SOAS AABC Flux Tower Data May 28, 2013

Clickable Table Of Variables
Vdsm Vmote p Spd Dir T RH Ifan Rainr Rsw
Rlw Rpile Tcase Tsfc Rpar spd dir w tc samples.sonic
ldiag kh2oV kh2o h2o co2 lidiag Wetness Tsoil Qsoil Gsoil
Vheat Vpile.on Tau63 Lambdasoil Cvsoil

Each table cell below contains four values, which are computed from 5 minute means of the indicated variable over the time period shown at the top of the column.

  1. mean of 5 minute means
  2. sd: standard deviation of 5 minute means
  3. nclip: number of 5 minute means that were not within the indicated clip limits
  4. NAs: number of 5 minute means that were NA (missing data)

Color key:

Vdsm(V) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(9,15)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Vdsm.8m 11.1 0.11 0 0 11.5 0.53 0 20 12.3 0.061 0 0 12.3 0.021 0 0
Vdsm.13.9m 10.5 0.09 0 0 11.1 0.6  0 20 11.8 0.11  0 0 11.8 0.024 0 0
Vdsm.20m 11.1 0.1  0 0 11.5 0.52 0 20 12.2 0.065 0 0 12.3 0.022 0 0
Vdsm.26m 10.8 0.11 0 0 11.2 0.53 0 21 11.9 0.061 0 0 12   0.024 0 0
Vdsm.32m 10.5 0.11 0 0 11   0.52 0 21 11.7 0.065 0 0 11.8 0.023 0 0
Vdsm.41m 10.6 0.11 0 0 11.1 0.52 0 20 11.8 0.081 0 0 11.9 0.023 0 0
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Vmote(V) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(9,20)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Vmote.rad 12.7 0.015 0 0 12.6 0.012  0 19 12.6 0.0087 0 0 12.6 0.016 0 0
Vmote.soil.a 12.5 0.025 0 0 12.4 0.0096 0 20 12.4 0.019  0 0 12.4 0.024 0 0
Vmote.soil.b 12.6 0.025 0 0 12.6 0.011  0 20 12.6 0.015  0 0 12.6 0.026 0 0
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p(mb) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
p.8m 1013 0.23 0 0 1014 0.25 0 19 1012 0.85 0 0 1011 0.6  0 0
p.20m 1011 0.23 0 0 1013 0.25 0 19 1010 0.84 0 0 1010 0.59 0 0
p.32m 1010 0.23 0 0 1011 0.26 0 19 1009 0.84 0 0 1008 0.58 0 0
p.43.9m 1008 0.22 0 0 1010 0.26 0 19 1008 0.83 0 0 1007 0.57 0 0
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Spd(m/s) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,30)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Spd.3m.pond 0.548 0.2 0 0 1.62 0.82 0 0 2.74 0.87 0 0 0.852 0.42 0 0
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Dir(deg) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Dir.3m.pond 167 150 0 0 156 32 0 0 166 20 0 0 139 70 0 0
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T(degC) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,50)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
T.2m 17   1.1 0 0 21.6 3.9 0 19 28   0.74 0 0 23.9 1.4 0 0
T.3m.pond 16.6 1.1 0 0 22   4.3 0  0 29.7 0.62 0 0 25   2.3 0 0
T.wxt.3m.pond 16.5 1.1 0 0 21.9 4.4 0  0 29.7 0.66 0 0 25   2.3 0 0
T.8m 16.9 1.1 0 0 22   4   0 19 28.6 0.62 0 0 24.3 1.7 0 0
T.13.9m 16.9 1.1 0 0 22.3 4   0 19 28.9 0.55 0 0 24.7 1.9 0 0
T.20m 16.8 1.2 0 0 22.4 3.9 0 19 29.1 0.52 0 0 25   2   0 0
T.26m 16.8 1.2 0 0 22.5 3.9 0 19 29.2 0.55 0 0 25.2 1.9 0 0
