- 274: DATA, Site , Fri 05-Jan-2001 15:59:12 MST, ops0 created
I've just "back-created" an ops0 to include the time when the veggie meter
was deployed at station 7.
- 273: RAD, Site , Wed 24-Nov-1999 16:54:19 MST, Calibration of 1/2 bubble
Using a tilt platform, I crudely estimate that changing the Q7 level
from having the bubble centered to having the center of the bubble on
the scribed circle (is this what is meant by "1/2 bubble"?) to be
equal to 37 minutes of arc. For field purposes, we should be able
to assume that this is 1/2 degree.
P.S. I calculate that a 1/2 degree tilt lowers the net radiation by about
The untilted net radiation measurement is: 2 pi R^2 sigma ( T1^4 - T2^4 ).
The area of the "wedge" exposed to the other surface from a tilted
sensor is: 4 pi R^2 (theta/360), for a tilt angle, theta, in degrees.
Thus, the tilted measurement is: 2 pi R^2 sigma ( T1^4 - T2^4) +
4 pi R^2 (theta/360) sigma ( T2^4 - T1^4 - T1^4 + T2^4 ) =
2 pi R^2 sigma ( T1^4 - T2^4 ) * [1 - 4 (theta/360) ].
For theta 37/60 degrees, [] = 1 - 0.7%.
Thus, for Rnet = 600 W/m2, the error due to observed tilts is about 4 W/m2.
- 272: FASTH2O, Site , Wed 24-Nov-1999 16:43:02 MST, Krypton & Ophir operations summary
From logbook, a list of actions for each station's fast H2O sensors:
(now, NetCDF files should NA fill the bad times)
Site 1:
4/12 1725 install
4/27 1850 unbag
4/27 1923 clean
5/1 1708 bag
5/2 2029 unbag
5/8 1946 (plugged?) & cleaned
5/10 2129 "work"
Thus, working: 4/27 - 5/1; 5/2 - end
Site 2:
4/12 2030 install
4/19 2010 new bag
4/27 1843 unbag
5/1 1743 bag
5/2 2132 unbag
5/8 1722 clean
Thus, working: 4/27 - 5/1; 5/2 - end
Site 3:
4/16 1944 cleaned [I think this time is CDT, when others are GMT 6/5/00]
4/27 1738 unbag
4/27 2008 clean
5/1 1726 unplugged (& bagged?)
5/2 1701 reconnect
5/6 1802 unplugged
5/9 2202 routine [kh2o turned on ~5/8 2200]
5/13 1917 cleaned
Thus, working: 4/27 - 5/1; 5/2 - 5/6; 5/9? - end
Site 4:
4/12 1813 install & bag
4/27 1528 unbag
5/1 1914 bag
5/2 1903 bag and clean?
5/6 1902 unplugged
5/9 1350 plugged
5/19 1543 died last night [about 0700]
Thus, working: 4/27 - 5/1; 5/2 - 5/6; 5/9 - 5/19
Site 5:
4/10 1721 setup
4/27 2010 cleaned
5/1 1703 bagged & unplugged
5/2 1757 unbagged
5/6 1656 unplugged
5/9 2236 routine visit [kh2o on about 5/8 2200]
5/19 1656 died [about 0800]
Thus, working: 4/27 - 5/1; 5/2 - 5/6; 5/9? - 5/19
Site 6:
4/10 2225 changed
4/11 1429 bagged
4/12 2026 new sensor
4/19 1654 moved, cleaned & bagged
4/22 1839 rotated
4/27 1637 unbag
4/27 2156 cleaned
5/1 1455 bagged
5/2 1558 unbagged & cleaned
5/6 1942 unplugged
5/9 2019 routine [kh2o on about 5/8 2200]
Thus, working: 4/10 - 4/11; 4/12 - 4/19; 4/27 - 5/1; 5/2 - 5/6; 5/9? - 5/19
Site 7:
4/19 1702 moved
4/24 1828 changed cables
4/24 2011 working
Thus, Ophir working: 4/19+ - end
Site 8:
4/24 1828 changed cables
4/24 2011 working
5/11 1600 install krypton
5/19 1522 krypton died
Thus, Ophir working: 4/24 - end; krypton working 5/11 - 5/19
- 271: RAD, Site , Wed 24-Nov-1999 16:41:09 MST, Rad maintainance summary
Summary from logbook entries:
Site 1:
4/9 2012 setup
5/8 1946 cleaned net & licor
Site 2:
4/9 1616 setup
5/8 1722 leveled net (off by 1/2 bubble)
~5/23 teardown the cows chewed on the [net] domes, but that probably
happened recently
Site 3:
4/16 1944 setup, but not correctly
4/27 2146 moved to real location
5/13 1917 cleaned & leveled net (off by 1/2 bubble)
~5/23 teardown the [net] dome was slightly dimpled
Site 4:
4/12 1813 setup
4/19 2325 mounted licor
5/5 1035 leveled net (slanted to west)
Site 5:
4/28 1821 installed
5/3 1740 cleaned licor (dusty)
5/4 2017 cleaned net (dirty)
~5/23 teardown the [net] dome was dirty and smashed down
Site 6:
4/7 1333 setup?
5/12 1711 cleaned net
Site 7:
4/18 1834 setup?
Site 8:
- 270: RAD, Site all, Fri 21-May-1999 16:47:07 MDT, Recalibration of Licors
This file was originally generated by Steve Oncley on 25 Feb''99
using calibration summary (from factory certificates in Cathy's files)
The file was modified by Tony delany 21 May 1999 to include the later
calibrations done by Don Nelson
To see how Don presented the sensitivity see below.
Sensor 1994 calib 1997 calib 1999 calib CASES97 site
7121 53.3 - 52.7 8
7122 50.8 50.4 48.8 4
7922 - 50.6 49.0 3
9024 61.7 - -
10835 66.0 65.6 62.6 6
10836 72.7 73.0 - 5 (also Tblmtn, Devel)
13331 86.9 89.7 87.3 7
26596 - 88.5 92.8 1
26597 - 86.5 89.8 2
All values in microamps/(1000 W/m2). Multiply by a resistance of 147 ohms
to get microvolts/(1000 W/m2). We usually use an amp/filter gain of 200
with this sensor.
1999 calibration data reported by Don Nelson was sensitivity in milleVolts/Wm-2
I have converted it to the same form as the previous calibration data by
dividing by 147 ohms x 1000
Sensor milleVolts/Wm-2 divided by 147 ohms x 1000 = microamps/Wm-2
7121 7.75 52.7
7122 7.18 48.8
7922 7.21 49.0
9024 - -
10835 9.20 62.6
10836 - -
13331 12.84 87.3
26596 13.64 92.8
26597 13.20 89.8
Ratio of (1997 or 1994 calib) / (1999 calib)
Sensor 1994 calib 1997 calib 1999 calib Ratio CASES97 site
7121 53.3 - 52.7 1.011 8
7122 50.8 50.4 48.8 1.033 4
7922 - 50.6 49.0 1.033 3
10835 66.0 65.6 62.6 1.048 6
13331 86.9 89.7 87.3 1.027 7
26596 - 88.5 92.8 0.954 1
26597 - 86.5 89.8 0.963 2
- 269: LOG, Site none, Mon 22-Sep-1997 17:36:12 GMT, list of netCDF updates
Just so I don't forget, these are the tasks which will require manual updating
of the netCDF files for CASES:
1. Tilt PAM sonic data. Tilts determined by Jay Sklar are listed in the WWW
report. They have been applied to the covars from the ASTER sites.
(done 10/15/97 as sonics.nc)
2. Edit out the rain gauge calibrations. An S-object (cases.rain.cals)
containing the times and sites of these calibrations (determined from
logbook) is in my home .Data directory. Note that the site are numbered
1-8 for MRI gauges and 9-16 for the ETIs. I set the rain rates +/- 5 minutes
of these to zero and integrated from the beginning of the project to get
(done 10/15/97 as rainr.nc)
3. Apply Matt's polynomials to convert the CS615 transit times to soil moisture.
These only exist in his (hardcopy) soil moisture evaluation report as of
(done 10/15/97 as soilq.nc)
4. Insert the new lat/lon positions obtained from Peggy & Julie's GPS
measurements. (Though this will be done automatically if covar is rerun?)
These are more accurate, though they haven't changed much.
(not done as of 10/15/97, though the .cdl file is now correct)
5. Compute Rlw.down and Rlw.up from pile, comp, dome, and case. I've found
that Tdome.up is bad, so I only used: R=Pile + Comp^4 + 0.0356*Rsw for
Rlw.up, which shouldn't be too bad. Note that the gain (in
cal_files/pyg.out) for Rpile.up is positive, so no extra sign reversal is
necessary. (Though sfun/CASES97/rad.config has signed=T. Is this wrong?)
(done 10/15/97 as pyg.nc)
6. Tsrfc at site 5 used an emissivity of 0.94, rather than the correct 0.98
used at the other sites. We can correct this using:
T_.98 = T_.94 * (0.94/0.98)^0.25 = T_.94 * 0.9896
(not done as of 10/15/97, though Julie has been notified)
- 268: LOG, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:49:00 GMT, Sensor Change Database
Project CASES
Component Changes
Grouped By Station
Printed on: 9/08/1997
Site# Date Time Action Component Old_id# New_id# Comments
------ -------- ----- ---------- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
1 4/18/97 19:28 Install TRH NA 3 crossarm inserts don't have indents for set screws.
1 4/26/97 18:24 Change Barometer S0610001 S0610002 Swapped baro with st 3
2 4/18/97 20:29 Install TRH NA 2 OK
3 4/26/97 17:09 Remove Barometer S0610002 NA experiment to sort out crashing barometers at st 1 and st
3 4/26/97 20:00 Install Barometer NA S0610001 checking to see if this baro is bad---locks up every
other day
6 4/24/97 20:35 Change RMY Wind ENG 002 00245 How did I know it was the original RMY which was bad?
Mast elbow on new one was too big---dagnabit.
- 267: SOIL, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:47:33 GMT, TRIME Soil Moisture ICs
Soil Moisture IC Report
Date Sample_Time Site# Ic_reading CS615_raw
----------- ----------- ----- ---------- ---------
"1997 Apr 23 19:15" 1 34.70 1.300
"1997 Apr 30 16:36" 1 27.80 1.220
"1997 May 2 20:35" 1 36.40 1.310
"1997 May 8 20:08" 1 41.00 1.320
"1997 May 15 16:06" 1 35.60 1.320
"1997 Apr 23 18:03" 2 36.00 2.660
"1997 Apr 30 18:17" 2 29.30 2.560
"1997 May 2 21:38" 2 36.30 2.750
"1997 May 8 18:03" 2 40.30 2.780
"1997 May 15 17:24" 2 35.50 2.790
"1997 Apr 27 21:49" 3 31.50 1.530
"1997 May 2 17:12" 3 34.60 1.750
"1997 May 6 18:25" 3 29.20 1.600
"1997 May 9 22:08" 3 29.50 1.690
"1997 May 13 19:54" 3 30.10 1.660
"1997 May 19 21:52" 3 34.10 1.840
"1997 Apr 20 19:28" 4 36.10 1.710
"1997 Apr 20 19:32" 4 34.50 1.710
"1997 Apr 25 22:03" 4 33.10 1.630
"1997 Apr 30 20:17" 4 33.00 1.640
"1997 May 2 19:08" 4 42.00 1.780
"1997 May 9 13:52" 4 37.80 1.720
"1997 May 19 16:12" 4 38.40 1.830
"1997 May 23 21:20" 4 34.80 1.740
"1997 May 2 18:11" 5 30.00 2.160
"1997 May 6 17:28" 5 16.05 1.770
"1997 May 9 22:43" 5 22.80 1.990
"1997 May 19 17:15" 5 *******
"1997 Apr 17 21:52" 6 36.50 2.000
"1997 Apr 24 17:39" 6 19.00 2.020
"1997 May 1 15:35" 6 26.30 1.950
"1997 May 2 16:13" 6 26.00 2.430
"1997 May 9 20:20" 6 20.50 2.100
"1997 May 18 21:45" 6 10.50 1.970
"1997 May 6 21:50" 7 26.20
"1997 May 9 23:27" 7 30.80
"1997 May 7 15:40" 8 26.80
"1997 May 9 21:15" 8 38.70
- 266: RAIN, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:45:48 GMT, Rain Gauge ICs
Rain Gauge Tests
[report rain_chk.r]
Sta# Date Time Type-id# Qty Reading Error Comments
---- -------- ----- -------- ---- ------- ----- -----------------------
1 4/23/97 19:23 MRI 3 100 102.0 2.0 good--dripped slower
than st1 visit
2 4/23/97 18:04 MRI 2 100 95.0 -5.0 not bad
2 4/23/97 18:11 ETI 44 43.0 -2.3 OK
3 4/21/97 19:45 MRI 32 100 98.0 -2.0 This gauge is in a
temporary location
3 4/28/97 16:56 MRI 32 100 100.0 0.0
3 5/23/97 23:25 MRI 32 100 98.0 -2.0
4 4/25/97 22:05 MRI 13 100 102.5 2.5 nice
4 5/23/97 20:59 MRI 13 100 97.0 -3.0
5 4/21/97 21:24 MRI 35 100 100.0 0.0 Gauge is in temporary
5 4/28/97 19:02 MRI 35 100 90.0 -10.0
5 5/24/97 20:22 MRI 35 100 94.0 -6.0
6 4/24/97 17:45 MRI 14 100 107.0 7.0 A little over
6 4/24/97 17:55 ETI 44 43.0 -2.3 Ok
6 5/18/97 20:43 MRI 14 100 103.0 3.0
6 5/18/97 21:24 ETI 44 44.0 0.0
7 5/06/97 21:50 MRI 100 101.0 1.0 Rain results from Splus
after test
8 5/07/97 15:40 MRI 100 95.0 -5.0 Rain results from Splus
after test
- 265: BARO, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:44:35 GMT, Barometer ICs
Barometer Intercomparison Data
Sta Date / Time IC# BARO# IC PAM Pam-Ic Comments
--- ----------- ----------- -------------- ------ --------
1 4/23/97 19:36 37039 1 956.8 956.8 -.0 ok
1 4/30/97 15:39 37039 1 949.5 950.1 .6
1 5/08/97 19:50 37039 0 965.6 965.5 -.0 Not too bad..
1 5/15/97 16:01 37039 1 965.1 965.2 .0
2 4/23/97 17:48 37039 3 955.7 955.7 -.0 good
2 4/30/97 17:45 37039 3 949.9 950.3 .4
2 5/08/97 17:25 37039 3 963.2 963.2 0.0 Not bad.....
2 5/15/97 17:21 37039 3 963.1 963.1 0.0
3 4/21/97 19:26 paro 1 962.3 962.4 .1
3 4/28/97 16:52 37039 1 968.1 968.3 .2
3 5/06/97 18:05 37039 1 977.7 977.6 -.1
3 5/13/97 19:20 37039 1 964.3 964.4 .0
3 5/13/97 19:26 37039 1 964.2 964.2 0.0
3 5/24/97 17:50 37039 1 967.8 967.8 .0
4 4/25/97 22:08 37039 1 978.0 978.1 .0 OK
4 4/30/97 19:55 37039 1 964.8 965.0 .2
4 5/09/97 13:50 37039 1 985.5 985.4 -.1
4 5/23/97 20:47 37039 1 969.6 969.7 .1 final ic
5 4/21/97 20:51 paro 1 957.4 957.5 .1
5 4/28/97 18:26 37039 1 963.0 963.1 .1
5 5/06/97 16:58 37039 1 973.9 973.9 -.1 Seems a bit off, .1mb
5 5/24/97 20:22 37039 1 961.8 961.9 .0
6 4/24/97 17:59 37039 1 972.6 972.6 -.0 good
6 5/01/97 14:56 37039 1 970.9 970.9 .0
6 5/03/97 16:47 37039 1 984.1 984.2 .1
6 5/12/97 17:19 37039 1 977.0 977.0 0.0
6 5/16/97 15:36 37039 1 979.6 979.6 .0
6 5/18/97 20:23 37039 1 964.3 964.4 .1
7 5/03/97 15:47 37039 981.3 981.7 .4 This IC from VISIT log
- 264: HYGROTHERM, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:42:09 GMT, Assman ICs
9/08/97 Assman ICs Page 1
Sample --Trh Sensor- ----Assman Data------
Site# Date Time Time Trh ID Press Samples Tdry Rh Tdry Twet rh Comments
----- -------- ----- ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------------------------------------------------
1 4/23/97 19:01 19:52 3 956.8 11 15.03 39.3 15.26 8.27 37.3 hand held assman over head
1 4/30/97 15:38 15:52 3 950.4 10 10.96 71.9 10.83 8.07 69.5
1 5/08/97 19:46 20:05 3 965.6 10 20.55 40.3 20.56 12.48 38.2 sun was behind cloud during test. Assm. upwind of
1 5/15/97 15:59 16:41 3 965.2 10 20.22 39.4 20.47 12.11 36.3 N ot enough aspiration (wind at times results in
high readings
2 4/23/97 17:35 18:28 2 955.6 11 14.13 44.8 14.40 7.97 40.4 hand held assman above head
2 4/30/97 17:44 17:54 2 950.4 10 12.25 60.5 11.66 7.86 60.0
2 5/08/97 17:22 17:51 2 963.2 11 19.41 54.3 18.84 13.31 54.1 sun came out during later readings. maybe
problems, do again...
2 5/08/97 17:22 18:19 2 962.9 11 20.66 49.4 20.36 13.42 45.7 manually held assm. I was upwind of Hygth,
downwind of Assm.
2 5/15/97 17:18 17:38 2 963.2 10 21.11 34.2 21.27 11.95 31.5 held assman into wind
3 4/21/97 18:52 19:42 1 962.2 12 22.14 47.8 21.94 15.04 48.0 assman about 18" north of TRH
3 4/28/97 16:01 16:17 1 968.5 10 18.13 37.5 17.43 11.18 54.5
3 4/28/97 16:01 16:50 1 968.4 10 18.99 32.8 19.17 10.08 29.1 this is he good one
3 5/06/97 18:02 18:15 1 977.6 10 24.33 41.1 24.51 15.82 39.9 very nice IC. variances less than .2 deg C
3 5/13/97 19:17 19:53 1 963.9 10 23.61 36.9 22.97 14.17 37.3 good natural aspiration
3 5/24/97 17:36 17:47 1 967.9 11 24.89 60.5 25.08 19.14 61.3 one bad reading in avg. not very windy
4 4/25/97 21:39 22:22 8 977.8 10 14.49 39.7 14.97 8.35 39.2 ok
4 4/30/97 19:51 20:01 8 965.1 10 16.83 27.6 16.77 7.97 26.4
4 5/09/97 13:50 14:03 8 985.4 11 10.83 65.4 11.05 7.43 60.2 sun atten by hi cirrus. hung assm. 1-5 over b/e-
boxes held 6-10
4 5/09/97 13:50 16:01 8 985.4 1 11.84 58.6 11.80 7.70 56.5
4 5/23/97 20:45 21:18 8 969.5 10 24.80 62.3 24.80 19.45 61.0
5 4/21/97 20:34 21:12 5 957.5 15 22.01 38.2 22.06 13.41 37.0 TRH is looking down at solar panels
5 4/28/97 18:21 18:36 5 963.1 10 19.28 37.8 19.45 11.26 35.7
5 5/06/97 16:56 17:13 5 973.8 10 22.71 44.4 22.96 15.02 42.4 ok
5 5/24/97 20:06 20:39 5 961.8 15 25.83 63.0 25.76 20.22 60.7 final IC, no wind
6 4/24/97 16:48 18:16 6 972.6 10 13.13 60.1 13.43 9.15 57.3 overcast during IC
6 5/01/97 14:55 15:08 6 970.9 10 16.10 61.5 16.10 11.42 57.2
6 5/03/97 16:46 17:01 6 984.1 10 14.34 51.4 14.52 8.96 47.2
6 5/12/97 17:11 17:44 6 976.7 10 16.60 35.3 16.65 9.03 34.5 IC tken at pressure port side
6 5/18/97 20:03 21:12 6 964.3 10 31.68 41.1 31.41 21.43 41.4
9/08/97 Assman ICs Page 2
Sample --Trh Sensor- ----Assman Data------
Site# Date Time Time Trh ID Press Samples Tdry Rh Tdry Twet rh Comments
----- -------- ----- ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------------------------------------------------
7 5/03/97 15:36 15:47 981.3 4 13.00 53.8 13.60 8.30 48.0 This entry from Visit log notes
- 263: RAD, Site 7, Tue 24-Jun-1997 17:41:16 GMT, PAR sensors at site s7
The Photosynthetically Active Radiation, PAR, or Quantum sensors
used during CASES97 were deployed only at the Super-Site, s7.
