CASES97: Logbook Entries

CASES97: SOFTWARE Messages: 2 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
104 Sat 26-Apr-1997new splus data read routinebaseMaclean, Gordon
62 Sun 20-Apr-1997backup procedurebaseMaclean, Gordon

104: SOFTWARE, Site base, Sat 26-Apr-1997 16:58:29 GMT, new splus data read routine
Here's how to use the new surf routine in S+

From the shell, do:

		the new version of set_project sets two new environ 

	> iod <- surf(c("u","v","u:w","p","u.csat"))
	> d <- read(iod,"1997 apr 23 00:00","1997 apr 23 01:00")
	> close(iod)

There are two other arguments to read(): dt and avgperiod.

dt is the desired resolution of the data.  If any variables in
the file are higher resolution than dt, then they are averaged
to dt, with the specified average period (see average.ats).

If you do a read of a combination of 5 and 1 minute data, and
specify dt=60:

	iod <- surf(c("u","v","u.prop","v.prop"))
	d <- read(iod,"1997 apr 23 00:00","1997 apr 23 01:00",dt=60)

the resulting matrix will contain 1 minute data, with NA's inserted
into the sonic data - no interpolation, or last-value-repeated
support yet.

If you do:

	iod <- surf(c("u","v","u.prop","v.prop"))
	d <- read(iod,"1997 apr 23 00:00","1997 apr 23 01:00")

then you'll get 5 minute data, with block averages of the 1 minute
data, because the default for dt is 300 secs.

More to come...

62: SOFTWARE, Site base, Sun 20-Apr-1997 18:47:52 GMT, backup procedure
1. su -		# become super-user on aster (not cocklebur or platypus)
2. csh		# run the cshell
3. cd /usr/local/adm/backup
4. ls *.log

   The latest version of the backup script creates log files with names like:


   N is the tape number of the last backup.  Currently we cycle through
   6 backup tapes, so N should be 1-6.

5. Put the next-in-sequence backup tape in the drive. 

6. setenv TAPE /dev/rmt/0mn	# drive 0, 8500 density, not compressed

7. ./backup		# remember to use the dot-slash

8. the tape will rewind and eject when the script finishes successfully.
   Check the log file for errors.

The backup script creates an ufsdump file on the tape for each of these
file systems:

Note that /data is not backed up.  Files on that disk should be
backed up with bkfiles.