T.32m 17   1.4 0 0 22.5 3.8 0 19 29.1 0.59 0 0 25.4 1.9 0 0
T.38m 17.8 1.5 0 0 22.5 3.6 0 19 29   0.61 0 0 25.6 1.9 0 0
T.43.9m 18.3 1.5 0 0 22.3 3.5 0 19 28.8 0.61 0 0 25.7 1.9 0 0
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RH(%) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,105)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
RH.2m 95.6 0.7  0 0 81   14 0 19 61.9 7.9 0 0 84.9  3.3 0 0
RH.3m.pond 97.6 0.43 0 0 74.9 15 0  0 50.6 2.2 0 0 76.5 11   0 0
RH.wxt.3m.pond 95.1 0.31 0 0 72   15 0  0 48.3 2.3 0 0 74.6 11   0 0
RH.8m 96.8 0.81 0 0 76.3 16 0 19 55.4 7.1 0 0 79.8  5.4 0 0
RH.13.9m 96.9 0.77 0 0 75.8 15 0 19 54.4 4.9 0 0 76.8  7.4 0 0
RH.20m 94.5 0.79 0 0 72.3 14 0 19 51.3 2.6 0 0 72    8   0 0
RH.26m 95.8 1.1  0 0 72.4 14 0 19 51.5 2   0 0 71.5  8.1 0 0
RH.32m 93.5 3    0 0 70.6 14 0 19 49.6 1.9 0 0 68.9  8.3 0 0
RH.38m 89.5 5.7  0 0 69.9 13 0 19 49.7 1.9 0 0 67.9  8.3 0 0
RH.43.9m 88.1 6.2  0 0 71.6 13 0 19 51.2 1.9 0 0 68.8  8.4 0 0
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Ifan(mA) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,100)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Ifan.2m 29.9 0.089 0 0 30.6 1.2  0 19 31.6 0.26 0 0 32.8 0.37 0 0
Ifan.3m.pond 27.9 0.28  0 0 26.9 0.77 0  0 25.4 0.29 0 0 25.9 0.32 0 0
Ifan.8m 30.1 0.077 0 0 30.1 1    0 19 30.9 0.23 0 0 32.3 0.53 0 0
Ifan.13.9m 34.4 0.17  0 0 33.5 1.3  0 19 33.7 0.25 0 0 35.5 0.65 0 0
Ifan.20m 37.2 0.27  0 0 36.2 1    0 19 36.1 0.24 0 0 37.6 0.6  0 0
Ifan.26m 26.5 0.083 0 0 26.8 1.2  0 19 27.6 0.19 0 0 28.7 0.42 0 0
Ifan.32m 30.6 0.28  0 0 30   1.1  0 19 30.3 0.25 0 0 31.8 0.7  0 0
Ifan.38m 26.6 0.17  0 0 27.5 1.4  0 19 28.7 0.25 0 0 29.4 0.3  0 0
Ifan.43.9m 28.7 0.16  0 0 28.8 0.98 0 19 29.1 0.34 0 0 30.3 0.64 0 0
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Rainr(mm/hr) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,50)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Rainr.wxt.3m.pond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0        0      0 0
Rainr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0        0      0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0.000255 0.0012 0 0
Rainr.tb.pond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0        0      0 0
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Rsw(W/m^2) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(-10,1500)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs -2.07  2.9  0 0 598   270   0 19 715   280   0 0 34.1  74   0 0
Rsw.out.41m  2.06  0.68 0 0  81.6  31   0 19  96.4  35   0 0  7.86 14   0 0
Rsw.dfs.spn1  1.89  0.12 0 0  45    28   0 19  64.4  27   0 0  4.42  5.2 0 0  2.57  0.17 0 0  54.5  37   0 19  73.8  37   0 0  5.38  5.4 0 0 -0.692 0.12 0 0  38.7  30   0 19  49    26   0 0  1.04  3.7 0 0
Rsw.out -0.814 0.14 0 0  14.9   9.6 0 19  14     8.5 0 0 -1.04  1.1 0 0
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Rlw(W/m^2) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(50,800)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs 347 2.5 0 0 348 18 0 19 395 12   0 0 405 12   0 0
Rlw.out.41m 404 4.8 0 0 413 19 0 19 453  4.2 0 0 440  5.7 0 0 401 6.3 0 0 428 22 0 19 466  3.5 0 0 442  8.8 0 0
Rlw.out 406 5.6 0 0 429 21 0 19 464  4.7 0 0 439  7.3 0 0
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Rpile(W/m^2) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs -57.1  6.3  0 0 -78.1  13   0 19 -77.4  11   0 0 -39.7  19   0 0
Rpile.out.41m  -1.37 1.9  0 0 -11.6   5.1 0 19 -17.7   3.2 0 0  -4.18  4.1 0 0  -3.2  0.36 0 0   1.95  4.3 0 19  -6.27  2.4 0 0  -2.09  2.2 0 0
Rpile.out   1.08 0.77 0 0   4.42  3.6 0 19  -6.57  2.7 0 0  -4.71  2.5 0 0
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Tcase(degC) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Tcase.41m 17.2 1.6 0 0 25   4.6 0 19 32.3 0.96 0 0 25.7 2.5 0 0 17.5 1.2 0 0 21.2 4.2 0 19 29   0.7  0 0 24.4 1.6 0 0
Tcase.out 17.6 1.1 0 0 21   4   0 19 28.7 0.65 0 0 24.3 1.5 0 0
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Tsfc(degC) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Tsfc.8m 17.2 1.2 0 0 22.8  4.4 0 19 29.3 0.81 0 0 24.7  1.6   0 0
Tsfc.20m 17.1 1.2 0 0 23.4  4.1 0 19 29.9 0.72 0 0 25.1  1.9   0 0
Tsfc.26m 17.1 1.2 0 0 24.2  4.7 0 19 30.7 0.85 0 0 25.6  2.1   0 0
Tsfc.32m 15.4 5.3 0 0  3.97 9   0 19 -1.5 0    0 0 -1.42 0.038 0 0
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Rpar(w/m^2) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Rpar.8m 0.0719 0.3  0  0 131 170 0 19 135 140 0  0  3.5   7 0  0
Rpar.13.9m        0 72 379 160 0 63 657 130 0 59        0 72
Rpar.20m 0.191  0.77 0  0 257 300 0 19 394 340 0  0  8.23 16 0  0
Rpar.26m 0.267  1.1  0  0 365 360 0 19 537 330 0  0 19    43 0  0
Rpar.32m 0.542  2.3  0  0 597 330 0 19 745 300 0  0 34.9  72 0  0
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spd(m/s) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,30)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
spd.2m 0.155 0.062 0 0 0.283 0.12 0 19 0.354 0.13 0 0 0.187 0.074 0 0
spd.8m 0.162 0.058 0 0 0.278 0.13 0 19 0.37  0.13 0 0 0.191 0.083 0 0
spd.13.9m 0.234 0.084 0 0 0.353 0.16 0 19 0.47  0.16 0 0 0.259 0.1   0 0
spd.20m 0.198 0.08  0 0 0.496 0.26 0 19 0.665 0.2  0 0 0.275 0.15  0 0
spd.26m 0.17  0.066 0 0 0.561 0.3  0 19 0.758 0.22 0 0 0.309 0.17  0 0
spd.32m 0.228 0.13  0 0 0.853 0.53 0 19 1.12  0.43 0 0 0.544 0.3   0 0
spd.38m 0.637 0.32  0 0 1.5   0.88 0 19 2.19  0.64 0 0 1.17  0.44  0 0
spd.43.9m 0.94  0.62  0 0 1.81  1    0 19 2.69  0.74 0 0 1.66  0.49  0 0
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dir(deg) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
dir.2m 131 120 0 0 207 110 0 19 161 97 0 0 155  92 0 0
dir.8m 194 120 0 0 181  78 0 19 164 71 0 0 151  89 0 0
dir.13.9m 198 150 0 0 176  88 0 19 155 64 0 0 184 130 0 0
dir.20m 153 120 0 0 155  51 0 19 159 28 0 0 162  71 0 0
dir.26m 168 120 0 0 162  39 0 19 159 19 0 0 164  54 0 0
dir.32m 184 100 0 0 162  29 0 19 163 14 0 0 159  15 0 0
dir.38m 167 100 0 0 153  36 0 19 166 21 0 0 156  20 0 0
dir.43.9m 169  82 0 0 160  42 0 19 168 21 0 0 158  18 0 0
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w(m/s) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(-5,5)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
w.2m -0.0232  0.026 0 0 -0.018   0.029 0 19 -0.0226  0.031 0 0 -0.0206  0.016 0 0
w.8m -0.0448  0.054 0 0 -0.0452  0.065 0 19 -0.048   0.075 0 0 -0.0169  0.017 0 0
w.13.9m  0.00837 0.055 0 0 -0.0194  0.083 0 19 -0.0285  0.11  0 0  0.022   0.032 0 0
w.20m  0.0105  0.051 0 0 -0.0599  0.11  0 19 -0.0699  0.12  0 0 -0.00322 0.055 0 0
w.26m  0.018   0.049 0 0 -0.013   0.097 0 19 -0.00369 0.11  0 0  0.0089  0.04  0 0
w.32m  0.00659 0.04  0 0 -0.0353  0.13  0 19 -0.00346 0.13  0 0 -0.0115  0.06  0 0
w.38m  0.0184  0.031 0 0 -0.00978 0.12  0 19 -0.00153 0.12  0 0  0.00608 0.042 0 0
w.43.9m  0.00829 0.029 0 0  0.0587  0.15  0 19  0.077   0.14  0 0  0.0188  0.047 0 0
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tc(degC) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,50)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
tc.2m 17.5 1.3 0 0 22.3 4.1 0 19 29   0.6  0 0 25   1.5 0 0
tc.8m 17.8 1.3 0 0 23.1 4.1 0 19 29.9 0.53 0 0 25.7 1.8 0 0
tc.13.9m 17.3 1.3 0 0 22.8 4   0 19 29.6 0.53 0 0 25.7 1.9 0 0
tc.20m 17.8 1.3 0 0 23.6 4   0 19 30.5 0.57 0 0 26.6 2   0 0
tc.26m 17.4 1.3 0 0 23.2 3.9 0 19 30   0.61 0 0 26.3 1.9 0 0
tc.32m 17.8 1.5 0 0 23.2 3.7 0 19 29.9 0.65 0 0 26.5 1.9 0 0
tc.38m 20.1 1.6 0 0 24.5 3.6 0 19 31.3 0.67 0 0 28.2 1.8 0 0
tc.43.9m 19.2 1.6 0 0 23.1 3.5 0 19 29.8 0.69 0 0 26.9 1.8 0 0
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samples.sonic(#) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,7510)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
samples.sonic.2m 6000  0.23 0 0 4218 2700 0 0 6000  0.28 0 0 6000  0.23 0 0
samples.sonic.8m 6000  0.2  0 0 4217 2700 0 0 6000  0.26 0 0 6000  0.17 0 0
samples.sonic.13.9m 6000  0.32 0 0 4215 2700 0 0 6000  0.28 0 0 6000  0.3  0 0
samples.sonic.20m 6000  0.17 0 0 4214 2700 0 0 6000  0.2  0 0 6000  0.17 0 0
samples.sonic.26m 6000  0.3  0 0 4188 2700 0 0 6000  0.28 0 0 6000  0.32 0 0
samples.sonic.32m 6000  0.23 0 0 4187 2700 0 0 6000  0.12 0 0 5997 28    0 0
samples.sonic.38m 7495 36    1 0 5273 3400 0 0 7498 19    0 0 7498 12    0 0
samples.sonic.43.9m 6000 41    0 0 4218 2700 0 0 6000  0.33 0 0 6000  0.52 0 0
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ldiag() 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
ldiag.2m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.8m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.13.9m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.20m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.26m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.32m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.38m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ldiag.43.9m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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kh2oV(V) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
kh2oV.2m 0.00141 0.00016 0 0 0.00166 0.00015 0 19 0.00157 0.00027 0 0 0.00123 0.00012 0 0
kh2oV.13.9m 0.00373 0.00044 0 0 0.00389 0.00032 0 19 0.00365 0.0006  0 0 0.0025  0.0001  0 0
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kh2o(g/m^3) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,30)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
kh2o.2m        72 0        53 19        72 0        72 0
kh2o.13.9m        72 0        53 19        72 0        72 0
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h2o(g/m^3) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,30)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
h2o.8m 14.4 0.89 0 0 14.4 1.2  0 19 15.8 1.6  0 0 18   0.63 0 0
h2o.20m 14.7 0.9  0 0 14.5 0.73 0 19 15.4 0.78 0 0 17.5 0.32 0 0
h2o.26m 14   0.88 0 0 13.7 1.2  0 19 14.8 0.63 0 0 16.8 0.35 0 0
h2o.32m 12.3 2.3  0 0 13.4 1.7  0 19 14.6 0.61 0 0 16.6 0.4  0 0
h2o.38m 10.9 4.7  2 0 12.7 2.8  0 19 14.5 0.6  0 0 16.3 0.4  0 0
h2o.43.9m 15.6 0.96 0 0 15.5 0.34 0 19 16.1 0.59 0 0 18.2 0.53 0 0
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co2(g/m^3) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,1.5)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
co2.8m 0.9   0.044 0 0 0.764 0.1   0 19 0.667 0.011  0 0 0.76  0.058 0 0
co2.20m 0.907 0.046 0 0 0.757 0.099 0 19 0.673 0.0037 0 0 0.725 0.038 0 0
co2.26m 0.903 0.048 0 0 0.76  0.093 0 19 0.674 0.0037 0 0 0.719 0.033 0 0
co2.32m 0.883 0.054 0 0 0.759 0.088 0 19 0.675 0.0041 0 0 0.718 0.034 0 0
co2.38m 0.826 0.089 6 0 0.747 0.063 4 19 0.683 0.0041 0 0 0.721 0.033 0 0
co2.43.9m 0.827 0.052 0 0 0.744 0.086 0 19 0.654 0.0044 0 0 0.695 0.034 0 0
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lidiag() 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
lidiag.8m 249 0    0 0 249 0.36 0 19 249 0 0 0 249 0      0 0
lidiag.20m 248 0    0 0 248 0.31 0 19 248 0 0 0 248 0      0 0
lidiag.26m 248 0.31 0 0 248 0.3  0 19 248 0 0 0 248 0      0 0
lidiag.32m 248 0.13 0 0 248 0.22 0 19 248 0 0 0 248 0      0 0
lidiag.43.9m 246 0.18 0 0 246 0    0 19 246 0 0 0 246 0.0069 0 0
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Wetness(V) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Wetness.8m 0.383 0.017   0  0 0.321 0.065  0 19 0.262 0.0012  0  0 0.27  0.0038  0  0
Wetness.13.9m        0 72 0.261 0.0011 0 61 0.259 0.00026 0 59        0 72
Wetness.20m 0.416 0.032   0  0 0.348 0.096  0 19 0.261 0.00071 0  0 0.266 0.0023  0  0
Wetness.26m 0.895 0.03    0  0 0.647 0.34   0 19 0.264 0.0036  0  0 0.296 0.017   0  0
Wetness.32m 0.386 0.075   0  0 0.357 0.12   0 19 0.261 0.0005  0  0 0.265 0.0014  0  0
Wetness.41m 0.313 0.05    0  0 0.295 0.061  0 19 0.262 0.00058 0  0 0.264 0.0013  0  0
Wetness.rad 0.263 0.00043 0  0 0.262 0.0012 0 19 0.26  0.00043 0  0 0.262 0.00065 0  0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Tsoil(degC) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,50)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Tsoil.4.4cm.a 19.8 0.32 0 0 19.4 0.39 0 19 21.2 0.42 0 0 21.4 0.22 0 0
Tsoil.4.4cm.b 20   0.27 0 0 19.5 0.24 0 19 21   0.46 0 0 21.2 0.15 0 0
Tsoil.3.1cm.a 19.7 0.36 0 0 19.5 0.52 0 19 21.5 0.41 0 0 21.5 0.27 0 0
Tsoil.3.1cm.b 20   0.3  0 0 19.6 0.33 0 19 21.2 0.48 0 0 21.4 0.2  0 0
Tsoil.1.9cm.a 19.6 0.4  0 0 19.5 0.68 0 19 21.9 0.4  0 0 21.7 0.32 0 0
Tsoil.1.9cm.b 19.9 0.33 0 0 19.6 0.44 0 19 21.5 0.49 0 0 21.5 0.25 0 0
Tsoil.0.6cm.a 19.5 0.45 0 0 19.7 0.93 0 19 22.4 0.36 0 0 21.8 0.4  0 0
Tsoil.0.6cm.b 19.8 0.37 0 0 19.7 0.59 0 19 21.9 0.5  0 0 21.6 0.31 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Qsoil(vol%) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(0,50)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Qsoil.a 22.7 0.028 0 0 22.6 0.021 0 19 22.7 0.029 0 0 22.6 0.02 0 0
Qsoil.b 15.6 0.058 0 0 15.5 0.047 0 19 15.7 0.03  0 0 15.5 0.07 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Gsoil(W/m^2) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=(-100,100)
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Gsoil.5cm.a 4.34 2.5 0 0 -4.44 10   0 19 -23.4 2.8 0 0 -10.2  4   0 0
Gsoil.5cm.b 4.29 1.7 0 0 -2.73  6.9 0 19 -15.3 2.3 0 0  -5.81 2.8 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Vheat(V) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Vheat.a 1.23 0.000099 0 0 1.23 0.00019 0 19 1.23 0.000049 0 0 1.23 0.000066 0 0
Vheat.b 1.24 0        0 0 1.24 0       0 19 1.24 0.000032 0 0 1.24 0.000048 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Vpile.on(uV) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Vpile.on.a 313  0 0 0 313  0 0 19 299 13 0 0 309 9.8 0 0
Vpile.on.b 851 31 0 0 828 16 0 19 874 10 0 0 877 0   0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Tau63(sec) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Tau63.a 7.29 0.07  0 0 7.22 0.17 0 19 6.78 0.13  0 0 6.69 0.067 0 0
Tau63.b 7.7  0.073 0 0 7.66 0.25 0 19 8.1  0.065 0 0 7.95 0.095 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Lambdasoil(W/m/DegK) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Lambdasoil.a 0.789 0.0005 0 0 0.79  0.0005 0 19 0.829 0.036  0 0 0.8   0.027 0 0
Lambdasoil.b 0.327 0.012  0 0 0.335 0.0065 0 19 0.317 0.0038 0 0 0.316 0     0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013

Cvsoil(J/(m3 K)) 2013 May 28 00:00 - 2013 May 29 00:00 CST6CDT, clip.limits=none
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
mean sd nclip NAs
Cvsoil.a      2.1e6 19000 0 0      2.09e6 50000 0 19      2.06e6 54000 0 0      1.96e6 63000 0 0
Cvsoil.b 917000     41000 0 0 937000      14000 0 19 937000       4000 0 0 916000      11000 0 0
top   previous   next   other created: Jul 5 22:46, 2013