Three PAR sensors borrowed from NOAA were mounted on the dark
horse at s7. One was used to monitor incoming PAR,one was used to measure
outgoing PAR, and one was kept as a spare
All sites, including s7in had Licor solar incoming radiation
sensors, soldn, and it is intended to define a ratio
for s7 and then to use soldn at all other sites to obtain
the respective PAR's.
The two NOAA sensors used both were connected via 604 ohm adapters:
NOAA S/N Q22668, cal date 3 Sept''96
-168.4 umol/m^2/s/uA with 604 ohm adaptor
-168.4/604 = .2788 umol/m^2/s/uV
cal factor: .2788e6 umol/m^2/s/V
NOAA S/N Q22666, cal date 3 Sept''96
-181.8 umol/m^2/s/uA with 604 ohm adaptor
-181.8/604 = .3010 umol/m^2/s/uV
cal factor: .3010e6 umol/m^2/s/V
NOAA S/N Q22678, cal date 3 Sept''96
-169.8 umole/m^2/s/uA with 604 ohm adaptor
PS added by Gordon Maclean, June 24:
A gain of 1000 was applied to these analog channels, which caused them
to saturate the +-5V AtoD during the day. (A gain of 100 would have been
a better choice).
- 262: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 04-Jun-1997 20:04:15 GMT, Plumbing delay times for O3 Meyers and CO2 Licor
In order to calculate fluxes the delay times for the chemical sensors
needed to be calculated.
For CASES97 the slight variation due to wind direction was not considered.
SECLOD was mounted immediatelty behind the sonic anemometer and a
delay time of zero was used.
For both Meyers and Licor the delay time were defined during high-wind
period when the flow was down the length of the boom. This condition
gives the tubing + sensor delay when the contribution of the
sonic anemometer to intake is at a minimum.
Cross corellation lag time ("o3.meyers.s7","w.s7") = 2.95 s
Cross corellation lag time ("co2.licor.s7","w.s7") = 1.20 s
These values are in rough agreement with the times calculated
from the flow rates of the sensors and the volume of the 25'tubing
Mass of water in 7.25' of tubing = 27.4 g
Mass of water in 25' of tubing = 94.5 g
Volume of 25' of tubing = 94.5cc = 0.0945 l
Delay time through tubing at 3 lpm (0.05 lps) = 0.0945/0.05 = 1.9 s for Meyers
Delay time through tubing at 7 lpm (0.12 lps) = 0.0945/0.12 = 0.8 s for Licor
- 261: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 28-May-1997 22:42:07 GMT, Post-CASES97 inspection of chem and rad
The equipment returned to NCAR and was unloaded on 27 May''97
I took the Chem Box and the Four component raiometer array
into the lab.
Powered-up the Chem Box:
Teco: Air flow ~ 2 lpm, internal pump and solenoids could be heard operating
The front panel came alive and settled down to give a reasonable value
for inside air ~ 10 ppbv.
Meyers: Air flow ~3 lpm, Internal pump could be heard.
Licor: The pump drew ~ 7 lpm. However the front display was dead.
Gulp: Connected output to chart recorder. Ran for two hours: no change
in output. The program is dead.
Radiometer array: Domes all look clean. Cables disconnected from patch box
The 12 VDC fan operated on test
ADDED 6 June''97
On 3 Jun''97 removed Meyers from chem-box and tested on bench. Functions OK
On 5 Jun''97 removed Licor from Chem-box and tested on bench. Front panel
display active. Zeroing works and sensor responded to hurrs
- 260: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Sun 25-May-1997 16:12:27 GMT, Teardown
Author CJ
date 5/23
Assman Ic
Tdry Twet Pres Tst. RHst.
21.86c. 17.27c. 960.21 22.32 64.91
pres Paro = 960.15mb
st = 960.21mb
rain MRI#2 100tips
ETI 058 no ic cable eaten by cows
trime 32.7% (18:03gmt)
- 259: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sun 25-May-1997 16:07:26 GMT, Teardown
Author : CJ
date 5/23
Assman IC:
Tdry Twet Rh Pres Tst. Rhst.
18.7c. 15.11c. 68.94% 962.24 18.79c. 70.72%
Pressure Paro = 962.24mb
station= 962.26mb
rain ic MRI # 36 Tips = 97
soil Trime = 25.5% (15:00gmt)
- 258: VISIT_LOG, Site all, Sun 25-May-1997 13:34:27 GMT, TearDown Notes / Sensor Locator
Cases Teardown
GPS Locator
Rinex file:
Sensor Locator. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
--------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Hygth. 3 8 6 4 7
RMYoung 313 318 319 315 245 NA NA
PTB220 10003
PTB427 478094 493927
Gill 87 129 Gill
ATI ATI 92021 ATI 901003 01663-2
Krypton K-1090 K-1009 K-1133 K-1101 2MM
Ophir Ophir 1089
Everest 3577-6 3577-1 3577-3 3577-4 3389-1 3577-2 3389-3 3389-2
Emissivity Setting .98 .98 .98 .98 .94 .98 .98 .98
Rain MRI-3 MRI-12 36 2 13 35
ETI 058
Licor 26596 26597 7922 7122 10836 13331 7121
Rnet 94125 94197 94196 97035 97034 97069 91096
Licor Veggie 05892231
CS-615 2 5 9 4 3 8
HFT 943147 943149 87036 87034 87028 973080 973081
Tsoil 94016 97017 97001 97002 97003 NCAR01 NCAR02
Other Locator. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
--------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Battery ABS-3/4 ABS-1/2 Delco Con-3/4
Station 3 batteries stolen
Notes from Teardown
Misc. Notes:
RNET Sensors: Several sensor domes were found damaged.
Sta 2 the cows chewed on the domes, but that probably happened recently.
Sta 5 the dome was dirty and smashed down.
Sta 3 the dome was slightly dimpled.
- 257: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Sat 24-May-1997 20:06 GMT, Teardown
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 20:39
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 25.76 60.7 20.22
PAM Trh 5 25.83 63.0 961.8
Samples: 15
Comments: final IC, no wind
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 20:22
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 961.83
PAM 1 961.85
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 20:22
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 35 Reading: 94 Expected: 100
ati zering w axis 20:08 ,
- 256: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sat 24-May-1997 17:36 GMT, Routine,Teardown
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:47
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 25.08 61.3 19.14
PAM Trh 1 24.89 60.5 967.9
Samples: 11
Comments: one bad reading in avg. not very windy
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:50
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 967.75
PAM 1 967.80
Zero ATI w axis 17:41 only 8mins. u axis 17:50 v axis 17:04
Lif is sweet. Down loaded data
- 255: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Sat 24-May-1997 15:20 GMT, Teardown
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Zeroing of ATI w axis 15:20, u axis 15:32 v axis 15:42, 16:10:16:20
- 254: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Fri 23-May-1997 22:15 GMT, Teardown
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Weather: windy cldy warm
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Soilm IC
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 23:25
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 32 Reading: 98 Expected: 100
Hope the batteries were taken by someone we know?! No ics today. No power
- 253: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Fri 23-May-1997 20:45 GMT, Teardown
Site Visitation Log Entry
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Soilm IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 21:18
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 24.80 61.0 19.45
PAM Trh 8 24.80 62.3 969.5
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 20:47
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 969.63
PAM 1 969.73
Comments: final ic
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 20:59
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 13 Reading: 97 Expected: 100
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 21:20
IC Reading: 34.80
PAM Reading: .89
PAM raw Reading: 1.7400
See ya
- 252: VISIT_LOG, Site 7, Wed 21-May-1997 23:34:46 GMT, final IC's done on station 7
Final IC Taken
the ati sonic was zeroed as follows 'w' vector start 19:30:30
stop 19:40:00
'u' vector start 19:53:02
stop 20:05:00
'v' vector start 19:40:30
stop 19:53:00
barometer IC: GMT Paro Cosmos:127 (Vaisala PTB427)
19:43:00 978.75 978.7
19:43:30 978.76 978.7
19:44:00 978.72 978.8
rain IC: start 19:45:00
stop 20:23:00 1/2 tip left in bucket
Asssman IC
time tdry twet %rh T RH
19:48:00 22.1 14.7 44.6 22.14 45.23
19:48:30 22.4 15.4 47.6 22.27 54.93
19:49:00 22.3 15.2 46.8 22.32 47.78
19:49:30 22.3 14.8 40.7 22.28 49.1
19:50:00 22.4 15.3 46.9 22.38 52.12
19:50:30 22.2 14.8 44.7 22.32 45.69
19:51:00 22.3 15.25 47.1 22.35 44
19:51:30 22.2 15.0 46.0 22.29 47.57
19:52:00 22.1 14.8 45.2 22.23 48.18
19:52:30 22.2 15.1 46.7 22.26 49.3
--------- ----- ---- ----- -----
Averages 22.25 45.63 22.28 48.39
ophir fast h2o sensor mirror center to 'w' vector 78.0 cm
mirror to ground 3.09 meters
trime moisture 20:09:35 29.9% 33.0 tdr level
20:10:00 29.9% 32.0 tdr level
20:10:30 29.8% 32.0 tdr level
- 251: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Wed 21-May-1997 23:18:00 GMT, final IC's done at site 8
all the final IC's were done today at site 8
the ATI vectors were zeroed - 'w' vector start 17:44:00
stop 17:54:30
'u' vector start 17:55:00
stop 18:06:00
'v' vector start 18:06:15
stop 18:19:00
pressure IC: 17:46:00 974.943 mb
17:46:30 974.934 mb Pstation 974.95mb.
17:47:00 974.926 mb
Rain IC: start 17:49
stop 18:18 no partial tips left
Assman IC:
time tdry twet %rh Tst Rhst
17:57:30 22.5 14.6 42.0 20.84 54.42
17:58 21.7 14.1 42.82 20.93 52.07
17:58:30 21.5 14.3 45.18 20.91 52.51
17:59 21.4 14.0 43.72 20.88 53.53
17:59:30 20.8 13.4 42.89 20.85 53.57
18:00 21.5 14.2 44.52 20.97 47.34
18:00:30 21.8 14.9 47.57 20.92 53.18
--------- ---- ----- ----- -----
Averages 21.6 44.1 20.9 52.37
Trime soil moisture s/n 6747 18:14 31.4% 32.0 tdr level
18:15 31.5% 32.0 tdr level
18:16 31.6% 31.0 tdr level
- 250: , Site 7, Wed 21-May-1997 23:14:58 GMT, site 7 gps survey done
a gps survey was done today at site 7 at 20:15.
the bottom of the gps antenna altitude is 10.0 cm above the port on the
- 249: , Site 8, Wed 21-May-1997 22:47:31 GMT, site 8 gps survey done
a gps survey was done at site 8 today at 17:45
the antennna altitude (bottom of the choke ring) is 102.0 cm above the port
on the barometer
- 248: STATUS, Site all, Wed 21-May-1997 18:15:09 GMT, Daily status
LOWLIGHTS: KH2O out on 4,5,8; Soil-q out on 5
Cosmos and Marigold went down overnight.
Cosmos down: 02:40-16:20Z
Marigold down: 22:10-17:20Z (from 17:10,5/20 CDT)
WEATHER: Clear; E winds 4-8 m/s
IOP: Soundings being taken, IOP w/ aircraft from 15:00-21:00 CDT tonight.
Last day of project.
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x B B x x ?
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u B x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations mostly up.
Station 3 u still spiking, u down from 6:45-8:10Z
Station 5 had lots of
spiking from about 22:00Z (5/20) through 01:20Z (5/21)
Fast q KH2o down at 4,5,8(spare);
w:h2o and h2o:h2o for Ophir@8 have been looking high
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q Station 5 down.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Running with ATDD3 now
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Cosmos (Station 7): down from 02:40-16:20Z (07:40-11:20 CDT)
Marigold (Station 8): down from 22:10-17:20Z (from 17:10,5/20 CDT)
Rain: None reported
- 247: ADAM, Site 8, Wed 21-May-1997 18:11:46 GMT, Marigold restarted
Marigold (Station 8): down from 22:10-17:20Z (beginning 17:10,5/20 CDT)
A simple power cycle restarted it.
- 246: ADAM, Site 7, Wed 21-May-1997 17:36:34 GMT, Cosmos restarted
Cosmos (Station 7): down from 02:40-16:20Z (07:40-11:20 CDT)
A simple power cycle restarted it.
- 245: LOGISTICS, Site all, Wed 21-May-1997 17:30:33 GMT, Aerial photos taken of all sites today.
Aerial photos taken of all sites today.
See Julie for details.
Had trouble with Canon camera's auto-focusing and metering probably
because of the window reflection and bouncing.
Included stations 1-8, CU's site,ANL #11 and #12, and NOAA.
- 244: CHEM, Site 7, Tue 20-May-1997 23:13:47 GMT, Licor CO2/Chem sensor problems
The Licor CO2 sensor has been mostly down since the 17th although there
were some brief periods in which is was running.
It was brought back up: ~15:20 CDT, JD140, 20 May via simple power cycle.
NOTE the Gulp also appears to be down and not firing the solenoids to
zero the seclod, licor and meyers ozone.
Part of the outages were related to the Datel problems.
However, it appears that when the Sodalime and Ozone target change was done
on the 17th, the box A/C power cables may have been moved and then became
intermittent for at least the Licor if not the others.
This status of the chem. sensors needs to be investigated further
and fully reported.
- 243: , Site 4, Tue 20-May-1997 22:56:06 GMT, gps readings taken at site 4
gps readings taken at site 4 at 20:30 for 1 hour
- 242: , Site 3, Tue 20-May-1997 22:54:51 GMT, gps readings taken at site 3
gps readings taken at site 3 at 18:30 for 1 hour
- 241: , Site 5, Tue 20-May-1997 22:46:58 GMT, gps readings taken at site 5
gps reading taken at site 5 at 16:15 for 1 hour
- 240: SONIC, Site 4, Tue 20-May-1997 22:31:08 GMT, ati sonic was being interfered with by pam guy wire
the guy wire was caught against the "v" vector of the ati sonic - the ati
was freed at 20:35
- 239: ADAM, Site 7, Tue 20-May-1997 16:27:31 GMT, Cosmos restarted
Cosmos went down at about 00:30Z (19:30 CDT, may 19th)
It was restarted at about 14:20Z (09:20 CDT, may 20th)
This doesn't appear related to the temperature crashes with the
A/D board. The internal box temp. was around 25-26 degrees all
- 238: STATUS, Site all, Tue 20-May-1997 16:26:01 GMT, Daily status
LOWLIGHTS: KH2O out on 4,5,8; Soil-q out on 5
WEATHER: Clear; NE winds shifting to E at 5-10 m/s
IOP: Running IOP until tomorrow 6:00 CDT
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x B B x x ?
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u B x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking,
Fast q KH2o down at 4,5,8(spare);
w:h2o and h2o:h2o for Ophir@8 have been looking high
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q Station 5 down.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Running with ATDD3 now
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Cosmos (Station 7) went down from 00:30-14:20Z (19:30-9:20 CDT)
Rain: None reported
- 237: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 19-May-1997 22:33:24 GMT, Seclod zeroed and Target swap
Zeroed seclod at 16:17:05 local (21:17:05 GMT) for 2 - minutes.
Replaced Target at 18:00 local: removed GFAS3, installed ATDD3
- 236: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Mon 19-May-1997 21:47 GMT, soil sample, soil moisture IC,soil sample, soil moisture IC
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: C
Weather: high cirrus, breezy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 21:52
IC Reading: 34.10
PAM Reading: 1.01
PAM raw Reading: 1.8400
Comments: 34.1 % by volume
took soil sample, and did a soil moisture IC
- 235: VISIT_LOG, Site 7, Mon 19-May-1997 21:11 GMT, zero seclod
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: C
Weather: high cirrus cool and breezy
shoved seclod into helium balloon at 21:17:05
for 2:00
- 234: , Site base, Mon 19-May-1997 20:42:00 GMT, restarted celiometer at 20:40 GMT (15:45 local standard time)
Time of the Celiometer PC is off. It is
1-minute slow.
- 233: STATUS, Site all, Mon 19-May-1997 17:11:16 GMT, Daily status
LOWLIGHTS: Heavy rain last night, KH2O out on 4,5,8
WEATHER: Overcast; NNE winds at 5-10 m/s
IOP: Possible tomorrow
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x B B x x ?
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u B x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q KH2o down at 4,5,8(spare);
h2o:h2o and w:h2o for Ophir @8 have been looking high
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q Station 5 missing after rain
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up. Stopped during rain, restarted this morning
OTHER: Cosmos has recovered analog channels, probably because of cooler wx
Station 1 44.2 mm 0630-1100 GMT
Station 2 21.6 0700-1100
Station 3 51.6 0700-1100
Station 4 41.1 0700-1100
Station 5 59.2 0630-1100
Station 6 20.3 0700-1230
Station 7 52.3 0700-1200
Station 8 40.8 0630-1200
- 232: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Mon 19-May-1997 16:56 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: C
Weather: windy cool over cast
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton work
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 17:15
IC Reading:
PAM Reading: 6999.00
PAM raw Reading: ********
Krypton died after rain.Core sample taken. pics of krypton distance from ATI.
CS615 Soil moisture from campbell logger looks bad.
- 231: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Mon 19-May-1997 15:43 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: C
Weather: overcast, windy, muddy, cool
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 16:12
IC Reading: 38.40
PAM Reading: 1.00
PAM raw Reading: 1.8300
Krypton died during rain last night. Power to it was OK. ad board OK per
shorting plug. It's dead.
Measurement from ati-sonic W = 19.5", Height=123"
- 230: FASTH2O, Site all, Mon 19-May-1997 15:22:27 GMT, Krypton hygrometers appear to have failed at 4,5,8
The Krypton hygromterers at stations 4,5, and 8 appear to have quit.
John and Kathy will try to revive them and Peggy is considering
moving working hygrometers.
- 229: SONIC, Site 8, Mon 19-May-1997 14:50:14 GMT, Campbell Sonic Restarted
The Campbell Sonic hung last night.
Restarted the data output via simple "rserial marigold 206"
and issuing serial command. In this case i used the 'P'
instead of the 'W' but it seemed to work just as well.
Down: 10:15Z, (5:15 CDT)
Up: 14:15Z, (9:15 CDT)
The sonic temperature from the Campbell has intermittent
spikes that do not look real. twh
- 228: ADAM, Site 7, Mon 19-May-1997 14:03:19 GMT, cosmos and marigold reboots
Cosmos rebooted at 0600 GMT this morning. Marigold also rebooted
several times during the night.
- 227: ADAM, Site 7, Sun 18-May-1997 22:24:57 GMT, Cosmos analog channels not reporting
At 1900 GMT, the analog channels on cosmos again stopped. This occured
at the same adam temperature at which these channels quit yesterday.
After considering several remedial actions, decided to wait for cooler
weather predicted for tomorrow.
- 226: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sun 18-May-1997 20:03 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: C
Weather: clear windy warm
Station Service Performed
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 21:12
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 31.41 41.4 21.43
PAM Trh 6 31.68 41.1 964.3
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 20:23
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 964.28
PAM 1 964.40
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 20:43
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 14 Reading: 103 Expected: 100
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 21:24
Gauge Type: ETI S/N: Reading: 44 Expected: 44
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 21:45
IC Reading: 10.50
PAM Reading: 1.19
PAM raw Reading: 1.9700
Final ics before teardown. GPS location data.
RF check: forward=15W, reflected=1W
- 225: STATUS, Site all, Sun 18-May-1997 16:21:19 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Problems with analog ingest on cosmos (station 7)
WEATHER: Mostly clear; SSW winds at 10 m/s
IOP: None scheduled
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: We are experiencing some outages of the analog channels on cosmos (station 7).
- 224: ADAM, Site 7, Sun 18-May-1997 16:17:45 GMT, Cosmos rebooted
Found this morning that the analog channels on cosmos quit reporting
around 2300 GMT yesterday. Gordon suspects the Matrix board as the
cause of the problem. John reseated all boards in cosmos and
successfully rebooted around 1500 GMT this morning. It is possible
that the problem is temperature related, since we are experiencing
higher daytime temperatures than previously during CASES97.
- 223: ADAM, Site 7, Sat 17-May-1997 22:42:17 GMT, Cosmos restarted
Cosmos was brought back up at about 22:20Z (15:20 CDT)
Analog data down from: 18:30Z (13:30 CDT)
All data down from: 19:30Z (14:30 CDT)
The Datel board hung for some reason. After returning to the base and
discovering the problem, our first fix attempt was to reboot the
adam, but it failed to come up properly. Subsequent reboot attempts
also failed.
A quick look in the $ASTER/log/asterlog but didn't reveal anything
obvious, however, it appeared that possibly the socket connection was
having difficulty getting re-established, although we didn't have the cosmos
console log to confirm that.
Meanwhile, the ppp service was OK per checking "ps -t term/1" and noting
the aspppls process was up.
A check of the "netstat -f inet" did show some TIME_WAIT connections,
so I finally took down the ingest process, restarted it and went out to
log the startup session on the adam. Before rebooting, I left the adam
powered down for perhaps 1-2 minutes. Upon power up, everything booted
normally and the turkey TIME_WAIT addresses apparently timed-out and clear
themselves so that we were left with just the
adam-ppp.8000 connects for marigold/cosmos on the socket addr 8000 as usual.
- 222: STATUS, Site all, Sat 17-May-1997 17:23:38 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Serviced o3.meyers and co2 scrubber this morning
WEATHER: Clear; SW winds at 4-5 m/s
IOP: None scheduled
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: We are preparing to measure the station heights by differential GPS
- 221: CHEM, Site 7, Sat 17-May-1997 16:56:13 GMT, Serviced o3.meyers and co2.licor
Changed the soda lime in the co2 scrubber and replaced the o3.meyers
target between 1100 and 1200 CDT today.
- 220: RAD, Site , Fri 16-May-1997 19:54:36 GMT, Tsfc Has Bad Aim At St. 6
Tsfc at station #6 seems to be pointed at both a small patch of wheat growing
on the very edge of a corn field and at the corn in the field. Probably when
the station was set up there was bare ground every where. The wheat is about
3 feet tall. Since this was noticed, it was decided not to repoint it.
- 219: STATUS, Site all, Fri 16-May-1997 16:16:02 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Normal operations
WEATHER: Clear; S winds at 6-8 m/s
IOP: Began 0600 CDT
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x ? x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up. Station 6 required a reset this morning
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Both cosmos (station 7) and marigold (station 8) crashed last
night (at different times). Restarted around 9:30 CDT.
- 218: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Fri 16-May-1997 15:28 GMT, Baro problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: C
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 15:36
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 979.57
PAM 1 979.58
Baro not reporting Cycled power. communication problem. Works fine now.
- 217: ADAM, Site 7, Fri 16-May-1997 14:52:43 GMT, Rebooted cosmos & marigold
Cosmos (7) quit at 0430 GMT, restarted at 0920 CDT
Marigold (8) quit at 0700 GMT, restarted at 0945 CDT
- 216: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Thu 15-May-1997 17:18 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Weather: light clouds, n breeze warm
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Soilm IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:38
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 21.27 31.5 11.95
PAM Trh 2 21.11 34.2 963.2
Samples: 10
Comments: held assman into wind
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:21
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 963.14
PAM 3 963.14
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 17:24
IC Reading: 35.50
PAM Reading: 2.52
PAM raw Reading: 2.7900
Down load data Messed up one transmission. watt meter plugged into UHF .
- 215: ADAM, Site 8, Thu 15-May-1997 16:51:40 GMT, Marigold rebooted
Marigold apparently rebooted at 1648 GMT.
- 214: STATUS, Site all, Thu 15-May-1997 16:39:09 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Normal operations
WEATHER: Scattered cumulus; NE winds at 2 m/s
IOP: Next probable on Friday
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Zeroed and changed seclod target yesterday;
performed sensor ICs at Beaumont and Oxford Class sites
- 213: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Thu 15-May-1997 15:59 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Weather: sunny som high cirrus calm warm
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Soilm IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 16:41
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 20.47 36.3 12.11
PAM Trh 3 20.22 39.4 965.2
Samples: 10
Comments: N ot enough aspiration (wind at times results in high readings
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 16:01
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 965.14
PAM 1 965.15
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 16:06
IC Reading: 35.60
PAM Reading: .44
PAM raw Reading: 1.3200
- 212: , Site , Wed 14-May-1997 22:36:28 GMT, CLASS Site ICs
Travelled to Beaumont and Oxford to run ICs on met stations.
Pres Temp Rh Pres Tdry Twet Rh
958.5mb 16.6c. 44.9% 958.52mb 16.6c. 10.1c. 43.41%
973.85mb 19.7c. 35.5% 973.57mb 19.5c. 11.62c. 37.69%
968.70mb 17.8c. 50.5% 968.62mb 17.9c. 12.03c. 50.59%
- 211: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 14-May-1997 22:22:46 GMT, Seclod Zero and Target
Zeroed seclod 17:36 local
(This cannot be the right time, looks like 19:36 GMT, twh)
Removed target ATDD2 replaced with GFAS3 17:00 (CDT, twh)
replaced seclod 18:00
- 210: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Wed 14-May-1997 20:21 GMT, Communication problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Station missing some random transmits. Will check power and time. Ppower
was 133.5 out and 12.0 refl. Cable not cause. Will return.
Shooed mouse out of ain guage again.
- 209: ADAM, Site 7, Wed 14-May-1997 17:40:24 GMT, Rebooted cosmos
Cosmos crashed around 1120 GMT this morning; rebooted at 1420.
- 208: STATUS, Site all, Wed 14-May-1997 17:38:34 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Thunderstorms last night, strongest at NE portion of network
WEATHER: Clear; N winds at 5-7 m/s
IOP: Next probable on Friday
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Cosmos crashed early this morning; rebooted at 9:20 CDT
Station 1 25.1mm 0140-0230 GMT
Station 2 30.5mm 0200-0240 GMT
Station 3 12.4mm 0220-0300 GMT
Station 4 10.2mm 0200-0240 GMT
Station 5 1.5mm 0230-0300 GMT
Station 6 no rain
Station 7 8.1mm 0230-0330 GMT
Station 8 13.2mm 0230-0330 GMT
- 207: STATUS, Site all, Tue 13-May-1997 20:34:42 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Normal operations
WEATHER: Clear; S winds at 5-7 m/s
IOP: None scheduled
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
SENSOR DETAILS: The fast h2o at station 3 appears to be okay; variance
and fluxes appear to be low only because of low moisture
availability at the surface.
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Station 3 u still spiking
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Lost some data at stations 7 & 8 due to ASTER disk filling up.
- 206: ADAM, Site 7, Tue 13-May-1997 20:08:35 GMT, Rebooted cosmos
Cosmos stopped around 1430 GMT and I just noticed it. Gordon thinks
that the failure was caused by a berserk print daemon on platypus.
Restarted cosmos around 2000 GMT.
- 205: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Tue 13-May-1997 19:17 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
,Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 19:53
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 22.97 37.3 14.17
PAM Trh 1 23.61 36.9 963.9
Samples: 10
Comments: good natural aspiration
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 19:20
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 964.34
PAM 1 964.35
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 19:26
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 964.22
PAM 1 964.22
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 19:54
IC Reading: 30.10
PAM Reading: .79
PAM raw Reading: 1.6600
Cleaned rnet, cleaned krypton.
Sonic Boom height: 159" to top of 1"xarm.
TSFC seems to point 1/2 way between corn and 2' tall wheat. Is this ok?
Q7 levelled. Licor 1/2 bubble out. Stand settling.
- 204: DATA, Site base, Tue 13-May-1997 16:23:36 GMT, ASTER archiving restarted
Restarted ASTER data archival at 1406 GMT. Archiving quit around 1000 GMT
because the disk was full.
- 203: SOIL, Site all, Tue 13-May-1997 15:06:37 GMT, Soil Moisture Intercomparison Data
Soil Moisture Intercomparison Data
5/25/97 Soil Moisture ICs
Site# Date Time Soil_IC# Ic_reading CS615 CS615_raw Comments
------ -------- ----- -------- ---------- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 4/23/97 19:15 6747 34.7 .42 1.30 36.7+35.3(45deg angle)+32.2(angle)
1 4/30/97 16:36 6747 27.8 .36 1.22
1 5/02/97 20:35 6747 36.4 .44 1.31
1 5/15/97 16:06 6747 35.6 .44 1.32
2 4/23/97 18:03 6747 36.0 2.29 2.66 rocky soil. 38.4+33.7(40 deg angle)=36 avg
2 4/30/97 18:17 6747 29.3 2.10 2.56
2 5/02/97 21:38 6747 36.3 2.45 2.75
2 5/08/97 18:03 6747 40.3 2.51 2.78 taken adjacent rain gauge, sensors are s. of rad stand
2 5/15/97 17:24 6747 35.5 2.52 2.79
3 4/27/97 21:49 6747 31.5 .65 1.53 average of 30.4, 33, 14.5 (top disturbed dirt)
3 5/02/97 17:12 6747 34.6 .90 1.75
3 5/06/97 18:25 6747 29.2 .73 1.60 avg 28.9 +29.4 (got good 45 deg samples)
3 5/09/97 22:08 6747 29.5 .83 1.69
3 5/13/97 19:54 30.1 .79 1.66
3 5/19/97 21:52 6747 34.1 1.01 1.84 34.1 % by volume
4 4/20/97 19:28 6747 36.1 .86 1.71 Crusty on top. Used TRIME hole starter
4 4/20/97 19:32 6747 34.5 .86 1.71 TRIME at 45 deg angle. Used starter rods
4 4/25/97 22:03 6747 33.1 .76 1.63 Avg of two readings. Soil crusty on top
4 4/30/97 20:17 6747 33.0 .78 1.64
4 5/02/97 19:08 6747 42.0 .94 1.78
4 5/09/97 13:52 6747 37.8 .87 1.72
4 5/19/97 16:12 38.4 1.00 1.83
4 5/23/97 21:20 6747 34.8 .89 1.74
5 5/02/97 18:11 6747 30.0 1.45 2.16
5 5/06/97 17:28 6747 16.1 .93 1.77 avg of 12.1+22.1+14.0
5 5/09/97 22:43 6747 22.8 1.21 1.99 soil seemed less dense than other sites. easy to insert prb
5 5/19/97 17:15 ****** ******
6 4/17/97 21:52 6747 36.5 1.75 2.00 Very consistent across depths--but bad raw num?
6 4/24/97 17:39 6747 19.0 1.25 2.02 Averaged 2 readings. Soil is cracking
6 5/01/97 15:35 6747 26.3 1.16 1.95
6 5/02/97 16:13 26.0 1.89 2.43 soil moist - reading seems low but clay soil
6 5/02/97 16:13 6747 26.0 1.89 2.43 soil moist - reading seems low but clay soil
6 5/09/97 20:20 6747 20.5 1.36 2.10
6 5/18/97 21:45 6747 10.5 1.19 1.97
7 5/12/97 15:48 6747 31.9 3.57 1.54 5 min covar avg. q.soilx=35.76%
8 5/11/97 16:20 6747 33.4 1.45 5 min covar avg. q.soil=42.9%
- 202: RAIN, Site all, Tue 13-May-1997 15:04:35 GMT, Rain Intercomparison Data
Rain Intercomparison Data
Paradox Report generated on 5/24/97
Rain Gauge Tests
[report rain_chk.r]
Sta# Date Time Type-id# Qty Reading Error Comments
---- -------- ----- -------- ---- ------- ----- -----------------------
1 4/23/97 19:23 MRI 3 100 102.0 2.0 good--dripped slower
than st1 visit
2 4/23/97 18:04 MRI 2 100 95.0 -5.0 not bad
2 4/23/97 18:11 ETI 44 43.0 -2.3 OK
3 4/21/97 19:45 MRI 32 100 98.0 -2.0 This gauge is in a
temporary location
3 4/28/97 16:56 MRI 32 100 100.0 0.0
3 5/23/97 23:25 MRI 32 100 98.0 -2.0
4 4/25/97 22:05 MRI 13 100 102.5 2.5 nice
4 5/23/97 20:59 MRI 13 100 97.0 -3.0
5 4/21/97 21:24 MRI 35 100 100.0 0.0 Gauge is in temporary
5 4/28/97 19:02 MRI 35 100 90.0 -10.0
5 5/24/97 20:22 MRI 35 100 94.0 -6.0
6 4/24/97 17:45 MRI 14 100 107.0 7.0 A little over
6 4/24/97 17:55 ETI 44 43.0 -2.3 Ok
6 5/18/97 20:43 MRI 14 100 103.0 3.0
6 5/18/97 21:24 ETI 44 44.0 0.0
7 5/06/97 21:50 MRI 100 101.0 1.0 Rain results from
Splus after test
8 5/07/97 15:40 MRI 100 95.0 -5.0 Rain results from
Splus after test
- 201: HYGROTHERM, Site all, Tue 13-May-1997 14:58:06 GMT, Assman Intercomparison Data
Assman Intercomparison Data
5/25/97 CASES97 Assman ICs Page 1
Sensor Assman
Site# Date Time Trh_id# Pressure Samples Tdry Rh tdry twet RH Comments
------ -------- ----- ------- -------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------------------------
1 4/23/97 19:52 3 956.8 11 15.03 39.3 15.26 8.27 37.3 hand held assman over head
1 4/30/97 15:52 3 950.4 10 10.96 71.9 10.83 8.07 69.5
1 5/08/97 20:05 3 965.6 10 20.55 40.3 20.56 12.48 38.2 sun was behind cloud during
test. Assm. upwind of
1 5/15/97 16:41 3 965.2 10 20.22 39.4 20.47 12.11 36.3 N ot enough aspiration
(wind at times results in
high readings
2 4/23/97 18:28 2 955.6 11 14.13 44.8 14.40 7.97 40.4 hand held assman above head
2 4/30/97 17:54 2 950.4 10 12.25 60.5 11.66 7.86 60.0
2 5/08/97 17:51 2 963.2 11 19.41 54.3 18.84 13.31 54.1 sun came out during later
readings. maybe problems,
do again...
2 5/08/97 18:19 2 962.9 11 20.66 49.4 20.36 13.42 45.7 manually held assm. I was
upwind of Hygth, downwind
of Assm.
2 5/15/97 17:38 2 963.2 10 21.11 34.2 21.27 11.95 31.5 held assman into wind
3 4/21/97 19:42 1 962.2 12 22.14 47.8 21.94 15.04 48.0 assman about 18" north of
3 4/28/97 16:17 1 968.5 10 18.13 37.5 17.43 11.18 54.5
3 4/28/97 16:50 1 968.4 10 18.99 32.8 19.17 10.08 29.1 this is he good one
3 5/06/97 18:15 1 977.6 10 24.33 41.1 24.51 15.82 39.9 very nice IC. variances
less than .2 deg C
3 5/13/97 19:53 1 963.9 10 23.61 36.9 22.97 14.17 37.3 good natural aspiration
3 5/24/97 17:47 1 967.9 11 24.89 60.5 25.08 19.14 61.3 one bad reading in avg. not
very windy
4 4/25/97 22:22 8 977.8 10 14.49 39.7 14.97 8.35 39.2 ok
4 4/30/97 20:01 8 965.1 10 16.83 27.6 16.77 7.97 26.4
4 5/09/97 14:03 8 985.4 11 10.83 65.4 11.05 7.43 60.2 sun atten by hi cirrus.
hung assm. 1-5 over b/e-
boxes held 6-10
4 5/09/97 16:01 8 985.4 1 11.84 58.6 11.80 7.70 56.5
4 5/23/97 21:18 8 969.5 10 24.80 62.3 24.80 19.45 61.0
5 4/21/97 21:12 5 957.5 15 22.01 38.2 22.06 13.41 37.0 TRH is looking down at
solar panels
5 4/28/97 18:36 5 963.1 10 19.28 37.8 19.45 11.26 35.7
5 5/06/97 17:13 5 973.8 10 22.71 44.4 22.96 15.02 42.4 ok
5 5/24/97 20:39 5 961.8 15 25.83 63.0 25.76 20.22 60.7 final IC, no wind
6 4/24/97 18:16 6 972.6 10 13.13 60.1 13.43 9.15 57.3 overcast during IC
6 5/01/97 15:08 6 970.9 10 16.10 61.5 16.10 11.42 57.2
6 5/03/97 17:01 6 984.1 10 14.34 51.4 14.52 8.96 47.2
6 5/12/97 17:44 6 976.7 10 16.60 35.3 16.65 9.03 34.5 IC tken at pressure port
6 5/18/97 21:12 6 964.3 10 31.68 41.1 31.41 21.43 41.4
7 5/12/97 15:48 4 976.0 11 14.01 38.2 14.54 8.10 37.5 clear lt. n. breeze
8 5/11/97 16:30 7 967.6 12 21.59 45.5 21.37 13.95 43.6 clear wind from sw. held
assm by hand into wind
- 200: BARO, Site all, Tue 13-May-1997 14:54:03 GMT, Barometer Intercomparison Data
Barometer Intercomparison Data
Barometer Intercomparison Data
Sta Date / Time IC# BARO# IC PAM Pam-Ic Comments
--- ----------- ----------- -------------- ------ --------
1 4/23/97 19:36 37039 1 956.8 956.8 -.0 ok
1 4/30/97 15:39 37039 1 949.5 950.1 .6
1 5/08/97 19:50 37039 0 965.6 965.5 -.0 Not too bad..
