The images are from the last 8 hours of a 15 hour forecast made with the NCAR/PSU mesoscale model MM5 Version 3 using dynamic initialization period of 4 hours. The model is forced with output data from the operational forecasts from AWIP3D Eta 12 km model. We use two levels of nesting to produce a high resolution (1.333 km) simulation centered on SPOL in the OK panhandle. The images are divided into four categories. There is a separate index page for each category with thumbnail images of all the plots in that category.
Category | Domain | Description | ||
Time-height | S-Pol | Hillsboro | Homestead | Time-height plots |
Spatial cross-sections | d1 | d2 | d3 | Spatial cross-sections (horizontal versus height) between a point west of S-Pol and east of Homestead |
Horizontal Thermodynamic Fields | d1 | d2 | d3 | Contour plots in the horizontal plane |
Horizontal Microphysics Fields | d1 | d2 | d3 | Contour plots in the horizontal plane of clouds and precip |
Convection Fields | d1 | d2 | d3 | Contour plots in the horizontal plane of Convection Predictors |
All Fields | d1 | d2 | d3 | Given as individual links for access from slow connections |
To select images directly by filename instead of through the thumbnail pages, see the tables of filenames at the end of this page. See below for an explanation of the filenames.
The model output images will be available by 1800 CDT each day. The actual model output data will be archived on the NCAR Mass Store.
Each image filename has this general form:
pref + yyyymmdd_hh.pngThe prefix (pref) denotes the plotted variable, (yyyy) is the year, (mm) is the month, (dd) is the day and (hh) is a time (UTC). For (*tht*) files, (hh) is the forecast initalization time, while for all other files (hh) is the forecast hour of the model run. To get verification time add the forecast time to the initialization time.
The prefix (pref) has the following meanings:
Prefix | Meaning |
tclw_vec | vertically integrated cloud water (g kg-1) |
cape | convective available potential energy (J kg-1) |
cin | convective inhibition (J kg-1) |
pcp | convective and total rainfall (mm) |
tt_ght850 | 850 mb winds, temperature and heights |
qvmr_vec | water vapor mixing ratio and wind barbs (g kg-1) |
ept | equivalent potential temperature (K) |
ww700 | vertical velocity at 700 mb (m s-1) |
qvadv | horizontal advection of water vapor (g kg-1 m s-1) |
tsfc_slp | surface air temperature and sea level pressure (C, mb) |
ter | cross section location and terrain (m) |
xew_ww_tclw | cross section: vertical velocity and cloud water (cm s-1, g kg-1) |
xew_pt_vec | cross section: horizontal wind vectors and equiv. potential temperature (m s-1, K) |
xew_qv_div | cross section: water vapor mixing ratio and divergence (g kg-1, s-1) |
spol_tht | time-height contour plot at S-Pol |
home_tht | time-height contour plot at Homestead |
x | denotes spatial cross section |
Created Tue Jun 18 13:01:52 MDT 2002