EM) grids. Another impactor at the exit of the CFD chamber was
used to collect crystals that nucleated and grew in the chamber.
These crystals contained the ice nucleating particles and were
collected on TEM grids.
An example of ice nuclei measurements is shown in Figure 3 for
the May 4 flight from 22:06 to 22:40UTC. The aircraft had just
descended through the inversion and low level cloud, then spent
the next hour flying transects near SHEBA at altitudes from ~30m
to ~500m AGL. During the descent, the vertical profile showed
strong changes of aerosol concentration that coincided with the
thermal stratifications, as described elsewhere in this paper.
The figure shows that CN concentrations near the surface were
generally quite small and steady ~200/cc except for occasional
brief spikes of higher concentration when the airplane crossed
its own exhaust (see flight track) or perhaps the plume from the
ship. The large dip in CN was caused by deliberately filtering
the sample (see bottom panel) as a check for air leaks.
The ambient temperature was 20°C at the top of the
inversion (1000m AGL) and 24°C at its base (~980m AGL).
As shown in the top two panels of Figure 3, the ice nuclei were
measured over a range of temperatures and humidities in the CFD
chamber, from 24 to 20°C and from 10% to
+20% supersaturation during this time period. The IN concentrations
are shown in two panels - on the linear scale to illustrate the
consistently low values, and also on a logarithmic scale (with
CN) to illustrate the high concentrations that appeared when the
supersaturation was > +20%. Note that the high values dropped
rapidly to zero in response to the filter, in parallel with the
CN. For supersaturations < +10%, IN concentrations were generally
very small, averaging 0.45/L before the SSw peak and 1.30/L afterwards.
The linear plot of IN shows the 60 second average concentration,
and is based on accumulating the 5Hz counts and dividing by the
sample volume. Sixty second samples are ~1.0 liter. A large
fraction of the 5Hz counts were zero: outside the SSw peak, there
are ~8350 points, of which 98.9% are zero.
What is the significance of the large IN concentrations at high
SSw? Values of SSw larger than about 2% are not generally expected
in clouds, since CCN particles are usually sufficiently abundant
to limit the peak SSw. Nevertheless, there have been speculations,
based on theoretical analyses, that there can be small regions
of some clouds where there are few CCN, and SSw can rise to higher
values. We operated the CFD at high SSw because it is possible
with this technique. The measurements shown here suggest that
if such SSw could be achieved in clouds, large numbers of ice
crystals would be nucleated. We do not infer that high SSw can
be achieved in Arctic clouds.
Impactor samples of IN and total aerosol were obtained during
this time period, but they have not been analyzed yet.