CASES97: Logbook Entries

CASES97: SOIL Messages: 6 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
267 Mon 08-Sep-1997TRIME Soil Moisture ICsallMichaelis, Matt
203 Tue 13-May-1997Soil Moisture Intercomparison DataallMilitzer, John
83 Wed 23-Apr-1997TRIME measurementsallDelany, Tony
74 Mon 21-Apr-1997Soil moisture probesallMichaelis, Matt
63 Sun 20-Apr-1997Bulk Densities of SoilsallDelany, Tony

267: SOIL, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:47:33 GMT, TRIME Soil Moisture ICs
                             Soil Moisture IC Report

   Date           Sample_Time  Site#   Ic_reading  CS615_raw
   -----------    -----------  -----   ----------  ---------
  "1997 Apr 23    19:15"            1    34.70       1.300
  "1997 Apr 30    16:36"            1    27.80       1.220
  "1997 May 2     20:35"            1    36.40       1.310
  "1997 May 8     20:08"            1    41.00       1.320
  "1997 May 15    16:06"            1    35.60       1.320
  "1997 Apr 23    18:03"            2    36.00       2.660
  "1997 Apr 30    18:17"            2    29.30       2.560
  "1997 May 2     21:38"            2    36.30       2.750
  "1997 May 8     18:03"            2    40.30       2.780
  "1997 May 15    17:24"            2    35.50       2.790
  "1997 Apr 27    21:49"            3    31.50       1.530
  "1997 May 2     17:12"            3    34.60       1.750
  "1997 May 6     18:25"            3    29.20       1.600
  "1997 May 9     22:08"            3    29.50       1.690
  "1997 May 13    19:54"            3    30.10       1.660
  "1997 May 19    21:52"            3    34.10       1.840
  "1997 Apr 20    19:28"            4    36.10       1.710
  "1997 Apr 20    19:32"            4    34.50       1.710
  "1997 Apr 25    22:03"            4    33.10       1.630
  "1997 Apr 30    20:17"            4    33.00       1.640
  "1997 May 2     19:08"            4    42.00       1.780
  "1997 May 9     13:52"            4    37.80       1.720
  "1997 May 19    16:12"            4    38.40       1.830
  "1997 May 23    21:20"            4    34.80       1.740
  "1997 May 2     18:11"            5    30.00       2.160
  "1997 May 6     17:28"            5    16.05       1.770
  "1997 May 9     22:43"            5    22.80       1.990
  "1997 May 19    17:15"            5              *******
  "1997 Apr 17    21:52"            6    36.50       2.000
  "1997 Apr 24    17:39"            6    19.00       2.020
  "1997 May 1     15:35"            6    26.30       1.950
  "1997 May 2     16:13"            6    26.00       2.430
  "1997 May 9     20:20"            6    20.50       2.100
  "1997 May 18    21:45"            6    10.50       1.970
  "1997 May 6     21:50"            7    26.20
  "1997 May 9     23:27"            7    30.80
  "1997 May 7     15:40"            8    26.80
  "1997 May 9     21:15"            8    38.70

203: SOIL, Site all, Tue 13-May-1997 15:06:37 GMT, Soil Moisture Intercomparison Data
Soil Moisture Intercomparison Data

 5/25/97                                Soil Moisture ICs

Site#   Date      Time    Soil_IC#    Ic_reading  CS615   CS615_raw  Comments
------  --------  -----   --------    ----------  ------  ---------  ------------------------------------------------------------

 1       4/23/97  19:15   6747         34.7          .42    1.30     36.7+35.3(45deg angle)+32.2(angle)
 1       4/30/97  16:36   6747         27.8          .36    1.22
 1       5/02/97  20:35   6747         36.4          .44    1.31
 1       5/15/97  16:06   6747         35.6          .44    1.32

 2       4/23/97  18:03   6747         36.0         2.29    2.66     rocky soil. 38.4+33.7(40 deg angle)=36 avg
 2       4/30/97  18:17   6747         29.3         2.10    2.56
 2       5/02/97  21:38   6747         36.3         2.45    2.75
 2       5/08/97  18:03   6747         40.3         2.51    2.78     taken adjacent rain gauge, sensors are s. of rad stand
 2       5/15/97  17:24   6747         35.5         2.52    2.79

 3       4/27/97  21:49   6747         31.5          .65    1.53     average of 30.4, 33, 14.5 (top disturbed dirt)
 3       5/02/97  17:12   6747         34.6          .90    1.75
 3       5/06/97  18:25   6747         29.2          .73    1.60     avg 28.9 +29.4 (got good 45 deg samples)
 3       5/09/97  22:08   6747         29.5          .83    1.69
 3       5/13/97  19:54                30.1          .79    1.66
 3       5/19/97  21:52   6747         34.1         1.01    1.84     34.1 % by volume

 4       4/20/97  19:28   6747         36.1          .86    1.71     Crusty on top.  Used TRIME hole starter
 4       4/20/97  19:32   6747         34.5          .86    1.71     TRIME at 45 deg angle.  Used starter rods
 4       4/25/97  22:03   6747         33.1          .76    1.63     Avg of two readings.  Soil crusty on top
 4       4/30/97  20:17   6747         33.0          .78    1.64
 4       5/02/97  19:08   6747         42.0          .94    1.78
 4       5/09/97  13:52   6747         37.8          .87    1.72
 4       5/19/97  16:12                38.4         1.00    1.83
 4       5/23/97  21:20   6747         34.8          .89    1.74

 5       5/02/97  18:11   6747         30.0         1.45    2.16
 5       5/06/97  17:28   6747         16.1          .93    1.77     avg of 12.1+22.1+14.0
 5       5/09/97  22:43   6747         22.8         1.21    1.99     soil seemed less dense than other sites.  easy to insert prb
 5       5/19/97  17:15                           ******  ******

 6       4/17/97  21:52   6747         36.5         1.75    2.00     Very consistent across depths--but bad raw num?
 6       4/24/97  17:39   6747         19.0         1.25    2.02     Averaged 2 readings. Soil is cracking
 6       5/01/97  15:35   6747         26.3         1.16    1.95
 6       5/02/97  16:13                26.0         1.89    2.43     soil moist - reading seems low but clay soil
 6       5/02/97  16:13   6747         26.0         1.89    2.43     soil moist - reading seems low but clay soil
 6       5/09/97  20:20   6747         20.5         1.36    2.10
 6       5/18/97  21:45   6747         10.5         1.19    1.97

 7       5/12/97  15:48   6747         31.9         3.57    1.54     5 min covar avg. q.soilx=35.76%

 8       5/11/97  16:20   6747         33.4                 1.45     5 min covar avg. q.soil=42.9%


83: SOIL, Site all, Wed 23-Apr-1997 16:09:14 GMT, TRIME measurements
Every time that a soil core is taken for Bulk Density/Gravimetric Moisture
Trime measurements should be taken.
A standard procedure to follow.

In the general vicinity of the Dark Horse and the buried soil probes  take 
a soil core sample. Then within a meter or so of the core take three or four
Trime measurements. Calculate the average value

Enter the values in this logbook entry
Date    Site1    Site2    Site3    Site4    Site5    Site6    Site7    Site8 

23 Apr                                                                 36.6%

74: SOIL, Site all, Mon 21-Apr-1997 22:49:39 GMT, Soil moisture probes
Talked to Campbell today about new CS615s versus old CS615s.  The new
probes should say "Made In USA" on the plastic case.  The manual says
the new probes have 8221-07 on the cable, but this apparently is not
always the case.  The labels have a lot number LT#XXXXXX.  One of ours
said LT#410739 the 4 was for April, the 10 for the 10th week of the
year, and the 7 for 1997.  Any probes made after late 1996 should be
of the new version.

New probes have different responses in dry air and in water.  The old
probes read about 1.05 msec in dry air.  The new ones seem to read
about 0.75 in dry air.

Here are the PAM probe types:

St1 new
St2 old
St3 new
St4 new	  (high conductivity soil)
St5 old
St6 old
St7 ???  ASTER
St8 ???  ASTER

Site specific soil calibrations have been generated for sites 1--6 in
$ASTER/apps/sfun/PAM_ROBOT/data/Q.SOILX.q The cals will probably have
to be adjusted somewhat based on TRIME and gravimetric
measurements--especially those at sites 3 and 4 in high conductivity

63: SOIL, Site all, Sun 20-Apr-1997 19:19:31 GMT, Bulk Densities of Soils
In order to use the gravimetric and volumetric soil fraction the bulk
density of dry soil must be determined for each site.

The proceedure to be used utilizes the soil corer.

