CHATS ISFF Sensors (and user sensors with data ingested by ISFF)

Horizontal Array, Top and Bottom Cross-beams (center tower at 38°29' 13.44" N, 121°50' 43.92" W)
sensor heights
horizontal spacing variables orientation
9 CSAT3 sonic anemometers
top beam
10.6 m
5.9 m
0.5 m
1.72 m
(u,v,w,tc).(1-9)t.?m.ha south
5 CSI krypton hygrometers,
top beam
10.6 m
5.9 m
0.5 m
1.72 m
(kh2oV,kh2o).(3-7)t.?m.ha vertical
(footnote A)
5 Dantek hot-film anemometers,
top beam
10.6 m
5.9 m
0.5 m
1.72 m
va.(3-7)t.?m.ha south
9 CSAT3 sonics
bottom beam
9.6 m
4.9 m
0.5 m
1.72 m
(u,v,w,tc).(1-9)b.?m.ha south
5 Licor 7500's,
bottom beam
9.6 m
4.9 m
0.5 m
1.72 m
(h2o,co2).(3-7)b.?m.ha (footnote B)
NCAR TRH hygro-thermometers,
10.6 m
5.9 m
central tower;
inlet at exact sonic ht
(T,RH).t.?m.ha ~southeast
NCAR TRH hygro-thermometer,
9.6 m
4.9 m
central tower;
inlet at exact sonic ht
(T,RH).b.?m.ha ~southeast
Garmin GPS 35   NA (lat,lon,alt).ha NA

Footnote A: Mount the CSI Krypton hygrometer vertical with its measurement path at roughly the boom height and 30 cm behind the intersection of the sonic acoustic paths (behind the internal vertical brace of the sonic head). On the horizontal array, mount the Krypton hygrometers on the west side of the sonics. On the 30 m tower, mount the Krypton hygrometers on the south side of the sonics, except at 5.5 m and 8 m where they should be on the north side of the sonics.

Footnote B: Mount the Licor-7500 on the west side of the sonic, tilted forward at a 45 degree angle from the vertical and with the mirror enclosure (at the top end of the Licor measurement path) centered vertically with the sonic head and just behind the internal vertical brace of the sonic head.

Footnote C: Sonics operating at 60Hz, CSAT rate parameter: "Ae".

30 m Rohn Tower (38°29' 17.11'' N; 121°50' 44.03" W)
sensor heights/depths
variables orientation
13 CSAT3 sonics 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10 11 12.5 14 18 23 29 m (u,v,w,tc).?m.vt west
6 CSI krypton hygrometers 1.5 4.5 7.5 10 14 23 m (kh2oV,kh2o).?m.vt vertical
(footnote A)
3 Dantek triple hot-film anemometers 6 10 14 m v(a,b,c).?m.vt south
12 NCAR TRH hygro-thermometers 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10 11 14 18 23 29 m (T,RH).?m.vt east; below canopy & 29m:
inlets at sonic ht
2 fast pressure w/sonic, both at 1m above canopy p.(usfs,ncar).11m.vt NA
Paroscientific barometer 1 m (P,etc).paro.1m.vt NA
K&Z pyranometer 2 & 16 m
up & down
K&Z pyrgeometer 2 & 16 m (Rpile,Tcase).in.?m.vt
up & down
4 LI-190SA PAR sensors ?? m
up & down
K&Z large-aperture scintillometer 10 m data not ingested by ISFF south
ACD REA aerosol sampler 14 m ? west
REBS soil temperature 5 cm Tsoil.vt near rad stand
Decagon Ech2o soil moisture 5 cm Qsoil.vt near rad stand
REBS HFT-3 soil heat flux 5 cm Gsoil.vt near rad stand
Hukseflux TP01 thermal properties 5 cm (Vpile,Vheat,Tau63).vt near rad stand
Tipping bucket rain gauge 1 m rain near rad stand
Garmin GPS 35   (lat,lon,alt) NA
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This page was prepared by the ISFF crew, NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory, In-situ Sensing Facility