- 22: Status, Site none, Sat 18-Dec-2004 20:36:48 AST, Daily Status Template
RICO IOP? [Y/N, #]:
Other Events/Comments:
Radiometers cleaned [date (daily)]:
TRH filter replaced [date (weekly)]:
TRH fan/cable inspected [date (weekly)]:
Data System
Base station [up]:
Freewave transmission [Y/N]:
ICharge [2A day/0A night]:
Vbatt [13.6V day/12.4V night]:
Pressure [~1013mb]:
T/RH [27C, day/26C night, 70-80%]:
Rainr [0 if no precip.]:
Speed [~8 m/s]:
Dir [~60 deg]:
Rsw [cosine if no clouds, 800 W/m2 max day/0 night]:
Rlw [~380 W/m2]:
- 11: Status, Site none, Thu 09-Dec-2004 18:41:43 AST, Daily Status Directions
This is a bit of a cheat sheet for how to fill in the
"DAILY STATUS" logbook entry.
1. logbook is entered from any text window on the base station
laptop by typing "logbook".
click on entry # "Daily Status Template" (or on the latest
Daily Status entry)
(may have to scroll down with right-hand scrollbar)
click on "Clone"
click on "Author" in new "entry" window
click on your name
click anywhere in the bottom part of the "entry" window
enter comments after ":", some hints are in "[]"
click on "Done" at top of "entry" window
click on "File"
click on "Save and Exit"
Weather: {please note precipitation}
RICO IOP? [Y/N, #]: {obvious}
Other Events/Comments: {anything you want the world to know
in perpetuity}
Service {Note dates of most recent activity. Plan a service
visit if too much time has elapsed.}
Data System
Base station: {Note if base has been rebooted.}
Freewave transmission [Y/N]: {type "lsrawdata", there should be
at least 3 files each day with names: s1_yymmdd_hh0000.dat
(new files are opened every 8 hours or on station reboot).
The last file listed should be within 8 hours of current time.}
{The rest of Daily Status is from the QC Plots on the WWW site or
the rico.met() function using Splus. Please note data gaps (generally),
data spikes, or other significant changes.}
- 9: Logger/Rad/Rain, Site none, Thu 09-Dec-2004 15:09:26 AST, Rain at Spol.
At the Spol site today, we have recorded 0.05" of rain.
- 1: LOG, Site none, Sat 04-Dec-2004 16:18:50 AST, Logbook created
initial log file /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/RICO/logbook/tklog.log created by USER aster