Load the corer barrel
		     knotched insert
		     1 cm insert
		     3 cm insert
		     3 cm insert
		     1 cm insert
Drive the corer into the soil until the topflange is level with the surface.
Return to the base and dissaemble.
Scrape/cut off the ends of the core leaving only the two 3 cm inserts full

Dump the soil into an Al Baby Loaf Pan and take a tared wt
Place the Pan in the soil oven to dry.
Take a tared wt each day until there is a constant wt.

The diameter of the inserts is 2 1/8" = 5.4 cm
Area = 5.4 x 5.4 x 3.14 / 4  = 22.9 cm2
Vol  = 22.9 x 6              = 137.4 cm3
Report the Bulk Density as (dried wt/ 137.4 cm3)
The Gravimetric Fraction can also be determined as (1st wt - last wt)/ last wt

Site 1   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
30 Apr		193.1	161.6	160.8			1.17		20.1	
08 May		218.1   161.8   161.7			1.177		34.9

Site 2   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
30 Apr		178.7	126.9	126.7			.922		41	
08 May     	190.2   130.9   131.1			.954		45.1

Site 3   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
20 Aprl         211.8    176.9   176.9			1.287		19.7		
27 Apr	        179.9	151.3	151.6	151.9		1.106		18.4

09 May	        235.0    193.2   193.3			1.407		21.6
19 May		222.6	 175.4	 175.0			1.274		27.2

Site 4   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
24 Apr		243.6	203.9	203.1	202.5		1.474		20.3

09 May		242.3   190.3   189.2	189.4		1.378		27.9
19 May		258.2	202.6	202.1			1.471		27.8

Site 5   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fra
21 Apr         193.0    166.5   165.8	166.3	166.5	1.212		15.9

(marginal sample)
28 Apr		158.1	137.7	137.6			1.001		14.9		
06 May		163.7   142.4	141.7	141.8		1.032		15.4

9 May		191.4   156.8   156.9			1.142		22.0

(marginal sample)
16 May		159.7	143.7	143.5	144.0		1.048		10.9
19 May		219.6	169.2	169.2			1.231		29.8

Site 6   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
22 Apr          198.8    166.2 	167	166.4		1.211		19.4
01 May	        199.3	 175.5	174.9	174.8		1.277		13.6

09 May	        182.8    154.4  154.0	153.9		1.201		18.8

Site 7   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
22 Apr          184.1    157.3	 157.2			1.144		17.1

02 May	        192.5    146.2   145.5			1.059		32.3

06 May	        177.7    146.4   146.0			1.063		21.7

09 May		207.0	 164.9	 164.9			1.200		25.5

Site 8   
  Sample date  1st wt   2nd wt  3rd wt   4th wt  5th wt  Bulk Density  Grav Fract
23 Apr		219.8	182.8	182.1	181		1.317		21.4

01 May		213.3	180.3				1.312		18.3

07 May		215.2   177.3   177.2			1.290		21.4

09 May	   	230.2   176.4   176.3			1.283		30.6

Soil Moisture Record

Site 1
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
   17 Apr       A  32.9     24.6      8.3          0.337
		B  35.7     26.5      9.2          0.347       0.349
		C  35.2     25.8      9.4          0.364
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
Site 2
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
    17 Apr      A  25.5     17.2      8.3          0.483
		B  25.5     17.1      8.4          0.491       0.487
		C  22.0     14.8      7.2          0.486
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
Site 3
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
    16 Apr      A  23.8     19.8      4.0          0.202
		B  28.6     23.5      5.1          0.217       0.212
		C  28.5     23.4      5.1          0.218

   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
Site 4
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
    21 Apr  I   A  25.3     21.6      3.7          0.171
	    I	B  27.9     23.8      4.1          0.172       0.169
	    I	C  27.9     24.0      3.9          0.163
Site 5
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
Site 6
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
   17 Apr       A  31.1     24.0      7.1          0.296
		B  33.7     25.9      7.8          0.301       0.298
		C  36.8     28.4      8.4          0.296
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
Site 7
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
    15 Apr 97       g        g           g                     Mean
                A  19.0     14.9      4.1          0.275
		B  24.6     19.2      5.4          0.281       0.278
		C  27.2     21.3      5.9          0.277
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean
Site 8
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
    15 Apr 97       g        g           g                     Mean
                A  30.8     23.2      7.6          0.328
		B  28.7     21.7      7.0          0.323       0.332
		C  31.5     23.4      8.1          0.346
   Sample Date     Fresh    Dried     Difference   Gravimetric Fraction
                     g        g           g                    Mean