plows-iss1: Logbook Entries

plows-iss1: SOUNDING Messages: 8 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
51 Mon 15-Feb-2010Lockup issuesMISSBill
44 Fri 05-Feb-2010SoundingMISSSteve
42 Wed 03-Feb-2010SoundingMISSSteve
33 Wed 25-Nov-2009SoundingMISSTim
26 Mon 16-Nov-2009Sounding infoMISSBill
10 Mon 19-Oct-2009PLOWS FL1 testUMBSLou
8 Mon 05-Oct-2009Plows site 17c 20100214 UMBSiss
2 Tue 27-Jun-2000Sounding Launch Log TemplateUMBSiss

51: SOUNDING, Site MISS, Mon 15-Feb-2010 09:57:46 GMT, Lockup issues
Had a couple of lockup issuses on 0Z and 2Z soundings:

0Z sounding (launched about 23:28UT, serial num D2844510) had a GAUS software lockup; data okay but no web plot yet. Will be recoverable on post-processing.

2Z sounding, had trouble getting GPS lock:  tried serial nums D2845047 and D2845031 but both didn't lock after at least 5 minutes on stand and software restarts so weren't launched at this time. Finally E4430434 did lock after 10 minutes on stand, so was launched.  It was snowing so weather may have been a factor.

Used D2845047 and D2845031 successfully on later soundings (both got GPS lock after just a minute or two).

44: SOUNDING, Site MISS, Fri 05-Feb-2010 06:33:47 GMT, Sounding
Soundings for IOP 6 from the west edge of the Sleep Inn parking lot (next to Quality Inn parking lot; prior IOP). 3-hourly soundings began for 06Z Feb 5 and should continue for about 30 hours.

06Z 05Feb sounding: lost signal about 180 mb, 13 km. Several warm layers in lowest 5 km. One associated with a dry layer.

42: SOUNDING, Site MISS, Wed 03-Feb-2010 19:29:58 GMT, Sounding
Sounding conducted for Eduction at Willard Airport (Champaign). Before launch, sonde was intrmittently losing signal.Launched anyway since primarily a demo. Data lost by 1500 m. GAUS PC froze. Aspen does not run on files. 

33: SOUNDING, Site MISS, Wed 25-Nov-2009 05:45:05 GMT, Sounding
Soundings conducted for IOP 08 from the NE corner of Comfort inn parking lot in Walcott, IA. 3 hourly soundings started at 06Z tuesday (midnight local) and continued for 24 hours, terminatating after the 06Z sounding on Wednesday.
The original plan was to continue until 12Z Wednesday.
The first sounding on IOP 08 failed to close correctly, and consequently doesn't have a proper suffix and launch detect. all other soundings are normal.
26: SOUNDING, Site MISS, Mon 16-Nov-2009 09:41:01 GMT, Sounding info
Soundings being launch every three hours from 2330UT (Nov 15).

WXT approx 10m from launch area and is about 3.5m above ground.

Using 100g balloons with 25 cu.ft. Helium.

Nov 15 2340 UT sonde - first package had no GPS on ground so not launched, second package ok.

Nov 16 5:34UT sonde got some interference around 250 mb.

Nov 16 1430UT sonde - temperature reading about 2C below WXT; also showing sub-zero temps just above gnd but rain at surface.

Nov 16 1735 2036 & 2325 UT soundings used 200g balloons to get rise rate up during daytime to aviod solar heating issues.

Nov 17 0245 UT - lost first balloon - sonde okay, successful launch on second balloon with same sonde package.
10: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Mon 19-Oct-2009 19:39:26 GMT, PLOWS FL1 test
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: Foothills	
date yymmdd:20091019 
launch time UTC: 1924
Sonde coef tape #:D2025467

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 834.4
Temp C		: 20.7
RH %		: 22

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 832.4
Temp C		: 22.6
RH%		: 24.8
Wind Spd m/s	: 4.6
Wind Dir deg	: 256

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )scattered cloud and sun


Termination Pressure mb	: 
Termination Altitude km	: 
Reason for Termination	: 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 74.9
     		Temp C		: -70
		RH %		: 3.3%
		Wspd m/s 	: 4.2
		Wdir deg	: 208
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

8: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Mon 05-Oct-2009 18:38:37 GMT, Plows site 17c 20100214
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: gool
date yymmdd: 
launch time UTC: 
Sonde coef tape #:

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH %		: 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH%		: 
Wind Spd m/s	: 
Wind Dir deg	: 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )


Termination Pressure mb	: 
Termination Altitude km	: 
Reason for Termination	: 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

2: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Tue 27-Jun-2000 13:01:25 GMT, Sounding Launch Log Template
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: 
date yymmdd: 
launch time UTC: 
Sonde coef tape #:

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH %		: 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH%		: 
Wind Spd m/s	: 
Wind Dir deg	: 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )


Termination Pressure mb	: 
Termination Altitude km	: 
Reason for Termination	: 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)