NCAR Home Page for VTMX
VTMX (Vertical Transport and MiXing) is a new program of
the Dept of Energy's Environmental Meteorology Program (EMP).
It is concerned with vertical transport and mixing in the boundary layer,
particularly in stably stratified conditions, weak or intermittent turbulence,
and morning/evening transitions.
VTMX is centered primarily around urban basins or valleys and will investigate
phenomena such as formation and evolution of inversions and motion of
pollutants around layers trapped in valleys.
The first field campaign for VTMX was centered on the
Salt Lake Valley over the month of October, 2000.
NCAR is one of several groups participating in this program.
NCAR Instruments at VTMX
NCAR/ATD had a site at the southern end of the Salt Lake Valley,
near the town of Bluffdale.
The coords are 40° 27.8 N 111° 55.9 W, altitude 1370 m.
Our instruments there were an extended
ISS (Integrated Sounding System) including :
GLASS Radiosondes
a high resolution lidar back scatter lidar
- Metek DSDPA.90-24 mini-sodar
- MAPR, our
advanced UHF wind profiler radar
a new tethered blimp sonde being developed at NCAR/ATD
- Surface meteorology sensors (Temparature, Relative Humidity, Pressure, Wind speed & direction, and Solar Radiation)
Preliminary plots from many instruments
(please contact us if you wish to use these images in presentations or
- Summary plots
for the soundings, TAOS, surface met, and MAPR
SABL VTMX page, plots and data comments
Text directories to data images (quicker to download than plot summaries)
- Interactive image archive:
Bill Brown,
Email: wbrown at
Last modified: Oct 2002
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