S-Pol Operators Log

S-Pol WISP04, Marshall Field Site, Colorado
Feb/Apr 2004

About this Log

This is a transcript of the data log written on-site at S-Pol during operations. The log contains information about system problems and adjustments. This information may be of use to the analyst who finds something that is suspected of being caused by a system problem. Every attempt was made to transcribe information exactly, with changes limited to some minor editorial corrections (generally, spelling or expansion of abbreviations). Any comments added by the editor are shown in square brackets [like this].

Special thanks are given here to the operators of S-Pol who ran the system and wrote this log. The operators' initials are provided at the far right of the entry for each day, after the data tape number. See the end of this page for a list of operator names.

03-March-04 P25774 AP/KH 22:28 Started Ops 00:00 Had to Reboot 2nd Freq (K Band) to fix RDA display. Wasn't K band problem 01:02 Shut Down
04-March-04 P25775 DF 22:14 Start GroupA Sequence 00:07 Changed to Group B Sequence 01:30 Lost K-Band Xmtr Mag Overcurrent 05:07 End Operations
10-March-04 P25776 AP 19:48 Started Ops , K-band Keep Braking Rec. Loc No tape Recordings? 20:09 Tapes Started 20:30 K Band Down for Software Changes 21:33 K band Back up 03:09 K band Down - magnetron Fault 03:51 End - No K Band
13-March-04 P25777 DF 05:29 Running HV, Sur 1 @ .5 and 1.5 EL 06:10 Switched to H only 1000 PRF, 200 Hits 06:28 End H only, Changed to SIGMET 06:32 Running GNXRD @ 1250 PRF 06:37 320 PRF 06:52 RHI over top 1250 PRF 06:55 320 PRF SUR 1 07:03 1250 PRF 07:08 320 PRF 07:09 END
24-March-04 P25778 SPOL and Ka Band Test Tapes
27-March-04 P25779/780 DF 22:00 Running SEQ A No Tapes 22:04 Switched to Dual Pol - Receiver was in H only 23:00 Changed to H only 1000 Hits for TS DATA 23:45 End Data Collection
02-Apr-04 P25781 DF 21:00 Began Ops Sur 1 21:55 Changed to Group B Scans 00:55 Vertical Pointing 01:04 Back to Gorup B Scans 04:09 Vertical Pointing 04:15 Gorup B Scan 11:00 Off "un-Attended Mode". D and S Band Sytems Appear OK
hr> *** END-OF-PROJECT ***

IHOP_2002 S-Pol Operators
Initials Name
DF Don Ferraro
KH Kyle Holden
AP Al Phinney

Document Maintenance: Bob Rilling, / NCAR Atmospheric Technology Division
Created: 08-June-2004
Last modified: