S-PolKa Data Sets for RICO

S-PolKa RICO, Codrington, Barbuda
Nov 2004 - Jan 2005

There are several "flavors" of final data sets available from S-Pol for RICO. Currently, each data set is saved on the NCAR HPSS, and is available through the EOL RICO Master List of datasets. Note that these various data sets are somewhat redundant, and that one data set is likely to be eliminated in the near future (the most likely data set to eliminate is the 9-variable, non-Ka data set).

The distribution-ready data sets in sweepfile format (tar files of sweepfiles) are:

See the document S-PolKa Parameters to determine just which parameters are in the different data sets.

As previously stated, the 9-variable data set contains no Ka-band variables, and is homogeneous throughout the project. The other two data sets contain variable sets that are different for "S-only" operations compared to "S- and Ka-band" operations. These other two data sets are therefore divided/grouped on the mass-store according to the mode of radar operation. Additionally, it was recognized that many users may want data only from the 360° surveillance scans that were routinely interspersed with the ~180° sector volumes; the data set on the HPSS was further subdivided to reflect this desire. On the mass-store, the following sub-"directories" exist for the full matrix data (similar subdirectories exist for the 11-variable data set):

Note that it's arguable that the separation according to radar mode and scan type is useful. If requested, the mass-store structure can be changed.

Other S-PolKa data sets include:

See the table of contents for links to these data sets.

--- Bob Rilling --- / NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory
Created: Wed Mar 1 10:37:23 MST 2006
Last modified: