Corrections Summary

S-PolKa RICO, Codrington, Barbuda
Nov 2004 - Jan 2005

The following is a summary of corrections. See the "Known Problems" link for details about corrections.

S-band Zdr             +.37 dB, entire project
S-band Reflectivity   +1.4  dB, entire project

Ka HH Reflectivity    +8.4  dB, entire project

Ka noise power adjustment (used for noise power correction)

     Inclusive dates       Noise_HH    Noise_VV
                            (dBm)       (dBm)

     20041124-20041215     -111.30     -109.2
     20041216-20041218     -111.30     -108.69
     20041219-20041228     -111.82     -108.69
     20041229-20050125     -111.35     -107.66

--- Bob Rilling --- / NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory
Created: Mon Jan 16 13:36:05 MST 2006
Last modified: