CLASS LAUNCH LOG version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:) <<===========
1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!
Site Name:
date yymmdd:
launch time UTC:
Sonde coef tape #:
-------- For Sonde
Pressure mb :
Temp C :
RH % :
For Surface Data
Pressure mb :
Temp C :
RH% :
Wind Spd m/s :
Wind Dir deg :
Pre-Launch Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description ( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type,
rain, virga, etc. )
Termination Pressure mb :
Termination Altitude km :
Reason for Termination :
Post-Termination Weather Description:
For Surface Data
Pressure mb :
Temp C :
RH % :
Wspd m/s :
Wdir deg :
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)