1 5/15/97 16:01 37039 1 965.1 965.2 .0
2 4/23/97 17:48 37039 3 955.7 955.7 -.0
2 4/30/97 17:45 37039 3 949.9 950.3 .4
2 5/08/97 17:25 37039 3 963.2 963.2 0.0 Not bad.....
2 5/15/97 17:21 37039 3 963.1 963.1 0.0
3 4/21/97 19:26 37039 1 962.3 962.4 .1
3 4/28/97 16:52 37039 1 968.1 968.3 .2
3 5/06/97 18:05 37039 1 977.7 977.6 -.1
3 5/13/97 19:20 37039 1 964.3 964.4 .0
3 5/13/97 19:26 37039 1 964.2 964.2 0.0
3 5/24/97 17:50 37039 1 967.8 967.8 .0
4 4/25/97 22:08 37039 1 978.0 978.1 .0 OK
4 4/30/97 19:55 37039 1 964.8 965.0 .2
4 5/09/97 13:50 37039 1 985.5 985.4 -.1
4 5/23/97 20:47 37039 1 969.6 969.7 .1 final ic
5 4/21/97 20:51 37039 1 957.4 957.5 .1
5 4/28/97 18:26 37039 1 963.0 963.1 .1
5 5/06/97 16:58 37039 1 973.9 973.9 -.1
5 5/24/97 20:22 37039 1 961.8 961.9 .0
6 4/24/97 17:59 37039 1 972.6 972.6 -.0
6 5/01/97 14:56 37039 1 970.9 970.9 .0
6 5/03/97 16:47 37039 1 984.1 984.2 .1
6 5/12/97 17:19 37039 1 977.0 977.0 0.0
6 5/16/97 15:36 37039 1 979.6 979.6 .0
6 5/18/97 20:23 37039 1 964.3 964.4 .1
7 5/12/97 15:23 37039 94 976.0 976.2 .2 Aster 5-min covar avg
for Vais PT427
8 5/12/97 16:11 37039 967.6 967.8 .1 Aster 5-min covar avg
for Vais PT427
- 199: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Mon 12-May-1997 17:11 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Station Service Performed
Offload Data
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:44
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 16.65 34.5 9.03
PAM Trh 6 16.60 35.3 976.7
Samples: 10
Comments: IC tken at pressure port side
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:19
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 976.99
PAM 1 976.99
bird landed on Tsfc sensor connector. 12:14 were there glitches?
Cleaned Rnet dome, bottom seems slightly smudged but not too bad.
Downloaded data.
- 198: VISIT_LOG, Site 7, Mon 12-May-1997 15:22 GMT, ICs, micky in rain gauge. bug eggs on bottom rnet.
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Weather: Clear calm
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 15:48
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 14.54 37.5 8.10
PAM Trh 4 14.01 38.2 976.0
Samples: 11
Comments: clear lt. n. breeze
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 15:48
IC Reading: 31.90
PAM Reading: 3.57
PAM raw Reading: 1.5400
Comments: 5 min covar avg. q.soilx=35.76%
- 197: FASTH2O, Site 8, Sun 11-May-1997 21:45:40 GMT, Installed AIR bph and CSI Krypton
Installed the AIR bandpass on the ATI tower and the CSI Krypton
sensor on the Campbell tower this afternoon. Each sensor was
installed underneath the sonic boom and "behind" the sonic.
Calibration for Krypton:
Added file $ASTER/cal_files/krypton1089
and edited $ASTER/projects/CASES97/ops1/prep.config
for marigold 100 q_kh2o("krypton1089") d=(h2o).csi
and restarted the covars.
NOTE in the krypton1089 file I put in the "Full Range"
coefficients instead of the Dry or Wet linear range.
...I presume that's correct?
These coef. were found on the Campbell worksheets
provided when the sensors were rented for this project.
Calibration for BPH with AIR fast trh:
Steve edited $ASTER/projects/CASES97/ops1/prep.config
for marigold 101 t_vaisala(-41.731524,20.5538,-0.006932) d=(t).bph.s8
and marigold 102 h2o_vaisala(2.646416,17.16,0.519267,0.0,0.0)
and restarted covars on 5/12: 14Z
- 196: CHEM, Site 7, Sun 11-May-1997 21:32:58 GMT, Changed SECLOD target
Removed SECLOD from tower at 3:45 pm CDT
Replaced GFAS2 target with ATDD2
Replaced SECLOD on tower at 4:30 pm CDT
- 195: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Sun 11-May-1997 16:00 GMT, ICs install krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: CJ
Weather: Clear lt. S. breeze
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 16:20
IC Reading: 33.40
PAM Reading:
PAM raw Reading: 1.4530
Comments: 5 min covar avg. q.soil=42.9%
- 194: CHEM, Site 7, Sun 11-May-1997 15:10:25 GMT, Seclod zero
Zeroed SECLOD with helium balloon technique at 0944-0946 CDT.
- 193: STATUS, Site all, Sun 11-May-1997 14:27:26 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Cathy Jirak arrived without luggage
WEATHER: Mostly clear; southwest winds 5-8 m/s
IOP: 0600 CDT Saturday - 0600 CDT Sunday
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Ohir at station 8 quit at times.
T surface Station 6 is looking better
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Ophir at station 8 quit and restarted itself for twice yesterday.
Its variance and flux also look somewhat high.
- 192: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sat 10-May-1997 21:29 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton work
TRH Clean
- 191: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Sat 10-May-1997 15:15 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Ophir was down. Upon arrival, numbers like 2032, 2000 were being provided. To make sure it was up, recycled power, which naturally killed it. After fumbling around and finding the ophir.c calib routine, which Gordon documented (thanks-G), determined that "a" return is the command to initiate 20hz output. That worked and guess what, we began getting the same numbers once again!
- 190: STATUS, Site all, Sat 10-May-1997 14:51:23 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Completed another round of soil sampling yesterday
WEATHER: Clear; southerly winds 2-4 m/s
IOP: Scheduled for 0600 CDT Saturday
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up.
T surface Station 6 is looking better
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
- 189: VISIT_LOG, Site 7, Fri 9-May-1997 23:27 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Weather: clear, essentially calm for Kansas
Soil sample taken. Very easy to insert starter probes in by hand...seems to be less dense soil. Trime IC 30.8% Will need to pull data off aster by hand later
- 188: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Fri 9-May-1997 22:36 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 22:43
IC Reading: 22.80
PAM Reading: 1.21
PAM raw Reading: 1.9900
Comments: soil seemed less dense than other sites. easy to insert prb
Soil sample taken. Soil may be more sandy? It seemed less dense than others in area. Was able to push started rods in by hand easily. Trime IC 22.8%
- 187: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Fri 9-May-1997 22:02 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 22:08
IC Reading: 29.50
PAM Reading: .83
PAM raw Reading: 1.6900
Soil sample taken. trime IC 29.5%
- 186: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Fri 9-May-1997 21:14 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil sample. trime IC = 38.7%, Get aster data later, no cable to talk w/ it.
- 185: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Fri 9-May-1997 20:19 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Weather: clear, lt breeze from NE
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 20:20
IC Reading: 20.50
PAM Reading: 1.36
PAM raw Reading: 2.1000
Took soil sample / trime IC.
Checked mast: level OK front to back. 1/2 bubble high to pres port side. Checked Gill best i could: side-to-side appeared OK despite mast being off (per the bracket while standing on tripod) couldn't get front-to-back.
- 184: STATUS, Site all, Fri 09-May-1997 15:43:48 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: All fast h2o now working again
WEATHER: Clearing; northerly winds at 5 m/s
IOP: Saturday perhaps.
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x ?? x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors turned on
T surface Station 6 is going out.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Maintenance visits made to stations 1,2,4
St 1: 0.06 inches (2000-0030 GMT, 0.06 inch 2300-0030)
St 2: 0.04 inches (2400-0200 GMT, 0.03 inch 0100-0200)
St 3: no rain
St 4: 0.03 inches (2200-0100 GMT, 0.02 inch 0100 GMT)
St 5: no rain
St 6: 0.01 inch (0300 GMT)
St 7: no rain
St 8: no rain
- 183: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Fri 9-May-1997 13:50 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: JM
Weather: cool, high cirrus, lt brz from N/NE
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 14:03
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 11.05 60.2 7.43
PAM Trh 8 10.83 65.4 985.4
Samples: 11
Comments: sun atten by hi cirrus. hung assm. 1-5 over b/e-boxes held 6-10
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 16:01
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 11.80 56.5 7.70
PAM Trh 8 11.84 58.6 985.4
Samples: 1
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 13:50
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 985.50
PAM 1 985.43
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 13:52
IC Reading: 37.80
PAM Reading: .87
PAM raw Reading: 1.7200
Krypt plugged back in.
Baro, trh, soil IC. Note Assman check first was hung on xarm over elec/batt box area; readings higher than trh, maybe a bit of sun on thermom. shafts. Last 5 readings i held it by hand toward horizon and shaded the shafts; readings
consistent. IMHO, hanging of assman isn't best approach and causes slight offsets.
Downloaded data.
- 182: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Thu 8-May-1997 19:46 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: breezy from NNW. scattered alto-str-Q
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 20:05
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 20.56 38.2 12.48
PAM Trh 3 20.55 40.3 965.6
Samples: 10
Comments: sun was behind cloud during test. Assm. upwind of hygth.
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 19:50
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 965.55
PAM 0 965.51
Comments: Not too bad..
Photos taken. ICs baro, trh, soil.
Krypton cleaned, plugged back in.
Sonic boom height = 94"; Gill sonic 22" above boom;
Krypton 24" "behind" sonic.
Obvious dirt on net rad domes; cleaned both netrad and soldn at about 3:15 local.
- 181: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Thu 8-May-1997 17:22 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: Breezy (NE), rain last night, alto-strat
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:51
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 18.84 54.1 13.31
PAM Trh 2 19.41 54.3 963.2
Samples: 11
Comments: sun came out during later readings. maybe problems, do again...
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 18:19
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 20.36 45.7 13.42
PAM Trh 2 20.66 49.4 962.9
Samples: 11
Comments: manually held assm. I was upwind of Hygth, downwind of Assm.
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:25
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 963.15
PAM 3 963.15
Comments: Not bad.....
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 18:03
IC Reading: 40.30
PAM Reading: 2.51
PAM raw Reading: 2.7800
Comments: taken adjacent rain gauge, sensors are s. of rad stand
ICs taken: baro, soil, trh.
Rnet leveled, was off by about 1/2 bubble high to NE. Domes were OK.
Soil sample taken.
Photos taken. Krypton plugged back in and cleaned.
Sonic boom height = 92 in agl; krypton 23 in "behind" sonic.
- 180: STATUS, Site all, Thu 08-May-1997 17:07:31 GMT, Daily Status
HIGHLIGHTS: Rain last night, ASTER data collection died after rain today.
Sonic raised at st 6 yesterday
WEATHER: Winds have shifted to the north. Starting to clear.
IOP: Friday perhaps.
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x uhoh x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors turned off
T surface Station 6 is going out.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Kryptons will be plugged in again today.
St 1: 17.3mm
St 2: 15.7mm
St 3: 15mm
St 4: 18.8mm
St 5: 17.8mm
St 6: 9.1mm
St 7: 20.3mm
St 8: 12.8mm (data seems suspect)
- 179: STATUS, Site base, Thu 08-May-1997 14:33:00 GMT, ASTER ingest restarted
ASTER data ingest died 97/05/08 at ~7:30Z
Caused by the /data disk filling to 100%.
This locked up everything which required a reboot of
ASTER and Cocklebur.
Restarted ADAMS / Archiving at about 14:30Z
after purging some old files.
- 178: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Wed 7-May-1997 17:27 GMT, sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast southerly winds
Station Service Performed
Raise/Lower Mast
Wheat is about 27" high.
Raised sonic boom to 132"
Center of Gill is 22" above boom.
Boom is not vertical
- 177: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Wed 7-May-1997 15:38 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast and fixing to rain
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 15:40
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: Reading: 95 Expected: 100
Comments: Rain results from Splus after test
rain IC started at 15:40 finished about 15:56
Soil mois 26.6, 27.0, 27.0
Everest IRT note: IMHO the sensor is pointed such that it's looking at the sawhorse in enough of its field of view to where a close look at the data is warrented.
- 176: STATUS, Site all, Wed 07-May-1997 15:35:47 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: Station visits to 3 & 5 yesterday;
serviced O3, CO2 sensors today.
Performing rain gauge tests at stations 7 & 8
WEATHER: Southerly winds, currently 7 m/s, increasing low-level clouds,
expect rain today and tonight
IOP: None
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors turned off
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: John Militzer arrived yesterday (Errol left on Monday morning).
- 175: VISIT_LOG, Site 7, Tue 6-May-1997 21:43 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: breezy, clearing sw winds
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 21:50
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: Reading: 101 Expected: 100
Comments: Rain results from Splus after test
Found mouse nest in rain gauge. Two mice had set up house. They left.
Trime: 1st = 26%, TDR=31; 2nd = 26.2 ,26.3
Did 100 tip rain test about 21:50
checked CR10--it is reporting each 2 seconds, and it totals rain properly.
(Did a manual 10 tip test to verify. got 1,2,2,3,2 tips
- 174: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Tue 6-May-1997 19:42 GMT, Krypton,Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Unplugged Krypton
Pulled all data on PCMCIA card
- 173: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Tue 6-May-1997 19:02 GMT, Krypton,Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: starting to sprinkle
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Unplugged Krypton
got all pcmcia data
- 172: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Tue 6-May-1997 18:02 GMT, Routine,Krypton,Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast, SE winds
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Soil Mois IC
Unplugged Krypton
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 18:15
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 24.51 39.9 15.82
PAM Trh 1 24.33 41.1 977.6
Samples: 10
Comments: very nice IC. variances less than .2 deg C
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 18:05
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 977.68
PAM 1 977.59
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 18:25
IC Reading: 29.20
PAM Reading: .73
PAM raw Reading: 1.6000
Comments: avg 28.9 +29.4 (got good 45 deg samples)
corn crop is 1" tall now
Offloaded all PCMCIA data
- 171: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Tue 6-May-1997 16:56 GMT, Routine,Krypton,Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast, SE wind
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Soil Mois IC
Unplugged Krypton
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:13
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 22.96 42.4 15.02
PAM Trh 5 22.71 44.4 973.8
Samples: 10
Comments: ok
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 16:58
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 973.93
PAM 1 973.85
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 17:28
IC Reading: 16.05
PAM Reading: .93
PAM raw Reading: 1.7700
Comments: avg of 12.1+22.1+14.0
Did ICs, soil core sample (soil is dry and dusty here)
Offloaded All PCMCIA data uptill today.
- 170: STATUS, Site all, Tue 06-May-1997 16:01:44 GMT, Daily status
WEATHER: Light winds, increasing clouds
IOP: None
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors will be unplugged today
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations are up.
Soil q All stations are up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Strength ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
OTHER: Zeroed SECLOD with helium balloon yesterday
- 169: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 05-May-1997 22:01:57 GMT, Zeroed SECLOD
Used a helium balloon to zero the SECLOD today at 21:49--21:50 GMT.
The zeroing may have been rather poor since a good deal of the helium
escaped in puncturing the balloon.
- 168: STATUS, Site all, Mon 05-May-1997 19:51:08 GMT, Daily Status
HIGHLIGHTS: Outage this a.m. on station 7
WEATHER: Rain bands came through early this morning. Received about 1.25 mm
rain at sites 2 and 6, and 1 mm at station 1
IOP: Ended today
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors still unbagged and working.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up;
Soil T All stations are up.
Soil q All stations are up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Station 7 down about 0845 GMT, reset about 1400 GMT.
- 167: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Mon 5-May-1997 16:35 GMT, No good reason
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: clear, breezy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Rad Work
leveled Q7 (rnet). It was slanted to the west
- 166: ADAM, Site 7, Mon 05-May-1997 14:46:38 GMT, Rebooted cosmos
Cosmos crashed around 0300 CDT. Rebooted this morning around 9 am.
- 165: STATUS, Site all, Mon 05-May-1997 14:36:15 GMT, Daily Status (for Sunday 4-May)
All sensors up;
WEATHER: Sourtherly winds, clear sky, perfect weather.
IOP: Started at 06:00 CDT
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x t? u-sp x x t? x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x low x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Stations 2, and 6 showing noisy Tc variances at night
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors unbagged.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up; station 5 is low, will clean domes today
Soil T All stations are up.
Soil q All stations are up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Gordon fixed the PAM data ingest stuff, so even though the DOMSAT connection
is out, we are now getting PAM data every 10 minutes via an alternate source.
- 164: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Sun 4-May-1997 20:17 GMT, rad problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Sensor Maintenance Performed
, Net Radiometer
RNET before 437.8
RNET after cleaning 538
was dirty with splattered dirt on top - cleaned top and bottom
- 163: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Sat 3-May-1997 18:07 GMT, Potential Mice
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
filled holes in freewave box with brass scrubbies - no evident problems
taped up cabpbell serial cable to small tower
- 162: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Sat 3-May-1997 17:40 GMT, rad problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: TH
Weather: cool, ortherly winds, clear
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Rad Work
cleaned licor. It had some dusty dirt on it. Went from 841 W/m2 to 955 W/m2
- 161: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sat 3-May-1997 16:46 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Weather: sunny light breeze
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:01
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 14.52 47.2 8.96
PAM Trh 6 14.34 51.4 984.1
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 16:47
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 984.11
PAM 1 984.19
- 160: VISIT_LOG, Site 7, Sat 3-May-1997 15:36 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: sunny and breezy
Station Service Performed
Mouse nesting
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Freewave bax had mousenest and mouse -evicted both
Baro tube chewed threw - repaired
freewave power cab;e munched - cut put bad section and reconnected
filled box holes as best as I could with brass scrubbers
baro st7 981.7 ic 981.26
assman tdry 13.6 twet 8.3
15:47:53.340 981.8:23 13:21 52.37:22 0:24
15:47:54.340 981.7:23 13.01:21 53.39:22 0:24
15:47:55.340 981.8:23 13:21 53.96:22 0:24
15:47:56.340 981.8:23 13:21 55.34:22 0:24
- 159: SONIC, Site 8, Sat 03-May-1997 15:21:15 GMT, Power cycled on Campbell Sonic at 9:09 local (14:09 GMT)
The sonic had to have its data output restarted manually after the power
down/up. This was done by an "rserial marigold 206", command to talk to
the sensor. Typing a "w" started the data rolling again.
- 158: STATUS, Site all, Sat 03-May-1997 13:58:36 GMT, Daily status
All sensors now up; Krypton h2o sensors unbagged yesterday.
WEATHER: Northerly winds, clear sky, warming up today. Winds expected
to shift to the south by dawn tomorrow morning.
IOP: Scheduled for tomorrow, possibly at 6:00 a.m. CDT
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x u-sp x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x low x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors unbagged.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up; station 5 is low
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations are up.
Soil q All stations are up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
TRIME readings made at all 8 sites yesterday. Also
Krypton sensors unbagged and cleaned.
DOMSAT data collection is down again this weekend.
The NESDIS and SUTRON GOES receving systems are still working
though. (This does not affect overall data collection,
it just forces us to fly somewhat blind.)
- 157: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Fri 2-May-1997 21:32 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast very windy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton unbag and clean
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 21:38
IC Reading: 36.30
PAM Reading: 2.45
PAM raw Reading: 2.7500
this is the real 2 the other is st1
- 156: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Fri 2-May-1997 20:29 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast windy mild rain
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton work unbag and clean
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 20:35
IC Reading: 36.40
PAM Reading: .44
PAM raw Reading: 1.3100
- 155: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Fri 2-May-1997 19:03 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast and windy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton work bag and clean
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 19:08
IC Reading: 42.00
PAM Reading: .94
PAM raw Reading: 1.7800
krypton 850 before 1500 after
- 154: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Fri 2-May-1997 17:57 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: sunny and breezy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Krypton unbag and clean
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 18:11
IC Reading: 30.00
PAM Reading: 1.45
PAM raw Reading: 2.1600
- 153: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Fri 2-May-1997 17:01 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Krypton reconnect -had no bag
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 17:12
IC Reading: 34.60
PAM Reading: .90
PAM raw Reading: 1.7500
low Krypton count around 800 - seems to be going up as it dries out in sun
last reading 920
- 152: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Fri 2-May-1997 15:58 GMT, Krypton unbag ,Trime
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: TH
Weather: sunny - mild breeze
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Krypton unbag
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 16:13
IC Reading: 26.00
PAM Reading: 1.89
PAM raw Reading: 2.4300
Comments: soil moist - reading seems low but clay soil
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 16:13
IC Reading: 26.00
PAM Reading: 1.89
PAM raw Reading: 2.4300
Comments: soil moist - reading seems low but clay soil
krypton 1000-1500 after unbag and cleaning
- 151: STATUS, Site all, Thu 01-May-1997 22:15:50 GMT, Daily status
All sensors now up; bagged Krypton h2o sensors.
ASTER data system appears to be getting more robust and we
can now access all data with dailyplots.
WEATHER: Overcast this afternoon with light rain showers. Forecast
is for severe weather this evening.
IOP: None today.
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up; Krypton sensors bagged.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations are up.
Soil q All stations are up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Routine service visits made to stations 6,7,8
- 150: VISIT_LOG, Site 8, Thu 1-May-1997 20:42 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Soil Moisture
Soil Core
- 149: LOGISTICS, Site base, Thu 01-May-1997 19:14:12 GMT, Staked down base trailer
Matt staked the base trailer down this morning.
- 148: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Thu 1-May-1997 19:14 GMT, Krypton bag
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
height = 126 inches
- 147: FASTH2O, Site all, Thu 01-May-1997 19:11:47 GMT, Bagged krypton sensors
Bagged krypton h2o sensors at sites 1-4, 6;
disconnected krypton at site 5 from station electronics
and inserted shorting plug in A/D input channel.
- 146: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Thu 1-May-1997 17:43 GMT, Krypton bag
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
aneometer height = 94 inche
- 145: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Thu 1-May-1997 17:26 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: TH
Weather: Light rain
Unplugged krypton hygrometer at electronics box and
installed shorting plug.
- 144: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Thu 1-May-1997 17:08 GMT, Krypton bag
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
anemometer mast heigh =94 inches
- 143: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Thu 1-May-1997 17:03 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: TH
Weather: light rain just began
Bagged krypton hygrometer; taking site photos
- 142: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Thu 1-May-1997 14:55 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Kyrpton bagged
Soil Core
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 15:08
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 16.10 57.2 11.42
PAM Trh 6 16.10 61.5 970.9
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 14:56
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 970.88
PAM 1 970.90
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 15:35
IC Reading: 26.30
PAM Reading: 1.16
PAM raw Reading: 1.9500
anemometer height 106.75 nches
- 141: STATUS, Site all, Wed 30-Apr-1997 21:02:26 GMT, Daily status
All sensors now up.
CO2 pump restarted; O3 sensor targets changed.
We are still experiencing ASTER data system crashes.
The merger of PAM and ASTER data is almost complete, but
currently we have limited access to data.
WEATHER: Scatted cumulus this afternoon, overcast this morning with very
light showers. Strong northerly winds.
IOP: None today.
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All stations up.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up.
Soil T All stations up.
Soil q All stations up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries ok
GOES Not monitored today (broken pam ascii files)
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Restarted CO2 pump around 1800 yesterday.
O3 (Meyers) Up. Target material replaced this morning.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Target material replaced this morning.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
We are puzzled by the ASTER data system crashes. Gordon
will help us work on this when he has completed the
PAM and ASTER data merge. We currently do not have ready access
to data because the netCDF file formats are in a state of flux.
Routine service visits made to stations 1,2 and 4.
- 140: SONIC, Site all, Wed 30-Apr-1997 20:59:37 GMT, Sonic boom heights & Distances
Sonic boom heights:
Station 1 94 in (239 cm) Solent
Station 2 94 in (239 cm) Solent
Station 4 127 in (322 cm) ATI
Station 6 107 in (271 cm) Solent (22 in above boom)
Station 6 132 in (335 cm) Solent raised May 7
Station 8 400 cm ATI
Sonic distance from Kh20
Station 1 60.5cm
Station 2 50.9cm
Station 3 na
Station 4 57cm
Station 5 na
Station 6 24"
Station 7 na
Station 8 na
- 139: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 30-Apr-1997 20:56:50 GMT, Restarted CO2 pump yesterday afternoon.
Restarted CO2 pump around 1800-1830 CDT Tuesday afternoon.
- 138: ADAM, Site 8, Wed 30-Apr-1997 20:24:45 GMT, Re-booted marigold and rf modem
Cycled power on FreeWave RF modem and on marigold to re-establish
network connection. Done around 1500 CDT.
- 137: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Wed 30-Apr-1997 19:51 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: sunny limoderate wind
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 20:01
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 16.77 26.4 7.97
PAM Trh 8 16.83 27.6 965.1
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 19:55
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 964.80
PAM 1 965.04
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 20:17
IC Reading: 33.00
PAM Reading: .78
PAM raw Reading: 1.6400
- 136: STATUS, Site base, Wed 30-Apr-1997 18:13:36 GMT, cleaned all-sky camera
I just cleaned the mirror of the all-sky camera today, after being
prompted by a call from Chuck Long. (I was going to do it today anyway!)
- 135: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Wed 30-Apr-1997 17:44 GMT, Routine,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcat and very windy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
soil core
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 17:54
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 11.66 60.0 7.86
PAM Trh 2 12.25 60.5 950.4
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:45
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 949.90
PAM 3 950.26
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 18:17
IC Reading: 29.30
PAM Reading: 2.10
PAM raw Reading: 2.5600
- 134: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 30-Apr-1997 17:09:30 GMT, ozone targets replaced
We (finally) have replaced the targets for Meyers and Seclod.
I deliberately didn't replace them just before the IOP on Monday
(which ended yesterday) in case they needed time to settle.
The Meyers target was yellowed (beige?). We installed the
#2 target in its place.
Seclod still looked white, however there are bits (1mm^2) of
glass(?) shards which obviously have cracked off of the window
in front of the PMT. I tried to shake most of the shards out,
and reinstalled the sensor with the new (ATDD#1) target.
- 133: ADAM, Site 8, Tue 29-Apr-1997 22:47:36 GMT, marigold crash
marigold crashed about an hour ago, but restarted itself by the time Tom
and I made it out there to fix it.
- 132: STATUS, Site all, Tue 29-Apr-1997 21:14:32 GMT, Daily status
All sensors now up, including the soil installations.
All fast-response hygrometers are working.
CO2 fluxes again are not available due to a possible pump
We are still experiencing ASTER data system crashes despite
reconfiguring the base computer network and raising the
station #7 antenna.
The merger of PAM and ASTER data is almost complete, so
we are beginning to be able to monitor data quality
WEATHER: Broken cirrus, moderate southerly winds, soil dry.
IOP: Just finishing up IOP #1 (which started 1630 yesterday).
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x x x x x
Soil q x x u u x x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up. A parameter has been changed in sensors
at #3 and #6 which appears to have stopped the sensor from
failing to report data.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All fast-response hygrometers are now working.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up. The radiation stand at #5 was deployed
Soil T All stations are up.
Soil q All stations are up.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Batteries look "hunky-dorey".
GOES Power levels between 45-51 (except one station not reporting
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 The replacement intake pump runs hot in the latest flow
configuration, but may be okay. We have it off in case
it was responsible for the cosmos crashes yesterday.
The internal CO2 scrubber was replaced yesterday.
O3 (Meyers) Up. Need to replace the target material.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Need to replace the target material.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
We are puzzled by the ASTER data system crashes. Gordon
will help us work on this when he has completed the
PAM and ASTER data merge.
Tom Horst arrived on site today and will provide these
reports in the future.
- 131: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Mon 28-Apr-1997 23:11 GMT, Baro problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: cool breezy, IOP
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro Work
Stuff from baro:
Enter parity (E, O, N) [N]->
Opening communications to "/tyCo/1". Type a D when done
Software version PTB220 / 1.04
Serial number S0610001
Configuration 1
Linear adjustments OFF
Multipoint adjustments ON
Calibration date 1997-01-30
Baud Parity Data Stop Dpx 9600 N 8 1 F
Echo OFF
Sending mode STOP
Measurement mode NORMAL
Pulse mode OFF SLOW LOW 0.0
Address 1
Output interval 0 s
Output format "B1 " 4.2 P1 " " 3.1 T1 #r #n
Error output format
SCOM format
Pressure unit hPa
Temperature unit 'C
Averaging time 0.5 s
Set baro to 1 sec interval and 1 sec avg
- 130: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 28-Apr-1997 22:18:06 GMT, ozone sensors have old targets
Although Tony's schedule called for the ozone targets to be changed today,
I thought that I shouldn't do this just before an IC, on the theory that
it will take some time for them to equilabrate to outside conditions.
Since tomorrow continues the IOP, the next opportunity will be Wed.
- 129: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 28-Apr-1997 22:13:47 GMT, licor pump off again/soda lime refreshed
When I checked the pump at 4pm today (after it had been running since 10am),
it was pretty hot (though not as bad as yesterday). I was going to leave it
going - perhaps outside the shelter to help it cool - but then started having
cosmos crashes. On the outside chance that these crashes (now during IOP1)
were power related, I decided to leave the pump off.
The licor is still on. I also refreshed the soda lime. at this time.
- 128: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Mon 28-Apr-1997 20:50 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
- 127: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Mon 28-Apr-1997 20:35 GMT, No good reason
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: steady southerly wind, high clouds
This station has an old baro s/n NCAR0001
Checked baro config:
Enter parity (E, O, N) [N]->
Opening communications to "/tyCo/1". Type a D when done
Software version PTB220 / 1.01
Serial number N0000001
Linear adjustments ON
Multipoint adjustments ON
Calibration date ????-??-??
Baud Parity Data Stop Dpx 9600 N 8 1 F
Echo OFF
Sending mode POLL / CLOSE
Address 1
Output interval 5 s
Output format "B1 " 4.2 P1 " " 3.1 T1 " " #r #n
Pressure unit mbar
- 126: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Mon 28-Apr-1997 18:34 GMT, Baro problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: light southerly wind, cool, clear
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro Work
The Gill sonic is leaning away from the tower here, due to the
extender mount.
Here is the baro format at this site:
Echo : OFF
Serial mode : POLL
Software version PTB220 / 1.04
Serial number S0610003
Configuration 1
Linear adjustments OFF
Multipoint adjustments ON
Calibration date 1997-01-30
Baud Parity Data Stop Dpx 9600 N 8 1 F
Echo OFF
Sending mode POLL / OPEN
Measurement mode NORMAL
Pulse mode OFF SLOW LOW 0.0
Address 1
Output interval 0 s
Output format "B1 " 4.2 P1 " " 3.1 T1 #r #n
Error output format
SCOM format
Pressure unit hPa
Temperature unit 'C
Averaging time 0.5 s
Was getting wind errors while baro was bad. Unplugged it and did a software reset.
- 125: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Mon 28-Apr-1997 18:21 GMT, install rad stand, do ICs,install rad stand, do ICs
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: sunny
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Baro IC
Assman IC
Rain Check
Soil Sample
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 18:36
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 19.45 35.7 11.26
PAM Trh 5 19.28 37.8 963.1
Samples: 10
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 18:26
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 962.96
PAM 1 963.11
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 19:02
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 35 Reading: 90 Expected: 100
- 124: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 28-Apr-1997 16:21:33 GMT, licor replumbed/seclod zero
After talking to Tony last night, I've replumbed the licor in a way which
should make the pump happy. (The pump sucks on a T fitting which is connected
to the licor sample outlet and to an adjustable valve.) I've set the flow
rate (at the inlet of the chem box) to 7 lpm.
While this was going on, I had "gulp" manually set to turn off the flow
on seclod from about 0950-1010 and printed this out for Tony. It didn't
do a good zero.
- 123: TAPE_ARCHIVE, Site base, Mon 28-Apr-1997 16:20:06 GMT, Backup done
I just did a backup, requesting 4/25-4/28, but it did 4/22 - 4/24 also,
since I never did a bkfiles_kill from the last time. I just did this
and reduced the disk space usage from 62% to 9%.
- 122: UNIX, Site base, Mon 28-Apr-1997 16:18:51 GMT, platypus rebooted
This done in an attempt to get platypus treating other hosts properly - didn't
work, so it is still a bit sick (but functional).
Of course, we also had to reboot marigold and cosmos. (Marigold had died
last night at 1830 anyway).
- 121: STATUS, Site all, Mon 28-Apr-1997 16:17:19 GMT, Yesterday's evening status
HIGHLIGHTS: I apologize for not getting this out yesterday or earlier
today - we've been busy.
All sensors now up except for 1 soil sensor installation.
All fast-response hygrometers are now working, and are
not "bagged". (They are exposed, as they should be.)
CO2 fluxes still are not available due to a pump problem.
We have reconfigured the base computer network and raised
an antenna to try to prevent ASTER data system crashes.
We have lost the PAM data feed through GOES, due to software
changes in Boulder. As reported before, these data can
be recovered, but we can't look at them to examine data
WEATHER: Scattered Cumulus most of the day, light winds, soil dry.
IOP: Scheduled to begin at 1500 (local) tomorrow (Monday)
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x ? x x ? x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q x x x x x x x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x x x a x x x
Soil q x x u u a x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up, but sensors on #3 and #6 have stopped
reporting data several times. This has been isolated to
a sensor problem. Matt hopes this problem can be fixed
by reconfiguring the sensors.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up.
Fast q All krypton hygrometers now "unbagged". We also have put
plumber's putty around a connector to protect it from rain.
We may try some other things suggested by Bert Tanner.
OPHIRs at #7 and #8 are working.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stand at #5 is
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
#3 was deployed today.
Soil T #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up.
Soil q See Soil T. "u" in the status indicates that we are unsure
of the calibration, but will develop one based on in-situ
soil moisture measurements taken manually during site visits.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Not known.
GOES Power levels okay last I looked.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 The replacement intake pump overheated. We will talk to
Tony before restarting it.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
At Gordon's suggestions, we have swapped the worksations
"platypus" and "cocklebur", so that the somewhat faster
platypus now handles all network connections. It will
need to be rebooted (tomorrow) to put it in a final
configuration. Hopefully, this will solve some of the
crashes we've had, though there still were some crashes
last night through platypus. We also have raised the
freewave antenna on cosmos in an attempt to avoid
radio interference.
Gordon's new way to read the merged PAM and ASTER data
files works, and I have converted about 2/3 of the
daily plot routines to use it. Now all we need is the
actual files with the data! (Apparently, the original
attempt to do this took longer than real-time, so the
processing eventually crashed. Gordon is rewriting it
to be faster.)
- 120: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Mon 28-Apr-1997 16:01 GMT, Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 16:17
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 17.43 54.5 11.18
PAM Trh 1 18.13 37.5 968.5
Samples: 10
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 16:50
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 19.17 29.1 10.08
PAM Trh 1 18.99 32.8 968.4
Samples: 10
Comments: this is he good one
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 16:52
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 968.09
PAM 1 968.27
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 16:56
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 32 Reading: 100 Expected: 100
pounded in horse gnd rod
- 119: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sun 27-Apr-1997 21:56 GMT, Krypton,Krypton , cleaning
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
cleaned it 3 times - went from 1300 to varying from 1650 to 1300
- 118: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sun 27-Apr-1997 21:46 GMT, Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Rad Work
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 21:49
IC Reading: 31.50
PAM Reading: .65
PAM raw Reading: 1.5300
Comments: average of 30.4, 33, 14.5 (top disturbed dirt)
moved rad stand, rain gauge, and soils to permanent home
now that field has been planted
- 117: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Sun 27-Apr-1997 20:10 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
krypton -`started at 500 cleaned 3 times - finished 1300
- 116: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sun 27-Apr-1997 20:08 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
more vigrous cleaning of krypton
increased voltage from 0.9 to 1.2, still rather low.
note that the Y cable connection to the krypton is somewhat corroded.
- 115: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sun 27-Apr-1997 19:23 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton Work
more forcibly cleaned than what Errol just did.
Increased krypton voltage to 1.8
- 114: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sun 27-Apr-1997 18:50 GMT, Krypton,Krypton ,,Krypton ,unbag and glop
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast
krypton before 975 after 1347
baro - no errors
- 113: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Sun 27-Apr-1997 18:43 GMT, Krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Krypton Work
unbag and clean krypton
disconnected while cleaning
changed voltage from 0.9 to 1.9 V
- 112: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sun 27-Apr-1997 17:38 GMT, Krypton,Krypton , unbag and glop
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: mixed becoming overcast
reading befoe unbagging 976
after 825+- baro - 0 errors
- 111: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sun 27-Apr-1997 16:37 GMT, Krypton,Krypton, unbag and glop
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
baro errors = 106 - looks like bad baro
krypton count = 700-976 - quite a bit low
- 110: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Sun 27-Apr-1997 15:28 GMT, unbag krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: sunny weather is improving
this happened just a few minutes ago
- 109: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sat 26-Apr-1997 21:46 GMT, reset barometer
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast
- 108: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sat 26-Apr-1997 20:00 GMT, baro swap
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast and cold
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Comp. Chg
Component Change
Barometer Component: Install Old s/n: NA New s/n: S0610001
Success? Y
checking to see if this baro is bad---locks up every other day
put the "bad" barometer on this station from site 1.
- 107: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sat 26-Apr-1997 18:24 GMT, barometer problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: EK
Weather: overcast and drippy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Comp. Chg
Component Change
Barometer Component: Change Old s/n: S0610001 New s/n: S0610002
Success? Y
Swapped baro with st 3
baro nuts need to be tightened
- 106: NETWORK, Site 8, Sat 26-Apr-1997 18:11:06 GMT, marigold freewave power upped
I've just upped the power on the freewave to marigold from 6 to 8, since
we have been having trouble communicating with it today (40,000 lost samples
reported by marigold, only 20% packet reception logged by the freewave).
I wonder if some of the trees along the "line-of-sight" are degrading
the signal more now that they are beginning to leaf out?
- 105: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sat 26-Apr-1997 17:09 GMT, barometer swap with st1
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast and drippy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Comp. Chg
Component Change
Barometer Component: Remove Old s/n: S0610002 New s/n: NA
Success? Y
experiment to sort out crashing barometers at st 1 and st 6
- 104: SOFTWARE, Site base, Sat 26-Apr-1997 16:58:29 GMT, new splus data read routine
Here's how to use the new surf routine in S+
From the shell, do:
the new version of set_project sets two new environ
> iod <- surf(c("u","v","u:w","p","u.csat"))
> d <- read(iod,"1997 apr 23 00:00","1997 apr 23 01:00")
> close(iod)
There are two other arguments to read(): dt and avgperiod.
dt is the desired resolution of the data. If any variables in
the file are higher resolution than dt, then they are averaged
to dt, with the specified average period (see average.ats).
If you do a read of a combination of 5 and 1 minute data, and
specify dt=60:
iod <- surf(c("u","v","u.prop","v.prop"))
d <- read(iod,"1997 apr 23 00:00","1997 apr 23 01:00",dt=60)
the resulting matrix will contain 1 minute data, with NA's inserted
into the sonic data - no interpolation, or last-value-repeated
support yet.
If you do:
iod <- surf(c("u","v","u.prop","v.prop"))
d <- read(iod,"1997 apr 23 00:00","1997 apr 23 01:00")
then you'll get 5 minute data, with block averages of the 1 minute
data, because the default for dt is 300 secs.
More to come...
- 103: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Fri 25-Apr-1997 23:14 GMT, Add Sonic Despiker
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: windy , high clouds
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Installed despiker config
- 102: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Fri 25-Apr-1997 21:39 GMT, Routine,Site Photos
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: cold windy etc
Station Service Performed
Reboot EVE
Load Config
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Soil Mois IC
Rain Check
Baro IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 22:22
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 14.97 39.2 8.35
PAM Trh 8 14.49 39.7 977.8
Samples: 10
Comments: ok
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 22:08
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 978.05
PAM 1 978.06
Comments: OK
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 22:05
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 13 Reading: 102.5 Expected: 100
Comments: nice
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 22:03
IC Reading: 33.10
PAM Reading: .76
PAM raw Reading: 1.6300
Comments: Avg of two readings. Soil crusty on top
loaded new config--old one had wrong krypton s/n 1089 ==> 1101
Got 360 deg photos and digital shots
- 101: STATUS, Site all, Fri 25-Apr-1997 15:52:02 GMT, Daily status
HIGHLIGHTS: All sensors now up except for 2 soil sensor installations.
All fast-response hygrometers are now working, though
the ones on PAM are bagged for protection from precip.
A new type of ASTER data system crash has occurred, we're
trying to diagnose it.
The PAM data feed through GOES was lost yesterday due to
snow in Boulder. We have alternate ways of recovering these
data, but they are not available for this report.
WEATHER: High, thin overcast (ceiling 3200m), light winds, surface dry
IOP: No IOP today or through the weekend (due to a slowly-moving
storm now centered in Nevada which should bring precip).
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x d x a x x x
Soil q x x d u a x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
The problem with p and Tsurf at #7 was a loose connector.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Despiking is being added today to site #4.
We'll add it to #5 soon.
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
OPHIRs at #7 and #8 are now working. The problem at #8 was
a bad cable.
T surface See "Pressure".
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
Soil T #5 not deployed (see Rnet), #3 is just stuffed in the dirt.
Other stations are up.
Soil q See Soil T. "u" in the status indicates that we are unsure
of the calibration, but will develop one based on in-situ
soil moisture measurements taken manually during site visits.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Not known.
GOES Power levels from 49-56 (almost too strong), but the downlink
in Boulder died for much of yesterday due to snow.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Intake pump is broken. A replacement will arrive late today.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
cocklebur (the workstation at our base which handles all
network connections) has crashed in the morning yesterday
and today. Gordon (in Boulder) is looking at this and
may recommend a reconfiguration of the workstations.
Possibly related network problems caused us to lose data
from #7 for most of yesterday. (It had been working so
well that we forgot to monitor this until today.)
- 100: NETWORK, Site base, Fri 25-Apr-1997 14:13:25 GMT, Reboot by cocklebur this morning
Cocklebur rebooted at around 12:20 GMT this morning.
Marigold came back to life successfully; but, cosmos did
Cocklebur went down around 10:25 GMT. It was down for
approximately 2 hours.
- 99: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Thu 24-Apr-1997 20:35 GMT, dead prop vane
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: fixing to rain soon, ok now
Station Service Performed
prop vane work
lower/raise mast
Component Change
RMY Wind Component: Change Old s/n: ENG 002 New s/n: 00245
Success? Y
How did I know it was the original RMY which was bad? Mast
elbow on new one was too big---dagnabit.
New prop vane installed.
Elbow on new unit needs to be shaved (filed) down.
Old unit was wet and corroded inside.
It is sprinkling now. Gee what a splendit time this was.
- 98: FASTH2O, Site 8, Thu 24-Apr-1997 20:11:41 GMT, Both OPHIRS now up
We found a miswired cable by comparing the two serial ophir cables.
Both instruments are now running as they should.
- 97: FASTH2O, Site 8, Thu 24-Apr-1997 18:28:21 GMT, OPHIR cable problem
We've isolated the problem with the OPHIR at #8 to the serial cable.
We've pulled the cable from #7 to allow us to compare the two.
Hopefully, both will be up soon.
- 96: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Thu 24-Apr-1997 16:48 GMT, routine visit,dead baro
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: overcast cool
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 18:16
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 13.43 57.3 9.15
PAM Trh 6 13.13 60.1 972.6
Samples: 10
Comments: overcast during IC
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:59
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 972.65
PAM 1 972.60
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 17:45
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 14 Reading: 107 Expected: 100
Comments: A little over
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 17:55
Gauge Type: ETI S/N: Reading: 43 Expected: 44
Comments: Ok
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 17:39
IC Reading: 19.00
PAM Reading: 1.25
PAM raw Reading: 2.0200
Comments: Averaged 2 readings. Soil is cracking
Baro s/nS0610003
Cycled power on EVE and on baro.
Talk program with wind and trh was giving messages delayed by 1 command.
lower crossarm is tilted towards trh.
This station has one of the wierd PCMCIA cards that doesn't save all the data
when it is powered up.
RMY died after being unplugged and plugged
Tried other SIO port. Tried removing all other sensors from bus...nada
- 95: RAD, Site 7, Thu 24-Apr-1997 16:28:19 GMT, Campbell loggers at 7 and 8
The loggers at 7 and 8 where changed to an output rate
of 1 sec. Recycling power will set the loggers back to a
5 sec output rate. The change was made to clean up the
cockpit displays.
- 94: STATUS, Site all, Thu 24-Apr-1997 16:25:00 GMT, Daily Status
HIGHLIGHTS: All sensors now up except for 2 soil sensor installations.
ASTER data system crashes (hopefully) are fixed - may have been
due to a bad pump.
Only one fast humidity sensor has good data since kryptons are
bagged and one OPHIR still is not reporting data properly.
WEATHER: Overcast (ceiling 1150m), light winds, surface dry
IOP: No IOP today (due to 70% chance of rain this afternoon)
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x ? x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x
T surface x x x x x x ? x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x d x a x x x
Soil q x x d u a x u u
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure cosmos isn't digitizing p and Tsurf properly at #7.
We are working on this. Other stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up.
Sonic All stations up. Since we still see evidence of spikes
(in the wind statistics) we'll add despiking to stations
#4 and #5 (the other ATIs).
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
OPHIR at #7 is working.
OPHIR at #8 is installed, but not reporting properly -
The manufacturer's rep doesn't recognize the problem.
We may switch this to "prompted" mode.
T surface See "Pressure".
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
Soil T #5 not deployed (see Rnet), #3 is just stuffed in the dirt.
Other stations are up.
Soil q See Soil T.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Power to all stations is normal.
GOES Power levels from 45-51 (good), but the downlink in
Boulder died for several hours last night during heavy
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Intake pump is broken. A replacement will arrive late
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Tony may have us reconfigure it from time to time.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Psi-band Being built by the NCAR shop.
While searching for power problems at cosmos, we found that
the intake pump for the LI-COR CO2 sensor had burned up.
While it was dying, it may have loaded the power and caused
the crashes. We have had no unexplained crashes since
removing this pump.
- 93: ADAM, Site 7, Thu 24-Apr-1997 15:02:33 GMT, Power status at station 7
Over the last few days we have experience power problems
at site 7. It appears the AC units overload the line power
when they turn on. During one test the voltage drop to 75 volts
at site 7.
Upon Kurt's recommendations, a couple of items have been done.
First, only the front AC unit will be operating. The back unit
will be left on but the thermostat will be set to minimum and
maximum levels. Each AC unit fan will be left running. The power
load from the chemistry equipment was transfer to the other leg
of the transformer. This will balance the load on the transformer.
After the changes above, a test was run. The results were ok.
However, the pump in the chemistry shelter was not running. Upon
inspection, the pump motor had died. This may have been a factor
in the problems from the previous day.
Throughout the night cosmos stayed up.
- 92: BARO, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 22:51:04 GMT, changed p and tsurf channels
I couldn't get channels 126 and 127 to report good data, which appears to
be related to removing the veggie meter yesterday. As a stopgap measure,
I've moved these signals to 120 and 121 (since the UV sensor has not
arrived yet.) This would require a change of ops to recover data from
the setup phase.
- 91: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Wed 23-Apr-1997 22:20 GMT, dead baro
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: regenerated log report
Tried to use talk to communicate with baro after data collection stopped.
No luck. Tried SEND 1 and OPEN 1 commands. Also tossed in some
^J and ^M characters just for good measure. Nada.
pulled power on it, and after starting it again was able to get data via a
"SEND 1"
This is the second baro to do this today.
- 90: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Wed 23-Apr-1997 19:01 GMT, routine visit
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: regenerated log report
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 19:52
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 15.26 37.3 8.27
PAM Trh 3 15.03 39.3 956.8
Samples: 11
Comments: hand held assman over head
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 19:36
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 956.81
PAM 1 956.77
Comments: ok
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 19:23
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 3 Reading: 102 Expected: 100
Comments: good--dripped slower than st1 visit
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 19:15
IC Reading: 34.70
PAM Reading: .42
PAM raw Reading: 1.3000
Comments: 36.7+35.3(45deg angle)+32.2(angle)
Reloaded config to move GOES from chan 117 to chan 125
baro was dead. unplugged it and it came back. Probably was in a strange
comm mode.
CS615 Id: 8688, LT#417624
- 89: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 18:43:39 GMT, Zero.chem programming
The commands for the HC11 to program "gulp" to generate zero.chem are:
(The laptop must be set to 1200 baud and connects to the cable on the bottom,
left of the shelter.)
TS (only if data are scrolling)
[index:] 1
H39 600 (sets 60 seconds with solenoids on)
[index:] 2
H00 17400 (sets 1740 seconds = 29 minutes with solenoids off)
[index:] 3
(repeat this for RAM B:)
[index:] 1
H39 600
[index:] 2
H00 17400
[index:] 3
- 88: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 18:43:18 GMT, Care and Feeding of Meyers Ozone Sensor
The Meyers O3 sensor uses a chemiluminescence target which reacts with Ozone
to produce light. The efficiency of the target decreases with time.
The target needs to be changed
To change the target:
Slide the Ozone Sensor slightly foreward and open the lid.
Power down the Ozone Sensor by pulling apart the BLUE 12 VDC disconnect.
Unscrew the Al plug on the right hand end of the metal cylinder
Take the Al plug to the trailer.
Remove the previous target, replace the double sided sticky tape, lay the
new target on the plug face, store the old target in the envelope.
Return the Al plug, screw it in finger-tight and repower the sensor.
Once a week install a new target. I suggest:
Target Install Use
#1 18 April 1997 18 April - 28 April
#2 28 April 1997 28 April - 8 May
#3 8 May 1997 8 May - 16 May
#4 16 May 1997 16 May - 24 May
The instruction sheet and circuit diagrams for the Meyers Ozone Sensor are
in the chemistry drawer in the middle room of the base trailer.
The targets are in a plastic bag in the plastic box in the chemistry drawer.
- 87: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 18:42:49 GMT, Care and Feeding of the Licor CO2 Sensor.
The Licor sensor relies on a carbon vane pump in the Chem box to draw air
through the sensor at a high flow. The pump flow is indicated on the
floating ball guage in the top right of the front of the box. The flow
should be between 5 - 7 lpm. There is an adjustment valve in the aft part of the box. It can be reached from the front.
The Licor CO2 sensor has a small lucite cylinder containing SodaLime.
This is to scrub CO2 from the sample after it passes through the sample
cell and before it passes through the zero cell. If the capacity of the
SodaLime to scrub CO2 from the air-stream is exceeded, then there is
no good zero for the differential optical measurement.
Once a week
Power down the Licor
Open the back of the Chem Box
Detach the connector panel
Remove the swagelok connectors for little lucite cylinder.
Dump out the old SodaLime and refill from the bottle.i
Refit the cylinder and tighten the swagelok connectors
Reassemble Chem Box
Restart Licor
A 9/16 wrench is required to undo and redo the Swagelok nut. Do not
SodaLime is not toxic nor very corrosive and small amounts can be disposed
of in the garbage.
I suggest changing the SodaLime on the same day as changing the Meyers
ozone sensor target discs.
20 April
28 April
8 May
16 May
- 86: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Wed 23-Apr-1997 17:35 GMT, routine visit
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: regenerated log report
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Soil Mois IC
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 18:28
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 14.40 40.4 7.97
PAM Trh 2 14.13 44.8 955.6
Samples: 11
Comments: hand held assman above head
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 17:48
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 955.73
PAM 3 955.71
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 18:04
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 2 Reading: 95 Expected: 100
Comments: not bad
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 18:11
Gauge Type: ETI S/N: Reading: 43 Expected: 44
Comments: OK
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 18:03
IC Reading: 36.00
PAM Reading: 2.29
PAM raw Reading: 2.6600
Comments: rocky soil. 38.4+33.7(40 deg angle)=36 avg
Changed config to move GOES chan from 117 to 125
- 85: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 17:24:07 GMT, Care and Feeding of SECL
The SECL ozone sensor uses a chemiluminescence target which reacts with
ozone to produce light. The efficiency of the target decreases with time
The target needs to be changed
Two different versions of target are being tested; the GFAS target
and the ATDD target. GFAS is more efficient but has a water interference.
ATDD is less efficient but may be free of the water effect.
To change the target:
Select the replacement target from the box in the Chemistry Drawer
Carry the target holder out to site7 in the little tupperware box
Climb the tower, unplug the cable, carry SECL down.
Remove the putty around the base of the intake (light leak prevention)
Unscrew three screws around back edge
Withdraw the entire sensor.
Remove the Al sticky tape securing the target holder.
(The target holder fits into the front top of the sensor)
Remove old target holder, implace the new target holder
Replace the Al sticky tape (maybe use fresh tape)
Insert the sensor in the can, reapply the putty, reattach the back.
Climb the tower and reattach to Velcro , recable.
I would like the following schedule
GFAS 1 23 Apr - 28 Apr
ATDD 1 28 Apr - 3 May
GFAS 2 3 May - 8 May
ATDD 2 8 May - 13 May
GFAS 3 13 May - 18 May
ATDD 3 18 May - 23 May
(The actual change time should be noted in this logbook entry)
Zeroing of SECL.
The GULP microprocessor is set up to no-flow zero for 1 minute every 30 minutes.
(See logbook entry 83 , Zero chem programming)
I would like a zero-ozone zero for each new target.
A day after the new target is installed take a helium party balloon out to site.Bring SECL down, still attached to the cable. Rest SECL on the break-out box.
Make a small slit in the ballon with a razor or knife and insert SECL's intake.
Let SECL inhale Helium for a minute or so.
Return SECL to tower.
The slit can be sealed with tape and one balloon will do for two zeros
- 84: CHEM, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 16:57:43 GMT, Care and Feeding of the ThermoElectron Ozone detector
The TECO operates continuously and rarely requires attention.
It may occasionally go into a state of microprocessor confusion when it
generates a hi-lo-hi-lo output.
Mostly it will cure itself . However if the condition persists for more than
several hours the sensor should be switched off and after a minute, repowed.
- 83: SOIL, Site all, Wed 23-Apr-1997 16:09:14 GMT, TRIME measurements
Every time that a soil core is taken for Bulk Density/Gravimetric Moisture
Trime measurements should be taken.
A standard procedure to follow.
In the general vicinity of the Dark Horse and the buried soil probes take
a soil core sample. Then within a meter or so of the core take three or four
Trime measurements. Calculate the average value
Enter the values in this logbook entry
Date Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4 Site5 Site6 Site7 Site8
23 Apr 36.6%
- 82: STATUS, Site all, Wed 23-Apr-1997 14:41:43 GMT, Daily Status
HIGHLIGHTS: All sensors now up except for 2 soil sensor installations.
We are having data problems at site #7, which we think is
due to power glitches. We will evaluate our options today.
WEATHER: Overcast, moderate winds, surface dry
IOP: No IOP today (due to heavy clouds and 40% chance of rain)
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x x
Sonic x x ? x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x ?
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x d x a x x x
Soil q ? ? d ? a ? ? ?
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up (with dual-tube probes - we didn't use the
Sonic Despiking algorithm was installed at #3. Other stations
look good.
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
We are sending our spare to Campbell for repair.
OPHIR at #7 is working.
OPHIR at #8 is installed, but not reporting properly -
hopefully, we just need to change its configuration.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
Soil T #5 not deployed (see Rnet), #3 is just stuffed in the dirt.
Other stations are up.
Soil q See Soil T.
Rain All stations up.
Batteries Power to all stations is normal.
GOES The pam/ascii file I've been looking at to get GOES quality
information appears to be corrupt.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
CO2 Up. Need to play with the calibration routine a bit.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Tony has been testing different configurations.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
NDVI Moved yesterday to #8. Data was checked and should be okay.
Psi-band Being built by the NCAR shop.
We have had lots of crashes with aster data system for
site #7, cosmos, both during the day and every morning
before we arrive. The data system for #8, marigold,
has worked flawlessly (over a longer radio path), so we
don't think that software or communications are the
problem. We suspect that AC power to #7 is the culprit,
and have measured voltages as low as 77 VAC (should be
120 VAC) at the site during periods when the air conditioners
at the base trailer are on. [The site #7 towers are powered
from the base trailer.] We have shut the air conditioners
off, but are looking at other solutions. We probably will
put a UPS on the power line for this site.
- 81: RF_MODEMS, Site 7, Wed 23-Apr-1997 14:25:53 GMT, An RF primer
If an ADAM fails to boot at the very first step:
"attaching to network..." ...." Timeout "
The problem probably is that the "aspppls" process is not running.
Search for this process with:
"ps -t term/N", where N is 0 for marigold or 1 for cosmos
If it isn't there, it will restart if the modem carrier drops and is
brought back, which can be accomplished by cycling power to the freewave
at the site. (Obviously, this can be done while in the field.)
- 80: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Tue 22-Apr-1997 20:10 GMT, load despiker config
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: regenerated log report
Loaded despiking config.
Checked PCMCIA. This station is one of the ones which has a boot glitch when starting the /CARD save. Noticed only one day of data on the card.
Copied jd 107 to jd112 (today) data from RAM to card.
- 79: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Tue 22-Apr-1997 20:00 GMT, sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: partly cloudy and nw winds 5--7m/s
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Loaded despiking config.
Checked PCMCIA. This station is one of the ones which has a boot glitch when starting the /CARD save. Noticed only one day of data on the card.
Copied jd 107 to jd112 (today) data from RAM to card.
- 78: LOG, Site 6, Tue 22-Apr-1997 18:39:48 GMT, Quick trip to 6
I took a trip to station 6 to rotate the krypton 90
degrees so it agrees with the alignment of the other
A soil sample was taken.
I also took a boom alignment measurement with the
datascope: prop - 342.5, gill (NE-SW) - 212.4.
- 77: RAD, Site 7, Tue 22-Apr-1997 16:04:52 GMT, vegguie removed from #7
Since Bob Grossman thinks the veggiemeter should be at the grassland site
(#8), I have just removed it from #7. I'll reconfigure "ops1" now.
- 76: STATUS, Site all, Tue 22-Apr-1997 14:47:05 GMT, Daily Status
WEATHER: broken clouds, moderate winds, surface dry
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x x x x
Sonic x x ? x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x d x a x x x
Soil q ? ? d ? a ? ? ?
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH All stations up except #8. We have a beehive to put in this
location (will do today) while waiting for replacement electronics
to arrive.
Sonic #3 (ATI) u-component has been spiking - adjustments yesterday
didn't help. We'll install the despiking algorithm on it (and
the other ATIs soon).
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
Bad data from OPHIR at #7 have been fixed by a simple despiker
in its calibration routine - Chris Fairall says this is needed
sometimes. Power cord for OPHIR at #8 should be in today.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
Soil T #5 not deployed (see Rnet), #3 is just stuffed in the dirt.
Other stations are up.
Soil q See Soil T. Matt's discussion with Campbell Sci. yesterday
concluded that we should plan on utilizing our manual TRIME
measurements to calibrate these probes.
Rain All stations up. A bit of rain (one tip) reported at #6 by both
ETI and MRI gauges.
Batteries Power to all stations is normal.
GOES Quality values 47-52 (44-49 is normal), which is quite strong.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
NDVI Up, but Bob wants this moved to site #8. We'll do this soon.
CO2 Up. Need to play with the calibration routine a bit.
O3 (Meyers) Up.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up. Tony has been testing different configurations.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Psi-band Designed, now being built by the NCAR shop.
- 75: DATA, Site none, Tue 22-Apr-1997 14:41:45 GMT, local pam metppf files
Local pam metppf data files are being stored in
directories under /data/metppf/CASES97/local/sta00x.
- 74: SOIL, Site all, Mon 21-Apr-1997 22:49:39 GMT, Soil moisture probes
Talked to Campbell today about new CS615s versus old CS615s. The new
probes should say "Made In USA" on the plastic case. The manual says
the new probes have 8221-07 on the cable, but this apparently is not
always the case. The labels have a lot number LT#XXXXXX. One of ours
said LT#410739 the 4 was for April, the 10 for the 10th week of the
year, and the 7 for 1997. Any probes made after late 1996 should be
of the new version.
New probes have different responses in dry air and in water. The old
probes read about 1.05 msec in dry air. The new ones seem to read
about 0.75 in dry air.
Here are the PAM probe types:
St1 new
St2 old
St3 new
St4 new (high conductivity soil)
St5 old
St6 old
St7 ??? ASTER
St8 ??? ASTER
Site specific soil calibrations have been generated for sites 1--6 in
$ASTER/apps/sfun/PAM_ROBOT/data/Q.SOILX.q The cals will probably have
to be adjusted somewhat based on TRIME and gravimetric
measurements--especially those at sites 3 and 4 in high conductivity
- 73: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Mon 21-Apr-1997 20:34 GMT, routine visit
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: regenerated log report
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 21:12
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 22.06 37.0 13.41
PAM Trh 5 22.01 38.2 957.5
Samples: 15
Comments: TRH is looking down at solar panels
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 20:51
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 957.36
PAM 1 957.46
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 21:24
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 35 Reading: 100 Expected: 100
Comments: Gauge is in temporary location
Station rad and solar panels have not been setup in the correct location yet. Power test: 10.5 forward, 0.5 reverse. Soil moisture, soil temperature, and the heat flux plate were put in the soil (this is a temporary location). Boom check with datascope: sonic - 246.6, prop - 331.7.
- 72: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Mon 21-Apr-1997 19:51 GMT, Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Offload Data
- 71: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Mon 21-Apr-1997 19:49 GMT, Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Offload Data
- 70: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Mon 21-Apr-1997 18:52 GMT, routine visit
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: regenerated log report
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Assman IC
Baro IC
Rain Check
Assman IC Record Sampled at: 19:42
ID Tdry rh Twet Pressure
Assman 21.94 48.0 15.04
PAM Trh 1 22.14 47.8 962.2
Samples: 12
Comments: assman about 18" north of TRH
Barometer IC Record Sampled at: 19:26
ID Pressure
IC Unit 37039 962.26
PAM 1 962.37
Rain Gauge Check Record Sampled at: 19:45
Gauge Type: MRI S/N: 32 Reading: 98 Expected: 100
Comments: This gauge is in a temporary location
Adjusted and zeroed "U" vector of sonic.
XMT power: 8.5 forward, 0.5 reverse.
The assman was mounted about 18" North of the TRH intake.
Intakes were at the same height.
Boom check with datascope: sonic - 248.7, prop - 337.8
- 69: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 21-Apr-1997 17:11:31 GMT, Installation and Testing of SECLOD
The Chemical Box was addressed on Friday 18 April 97.
It was hauled into the trailer and put into order. Intakes, power
data connections were made and Tecod, Licor CO2 and Meyers O3 were operated.
The GULP microprocessor was reprogrammed by Steve O.
On Saturday, 19 Apr, the other sensors were ready and in the afternoon SECL
was addressed.
Test points for HV input were installed. (1 VDC = -250 VDC)
An ATTD target was installed.
Twenty hopkalite screens were inserted into the killer cartridge.
The reversing fan sucessfully operated and the flow through
the newly installed hopkalite screen tube was checked. The question of flow
obstruction by the screens was left till the sensor was running.
The output remained constant at ~ 1.3 indicating that the electronics
were not operating properly.
A -12VDC supply was wired into the system.
On Sunday, 20 Apr, the sensor was run with the extra -12VDC. Exposing the intake
to direct sun gave a response indicating that the PMT and amplifier
were working.
The HV was increased from -750 VDC to -1150 VDC and the sensor run outside.
Still no good.
The ATTD target was replaced by a GFAS target and the sensor run outside.
Steve O reprogrammed GULP.
At ~ 1500 the sensor began to respond.
The Chemical sensors, in their box were deployed and started up at ~1700.
The outputs were ragged but basically OK.
At 1830 CDT the HV of SECLOD was decreased to -1100 VDC.
On Monday, 21 Apr, the chemical sensor data was examined.
SECLOD had settled down and the spectral responses od SECLOD and Meyers
were compared.
At 11:48 CDT the GFAS target was replaced with the ATTD target.
At ~17:15-17:45 SECL was brought into the Base and the entire killer cartridge
was removed. SECL was reinstalled.
SECL works more or less the same as during FLATLAND96
The reversing fan system works
Twenty Hopkalite screens in the cartridge doesnt significantly decrease flow
but there is breakthrough with only ~ 30% ? destruction.
With no killer cartridge the reverse flow is 10% ? low but variance smoothed.
Both ATDD and GFAS targets work but GFAS is ~4X higher luminescent
On Tuesday, 22 Apr, at 9:45 did a bag zero using a garbasge bag of base air into which Hopkalite was added.
At 10:55 SECL removed from tower. 20 screen cartridge removed (had it not been removed the previous eve?),
and a 5cm of Hopkalite killer cartridge was added. SECL replaced on tower at 11:50
At 13:30 SECL intake inserted in Hopkalite containing zero bag
possibility of contamination of sensor
At 15:04 did He zero
At 15:10 SECL and GULP removed to base. SECL cartridge removed entirely, sensor cleaned. GULP relays
reconfigured for 59 min of fan sample, 1 min of fan off (rather than 59 min aample 1 min reverse)
At 16:00 Restored on tower, It was confirmed that the fan did stop for 1 min.
- 68: STATUS, Site all, Mon 21-Apr-1997 16:31:52 GMT, Daily Status
WEATHER: mostly cloudy, light winds, surface a bit wet from light wind last
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x
Sonic x x x ? x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x a x a x x x
Soil q ? ? a ? a ? ? ?
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
CO2 x
O3 (Meyers) x
O3 (TECO) x
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH #1, #2, #6, and #7 up. We will pick up shipment of more
sensors today.
Sonic #4 (ATI) u-component has been spiking. We just readjusted it.
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
OPHIR at #7 is reporting bad data intermittently - I'll call
Chris Fairall about this. Power cord for OPHIR at #8 should
come tomorrow.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
Planting at #3 started yesterday, planting at #5 is expected
next week.
Soil T #3 and #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up.
Soil q #3 and #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up,
but Matt has had to adjust calibrations extensively to obtain
reasonable values. He is working on this.
Rain All stations up. A bit of rain (0.08mm) reported at #6.
Batteries Power to all stations is normal.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
NDVI Up, but Bob wants this moved to site #8. We'll do this soon.
CO2 Up. Need to play with the calibration routine a bit.
O3 (Meyers) Up. Has noise above 1.5 Hz. A 3-point comparison with TECO
shows a large offset (which isn't seen by zeroing). We'll
need a lot more work to understand this calibration.
O3 (TECO) Up.
O3 (SECLOD) Up, but Tony wants to adjust its configuration
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Psi-band Designed, now being built by the NCAR shop.
- 67: CHEM, Site 7, Mon 21-Apr-1997 15:20:02 GMT, Zero.chem programming
The commands for the HC11 to program "gulp" to generate zero.chem are:
(The laptop must be set to 1200 baud and connects to the cable on the bottom,
left of the shelter.)
TS (only if data are scrolling)
[index:] 1
H39 600 (sets 60 seconds with solenoids on)
[index:] 2
H00 17400 (sets 1740 seconds = 29 minutes with solenoids off)
[index:] 3
(repeat this for RAM B:)
[index:] 1
H39 600
[index:] 2
H00 17400
[index:] 3
- 66: ADAM, Site 7, Mon 21-Apr-1997 14:25:29 GMT, Cosmos went down last night, back up
Cosmos went down last night. Mxreset and recycling
power did not get it back up. Had to cycle power on
the freewaves.
- 65: FASTH2O, Site 7, Sun 20-Apr-1997 19:52:49 GMT, modified ophier calib routine
I've noticed that the ophir data from site 7 (the only ophir so far) have had
a lot of spikes. They are of two types: zero values and double values.
I've isolated the double value glitches to an occasional "stuck bit" in
the reference measurement, with values off by 256 counts.
I've added simple despiking of this channel into the ophir calibration
routine which appears to fix this problem, though I haven't tested it
through zero values.
- 64: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Sun 20-Apr-1997 19:23 GMT, No good reason
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: mostly clear, breezy NW winds
Station Service Performed
Shoot boom angles
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 19:28
IC Reading: 36.10
PAM Reading: .86
PAM raw Reading: 1.7100
Comments: Crusty on top. Used TRIME hole starter
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 19:32
IC Reading: 34.50
PAM Reading: .86
PAM raw Reading: 1.7100
Comments: TRIME at 45 deg angle. Used starter rods
Measured prop angle with DataScope: 144.2 deg
Shot again from other side of boom: 324.3
Shot ATI: 57.1
RED ALERT: prop angle is set to 337!
Either compass mag north is off, or I can't shoot very well.
- 63: SOIL, Site all, Sun 20-Apr-1997 19:19:31 GMT, Bulk Densities of Soils
In order to use the gravimetric and volumetric soil fraction the bulk
density of dry soil must be determined for each site.
The proceedure to be used utilizes the soil corer.
Load the corer barrel
knotched insert
1 cm insert
3 cm insert
3 cm insert
1 cm insert
Drive the corer into the soil until the topflange is level with the surface.
Return to the base and dissaemble.
Scrape/cut off the ends of the core leaving only the two 3 cm inserts full
Dump the soil into an Al Baby Loaf Pan and take a tared wt
Place the Pan in the soil oven to dry.
Take a tared wt each day until there is a constant wt.
The diameter of the inserts is 2 1/8" = 5.4 cm
Area = 5.4 x 5.4 x 3.14 / 4 = 22.9 cm2
Vol = 22.9 x 6 = 137.4 cm3
Report the Bulk Density as (dried wt/ 137.4 cm3)
The Gravimetric Fraction can also be determined as (1st wt - last wt)/ last wt
Site 1
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
30 Apr 193.1 161.6 160.8 1.17 20.1
08 May 218.1 161.8 161.7 1.177 34.9
Site 2
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
30 Apr 178.7 126.9 126.7 .922 41
08 May 190.2 130.9 131.1 .954 45.1
Site 3
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
20 Aprl 211.8 176.9 176.9 1.287 19.7
27 Apr 179.9 151.3 151.6 151.9 1.106 18.4
09 May 235.0 193.2 193.3 1.407 21.6
19 May 222.6 175.4 175.0 1.274 27.2
Site 4
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
24 Apr 243.6 203.9 203.1 202.5 1.474 20.3
09 May 242.3 190.3 189.2 189.4 1.378 27.9
19 May 258.2 202.6 202.1 1.471 27.8
Site 5
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fra
21 Apr 193.0 166.5 165.8 166.3 166.5 1.212 15.9
(marginal sample)
28 Apr 158.1 137.7 137.6 1.001 14.9
06 May 163.7 142.4 141.7 141.8 1.032 15.4
9 May 191.4 156.8 156.9 1.142 22.0
(marginal sample)
16 May 159.7 143.7 143.5 144.0 1.048 10.9
19 May 219.6 169.2 169.2 1.231 29.8
Site 6
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
22 Apr 198.8 166.2 167 166.4 1.211 19.4
01 May 199.3 175.5 174.9 174.8 1.277 13.6
09 May 182.8 154.4 154.0 153.9 1.201 18.8
Site 7
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
22 Apr 184.1 157.3 157.2 1.144 17.1
02 May 192.5 146.2 145.5 1.059 32.3
06 May 177.7 146.4 146.0 1.063 21.7
09 May 207.0 164.9 164.9 1.200 25.5
Site 8
Sample date 1st wt 2nd wt 3rd wt 4th wt 5th wt Bulk Density Grav Fract
23 Apr 219.8 182.8 182.1 181 1.317 21.4
01 May 213.3 180.3 1.312 18.3
07 May 215.2 177.3 177.2 1.290 21.4
09 May 230.2 176.4 176.3 1.283 30.6
- 62: SOFTWARE, Site base, Sun 20-Apr-1997 18:47:52 GMT, backup procedure
1. su - # become super-user on aster (not cocklebur or platypus)
2. csh # run the cshell
3. cd /usr/local/adm/backup
4. ls *.log
The latest version of the backup script creates log files with names like:
N is the tape number of the last backup. Currently we cycle through
6 backup tapes, so N should be 1-6.
5. Put the next-in-sequence backup tape in the drive.
6. setenv TAPE /dev/rmt/0mn # drive 0, 8500 density, not compressed
7. ./backup # remember to use the dot-slash
8. the tape will rewind and eject when the script finishes successfully.
Check the log file for errors.
The backup script creates an ufsdump file on the tape for each of these
file systems:
Note that /data is not backed up. Files on that disk should be
backed up with bkfiles.
- 61: PROP, Site 6, Sun 20-Apr-1997 16:52:50 GMT, Boom at 6 shot
The boom at 6 was shot again. The result was 343 21' 50".
The number used before was off by 90 degrees.
- 60: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sun 20-Apr-1997 16:21 GMT, wind problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: partly cloudy, winds from the SW
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Prop Vane Work
Corrected prop boom alignment. New angle: 343 21' 50". Checked serial number on soil moisture probe: #8688, S/N003. Tryed switching black and clear lines on soil probe. This had no effect.
- 59: STATUS, Site all, Sun 20-Apr-1997 14:10:38 GMT, Daily Status
WEATHER: partly cloudy (expected to clear), light winds, ground surface dry
but moist below
SENSOR SUMMARY: (x=working, see SENSOR DETAILS for explanation of other symbols)
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x a x a x x x
Soil q ? ? a ? a ? ? ?
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
O3 (Meyers)
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up.
T/RH #1, #2, #6, and #7 up. Awaiting shipment (any day now) of
more sensors.
Sonic #1 fixed by power cycling 2 days ago, so all okay now.
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
OPHIR at #7 has reported bad data, which we are diagnosing
(not swinging as I had thought before). Both OPHIRs were
remounted closer to the tower yesterday.
OPHIR at #8 is awaiting delivery of a missing power cord.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are
awaiting farmer working of the field for installation.
Planting at #3 started yesterday, planting at #5 is expected
next week.
Soil T #3 and #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up.
Soil q #3 and #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up,
but values are quite variable (50-250%). We are working on
this problem.
Rain All stations up. We're waiting for rain to check them.
Batteries Power to all stations is normal.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
NDVI Up, but data have not been checked.
CO2 Working in the base, to be installed today (didn't yesterday,
see SECLOD).
O3 (Meyers) Working in the base, to be installed today.
O3 (TECO) Working in the base, to be installed today.
O3 (SECLOD) Found circuit problem yesterday, which delayed installation.
We expect to install all chemical sensors today.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up.
Psi-band Still awaiting final design.
- 58: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Sat 19-Apr-1997 23:25 GMT, setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: sunny, light winds from the SE
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Rad Work
TRH Work
Mount TRH sensor. Add ground straps to ATI box and Campbell box. Soldn mounted and leveled.
- 57: PROP, Site 6, Sat 19-Apr-1997 22:50:59 GMT, RMY boom angle questionable
Looking at field logbook entry, 50, the RMY boom angle is
questionable. It appears to be off by about 80 degrees.
- 56: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sat 19-Apr-1997 21:48 GMT, setup work
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: sunny, light winds from the SE
Level sonic. Shot boom angles. Sonic: along NE (low) to SW (high) vector, 212 24 05; prop: 331 35 48. Loaded boom angle for prop.
- 55: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Sat 19-Apr-1997 20:10 GMT, Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: sunny, light winds from the east
Leveled sonic. Shot angles for sonic and prop. Sonic: along NE (low) to SW (high) vector, 219 31 45; Prop: 334 28 42. Installed mount plate for campbell box on rad stand. Loaded prop angle. Put new bag around Krypton.
- 54: RAD, Site 7, Sat 19-Apr-1997 19:33:06 GMT, PAR sensors
Photosynthetically-Active Radiation
There are two PAR sensors at site 7, mounted on the cross beam of the
radiation stand. They are on the upper and lower surfaces of a set of plates.
Sensor Serial# Cal date Multiplier Units
par.in Q22668 03 Sept''96 -168.4 umol. s-1. m-2 / uA
par.out Q22666 03 Sept''96 -181.8 umol. s-1. m-2 / uA
The wheat rows do not run North-South but rather about 20 degrees to the west
of South
- 53: LOGISTICS, Site 6, Sat 19-Apr-1997 17:24:57 GMT, work at site 6
The Gill sonic boom was extended because of guywire interference.
After modifying, the krypton was moved to within 60 cm of
sonic. There was not enough play in the tripod legs to level the sonic.
The level results: pitch - -0.2, roll 0.3 to the north.
The soldn was leveled.
The krypton windows were cleaned to verify the sensor output. It
did respond to the cleaning.
- 52: FASTH2O, Site 7, Sat 19-Apr-1997 17:02:51 GMT, ophirs moved
the ophirs at sites 7 and 8 were moved closer to the tower along their
booms. This was done to reduce the moment for wind loading of the towers
(they were swaying a lot yesterday) and to reduce the blockage for N winds.
They are now about 70cm to the NE of the sonic arrays.
- 51: STATUS, Site all, Sat 19-Apr-1997 16:58:17 GMT, Daily Status
WEATHER: clear, light winds, ground reasonably dry
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x x x
T/RH x x x x
Sonic ? x x x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b x
T surface x x x x x x x x
Rnet x x x x x x x x
Solar x x x x x x x x
Soil T x x a x a x x x
Soil q x x a x a x x x
Rain x x x x x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x x x
Pyg&Psp x
O3 (Meyers)
CSI sonic x
Pressure All stations up.
Wind All stations up. Still need to measure sensor alignment on #1 and #2.
T/RH #1, #2, #6, and #7 up. Awaiting shipment (today) of more sensors.
Sonic #1 (Asymmetric Gill from NOAA) data became bad 2 days ago. All boom angles
have been measured and sensors are leveled (though angles not entered
in calibration files yet).
Fast q Krypton hygrometers at #1-6 are bagged to prevent damage.
OPHIR at #7 gave some bad data yesterday, which may be due to swinging
in the wind. We will remount it closer to the tower and may add an
"anti-swing" guy wire to the tower.
OPHIR at #8 is awaiting delivery of a missing power cord.
T surface All stations up.
Solar All stations up.
Rnet All stations up, but radiation stands at #3 and #5 are awaiting farmer
working of the field for installation.
Soil T #3 and #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up.
Soil q #3 and #5 not deployed (see Rnet). Other stations are up.
Gravimetric samples done at #1, #2, #6, #7, #8.
TRIME measurements done #1, #2, #6.
Rain All stations up with MRI gauges. ETI gauges also are up at #2 and #6.
Batteries Power to all stations is normal.
Station #7 sensors:
Pyg&Psp Up.
NDVI Up, but data have not been checked (range may have to be changed on
electronics on tower)
CO2 Working in the base trailer, to be installed today.
O3 (Meyers) Working in the base trailer, to be installed today.
O3 (TECO) Working in the base trailer, to be installed today.
O3 (SECLOD) Working in the base trailer, to be installed today.
Station #8 sensors:
CSI sonic Up. Gives a few spikes which probably are false detections by the
despiking algorithm.
Psi-band Still awaiting final design.
- 50: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sat 19-Apr-1997 16:54 GMT, sonic problem,rad problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: sunny with a light breeze
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Sonic Level
,Rad Work
Added extended boom to gill because of guy wire interference. Moved krypton to a distance of 60 cm from sonic. Tryed to level sonic. Ran out of adjustments in legs. Results: -0.3 pitch and 0.4 role to north. Cleaned krypton; signal came up. Krypton was bagged again.
- 49: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Fri 18-Apr-1997 22:27 GMT, angles,level sonic,install trh,angles,level sonic,install trh
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: KK
Weather: sunny, WINDY
installed trh, leveled sonic, lightning spike is loose and wiggles in the wind shot boom angle 243 19 00 gill angle northeast (low xducer) to southwest (hi xducer) vector 212 06 35
- 48: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Fri 18-Apr-1997 20:29 GMT, Install TRH
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: warm and windy, very windy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Comp. Chg
Component Change
TRH Component: Install Old s/n: NA New s/n: 2
Success? Y
Installed Trh sensor.
RMY boom direction was not set
Took soil moisture IC with trime
Took 2 readings: 37.6 and 39.3
CS615 raw=2.784 cal=251.3% WRONG!
Did I mention it was windy?
- 47: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Fri 18-Apr-1997 19:28 GMT, sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: warm and darn windy
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Comp. Chg
Soil Mois IC
Component Change
TRH Component: Install Old s/n: NA New s/n: 3
Success? Y
crossarm inserts don't have indents for set screws.
Sonic was giving lots of bad values.
U wind was -328 m/s--it's windy, but not like that.
Also c was varying between 4 m/s and normal values
Tried restarting data collection. No effect. Removed amp connector at box.
Waited a few seconds, and then reinstalled it. Sonic seemed to be happy.
CS615 s/n 8688.
Soil moisture IC took 3 trime readings 37.6, 37.5 (at 45 deg angle) and 35.5
CS615 =1.368 raw and 49% PCT vol
- 46: RAD, Site 7, Fri 18-Apr-1997 18:34:35 GMT, Cal factors for 4-comp rad array
The cal factors for the piranometers and pyrgeometers deployed at super site
as components of the four component radiometer array.
NB The ASTER pyg.out was broken. It is replaced by another pyrgeometer with
only a single dome thermister. As the pyg.out dome is not subjected to
direct solar heating the single dome thermister is adequate.
Radiometer Serial # Date of cal Calfactor uV/Wm-2
ASTER psp.in 26214 8/92 8.57
ASTER psp.out 26226 8/92 8.63
ASTER pyg.in 29260 9/92 3.56 (3.27 after mod?)
L6 pyg.out 29137 4/92 4.05
- 45: CHEM, Site 7, Fri 18-Apr-1997 16:22:48 GMT, Set-up Chemical Sensors
Brought the chem-box into the trailer and checked out the sensors.
Using the three 8 m lengths of teflon 1/4" tubing drew air in from outside.
With power off inserted fresh target in Meyers fast ozone sensor
Teco ozone: looks OK, showing approximately 55 ppbv
Meyers ozone: output voltage ~ 1.7 VDC with fast variability that showed
a decrease when Kurt blew cigarette breathe over intake.
Licor carbon dioxide: output voltage ~ 1.7 VDC with fast variability that
showed increase when Kurt blew tobacco breathe over
Zero indicator: the Zero indicator shows a response but Gulp requires
- 44: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Thu 17-Apr-1997 21:28 GMT, EVE config problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: sunny and breezy
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Sample
Soil Mois IC
Soil Moisture IC Record Sampled at: 21:52
IC Reading: 36.50
PAM Reading: 1.75
PAM raw Reading: 2.0000
Comments: Very consistent across depths--but bad raw num?
Loaded new config with delays for data sync.
First PAM soil moisture IC.
Tony took several TRIME readings in various rows and at various angles.
The readings averaged to about 36.5 and ranged from 35 to 37%
The solar panels are becoming bird lavoratories.
Cycled power on cpu only.
WARNING: This station should not be turned on without restarting EVE.
There is a PCMCIA bug which results in no data being saved.
- 43: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Thu 17-Apr-1997 21:09 GMT, zero sonic, shoot angle
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: KK
Weather: sunny, windy
zeroed sonic, shot angles - prop boom 336 32 30 sonic 249 53 15
note - mast slighty twisted
- 42: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Thu 17-Apr-1997 19:54 GMT, zero sonic, shoot angles
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: KK
Weather: sunny, breezy
Station Service Performed
Reboot EVE
zeroed sonic, shoot angles boom direction (prop) 335 47 30
sonic direction 245 11 10
rebooted eve due to cable connection error
- 41: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Thu 17-Apr-1997 19:08 GMT, zero ati sonic
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: clear, breezy
zeroed ati sonic, removed trh for zeroing ati sonics at other stations
- 40: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Thu 17-Apr-1997 17:59 GMT, Communication problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: sunny and nice
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Offload Data
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Sample
Rad Work
Saw bizarre load/power/voltage data. A/D problem?
actually, it was probably during a transmit.
NOTE: station visit times from here and the previous visit to st 2 are MDT not GMT
- 39: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Thu 17-Apr-1997 16:34 GMT, Station dead
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: MM
Weather: sunny and light winds
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Offload Data
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Soil Sample
Rad Work
This station was programmed as station 1!!!
I guess that's why it disappeared from the air.
Loaded new config with different delay stuff.
soil moisture probe s/n 002
Levelled rad stand.
Checked level of sol_dn and netrad
NOTE: The offloaded data needs to have the station changed to 2
- 38: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Thu 17-Apr-1997 13:55 GMT, fix soil moisture
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
wire loose in campbell.
- 37: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Wed 16-Apr-1997 19:44 GMT, Setup rad stand
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: partly cloudy, winds from the north
rotated mast 10 deg to south sonic angle 248 28 10 prop direction 337 17 10 leveled sonic cleaned krypton setup rad farm, but dark horse is still not located due to waiting for field to be planted
Soil Moisture Record
Site 1
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
17 Apr A 32.9 24.6 8.3 0.337
B 35.7 26.5 9.2 0.347 0.349
C 35.2 25.8 9.4 0.364
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
Site 2
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
17 Apr A 25.5 17.2 8.3 0.483
B 25.5 17.1 8.4 0.491 0.487
C 22.0 14.8 7.2 0.486
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
Site 3
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
16 Apr A 23.8 19.8 4.0 0.202
B 28.6 23.5 5.1 0.217 0.212
C 28.5 23.4 5.1 0.218
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
Site 4
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
21 Apr I A 25.3 21.6 3.7 0.171
I B 27.9 23.8 4.1 0.172 0.169
I C 27.9 24.0 3.9 0.163
Site 5
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
Site 6
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
17 Apr A 31.1 24.0 7.1 0.296
B 33.7 25.9 7.8 0.301 0.298
C 36.8 28.4 8.4 0.296
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
Site 7
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
15 Apr 97 g g g Mean
A 19.0 14.9 4.1 0.275
B 24.6 19.2 5.4 0.281 0.278
C 27.2 21.3 5.9 0.277
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
Site 8
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
15 Apr 97 g g g Mean
A 30.8 23.2 7.6 0.328
B 28.7 21.7 7.0 0.323 0.332
C 31.5 23.4 8.1 0.346
Sample Date Fresh Dried Difference Gravimetric Fraction
g g g Mean
- 35: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Wed 16-Apr-1997 11:01 GMT, mount TRH and fix licor mount
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
TRH mounted. Running properly
- 34: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Tue 15-Apr-1997 00:15 GMT, eve problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: breezy
Station Service Performed
Load Config
loaded Matt's new sta001.dat and tested for flux sync errors by playing
with the cpu clock - it didn't seem to help.
- 33: LOGISTICS, Site all, Mon 14-Apr-1997 20:55:40 GMT, Boom Angles
Below are the boom angles for sonics and props
station sonic angle
1 GILL 212 24' 05" along NE/SW vector
2 GILL 219 31' 45" along NE/SW vector
3 ATI 248 28' 10"
4 ATI 249 53' 15"
5 ATI 245 11' 10"
6 GILL 212 06' 35" along NE/SW vector
7 ATI 247 00' 30"
8 ATI 245 00' 30"
8 CSI 247 34' 10"
station prop angle
1 RMY 331 35' 48"
2 RMY 334 28' 42"
3 RMY 337 17' 10"
4 RMY 336 32' 30"
5 RMY 335 47' 30"
6 RMY 343 21' 50"
7 ASTER 248 20' 00"
8 ASTER 244 59' 20"
- 32: STATUS, Site all, Sun 13-Apr-1997 16:01:26 GMT, daily status
WEATHER: clear, cold, light winds, muddy
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x
Fast q b b b b b b
T surface x x x x ? x
Rnet x x x ? x
Solar x x c x x
Soil T x x x x x
Soil q x x ? x x
Rain x x(2) x x x(2)
Batteries x x x x x x
Pressure all okay
Wind #6 reset by plugging and unplugging mast S-bus cable
T/RH still awaiting delivery
Sonic okay now, the ATIs had problems in the past - none zeroed
Fast q most bagged. #5 looked dead yesterday but okay now?
#3 is scaled. spare (1087) is dead?
T surface all up, #5 looks bad now (but good yesterday) - perhaps
I unplugged the wrong Y connection?
Rnet #3 not set up, others okay? (#5 intermittently bad?)
Solar #3 not set up, #4 covered, others okay.
Soil T #3 not set up, others okay.
Soil q #3 not set up, #4 read bad in field, #5 in air
Rain all MRIs up, both ETIs up
Batteries alive and charging
We now plan to get the ASTER sites up.
- 31: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Sat 12-Apr-1997 21:32 GMT, No good reason
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: brkn; breezy
added Y cable to get Tsurf and Kryption signals
added CR10 mounting plate
- 30: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Sat 12-Apr-1997 20:30 GMT, mount krypton, fence,mount krypton, fence
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
- 29: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Sat 12-Apr-1997 20:26 GMT, Aux sensor,add
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: brn, breezy
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Sensor Maintenance Performed
Rain Check
install new krypton (2MM) - reloaded new calib config
recable ETI and test
mount CR10 on plate
unplugged and plugged mast sbus - brought back prop (was giving errors)
- 28: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Sat 12-Apr-1997 18:13 GMT, Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: windy, overcast, cold
innstall krypton, rad, soil
krypt #1101, but bagged
will give 10 MRI tips
- 27: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Sat 12-Apr-1997 17:25 GMT, fence, mount krypton,rad,fence, mount krypton,rad
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: cold, windy
- 26: STATUS, Site all, Fri 11-Apr-1997 14:34:30 GMT, Daily status
WEATHER: drizzle after heavy rain last night
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure x x x x x x
Wind x x x x x
Sonic x x x x x x
Fast q x x
T surface x x
Rnet x x x
Solar x x x x
Soil T x x x x
Soil q
Rain x x x x
Batteries x x x x x x
Pressure all okay
Wind #6 is not reporting now, Steve S is checking
T/RH sensors not constructed
Sonic #4 (ATI) looks bad
Fast q #3 and #6 are the only ones deployed. SS is bagging #6 now
T surface all up, but missing Y cables for #1, #2, #4, #5 (should come
with Mocca trailer)
Rnet need to install mount on tripod on #1
Solar loggers at #3 #4 not up. #3 waiting for planting, #4 waiting
for sawhorse legs (coming with Mocca)
Soil T See Solar about logger
Soil q See Solar about logger, #1 #2 not connected?
Rain See Solar about logger. MRI at #1 #2 #5 #6 okay, ETI at #6
not reporting. ETI at #2 missing cable.
Batteries A bit low since not much sun recently.
- 25: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Fri 11-Apr-1997 14:29 GMT, To bag krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: overcast, windy, cold
Krypton giving high voltage. Clean head, still high. Sensor head was bagged.
- 24: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Thu 10-Apr-1997 22:25 GMT, change krypton
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Change krypton from 1101 to 1089 because of mount for Gill boom. Also hooked up soil moisture sensor. Sonic boom leveled.
- 23: VISIT_LOG, Site 4, Thu 10-Apr-1997 20:11 GMT, Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: ovc; light wind; allmost warm!
GOES power: 9.6W forward, 0.0W back
Batteries: Decka 3,4
- 22: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Thu 10-Apr-1997 17:21 GMT, Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: ovc; wind SE moderate; 40s
Station Service Performed
station setup
- 21: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Thu 10-Apr-1997 14:53 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Load Config
- 20: VISIT_LOG, Site 1, Wed 9-Apr-1997 20:12 GMT, setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
power: 9.5 forward, 0 reflexed. batteries: abs-3 & 4. MRI: 36.
- 19: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Wed 9-Apr-1997 16:16 GMT, setup
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: cold and windt, overcast
goes xmt:12.5 watts forward, 0 reflexed
- 18: VISIT_LOG, Site 2, Wed 9-Apr-1997 13:50 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
- 17: GOES, Site , Tue 08-Apr-1997 17:21:08 GMT, monitoring GOES quality of transmission
The pam_ascii data files include RF quality parameters with
each message.
To make it easier to examine use:
cut -c10-60 /pam/pam_ascii/970408.pam > rf.text.file
That removes the bulk of the data, and the superflous year/day
from the header.
You'll then have something like this (without the title)
time sta source RF-Qualities data.....
-------- -------- ------ ------------------ --------
00:01:27 364184A0 DOMSAT:G47-2NN117EFF00239 e@@B
00:03:27 3641C7AA DOMSAT:G46-2NN117EFF00240 n@@B
00:06:27 364184A0 DOMSAT:G47-2NN117EFF00239 e@@B
00:08:27 3641C7AA DOMSAT:G46-2NN117EFF00240 n@@B
00:11:27 364184A0 DOMSAT:G47-2NN117EFF00239 e@@B
You can fgrep that file for the specific platform(s)
of interest.
The RF quality stuff for DOMSAT is actually what's monitored
by the main NESDIS receive site at Wallops. It includes:
'G' Good message
Alternatives =
? message with parity error
W message received on wrong channel
D previous msg was duplicated (ie rcvd on multiple
Q bad signal quality measurements
A correctable address error
B bad address
I invalid address
T outside it's assigned time (N/A for NCAR)
U unexpected (N/A for NCAR)
M missing (N/A for NCAR)
N incomplete platform description table at NESDIS
'46' Signal Strength in dbm EIRP (this is a good value, expect
between 44-49. more than that is naughty but ok, much less
and you won't get it. resolution is 1dbm
'-2' Frequency Offset * 50Hz: ie -2 = -100Hz from assigned center
frequency. Range = +/- 0-A (beyond 500 Hz and you probably
won't get it. expect between +/- 0-5.
'N' Normal modulation index (or Low, High)
'N' Normal data quality bit-error-rate <= 1x10**(-6)
or Fair 10**(-4) to 10**(-6)
or Poor < 10**(-4)
'117E' Channel 117 GOES-east
'FF' Uplink carrier status of DOMSAT, ignore this.
'00239' Decimal Length of data in bytes
- 16: GOES, Site , Tue 08-Apr-1997 13:36:33 GMT, looking at status
(From John M.)
On stout:
/rdss/pam/bin/ingest_status -p CASES
all it does is count messages received, but that's a start.
also, i believe there seems to be a slight counting problem
that occurs occassionally showing 13 messages during an
hour....haven't looked into that yet.
- 15: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Mon 7-Apr-1997 23:40 GMT, Power problem
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: KK
- 14: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Mon 7-Apr-1997 21:46 GMT, fix sonic and charger
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: windy, cold
fix sonic problem. Solar panel charging is still unknown. Will switch batteries.
- 13: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Mon 7-Apr-1997 19:33 GMT, setup station
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Weather: overcast, light winds, cold
Station setup. Sonic: ??? @ 3.4 meters, Krypton: 1101, MRI: 14, ETI: 057. Crop height @ 38 cm. Watt meter read 2.5 outgoing and reflexed.
- 12: NETWORK, Site base, Mon 07-Apr-1997 18:34:32 GMT, kansas-net disconnects
kansas.net seems to be shutting down our connection, often every
30 minutes. I Emailed Brian Zimmerman and asked him to look into it.
The connection time is often exactly 30 minutes, so that it does not
appear to be due to a noisy phone line or loss of carrier.
I've put a ping of kansas-net into my crontab to run every 10 minutes.
That should bring the connection back up so that Boulderites
can log in.
- 11: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Mon 7-Apr-1997 14:21 GMT, base test
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Load Config
load station 6 config. Krypton #1101
- 10: VISIT_LOG, Site 5, Mon 7-Apr-1997 14:03 GMT, base test of station 5,load config at base
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Load Config
Eve test at base. Load config for station 5 with Krypton #1007.
- 9: VISIT_LOG, Site 6, Mon 7-Apr-1997 13:26 GMT, this is a lab test of stat 6
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SS
Station Service Performed
Load Config
- 8: VISIT_LOG, Site 3, Sun 6-Apr-1997 21:39 GMT,
Site Visitation Log Entry
Tech: SO
Weather: windy!
Station Service Performed
Load Config
This is setup. Batteries:AB3 &ABS4. ATI: 2. KRYPTON: 1133. Everest: 3577-3.
Wnd Sensor: 00319. Baro: 1005. Goes running, can not talk to sonic, can not talk to wind sensor over bus but data coming in. Wind sensor direction looked good with boom alignment.
- 7: LOGISTICS, Site none, Sat 05-Apr-1997 16:45:23 GMT, Our phones
PAM base trailer: 316-986-5474 (voice)
Pickup cellular: 316-640-7068
Blazer cellular: 316-640-7069
Candlewood hotel: 800-946-6200
8106 - Kurt
8212 - Tony
8234 - Steve O.
8333 - Steve S.
- 6: ADAM, Site 7, Wed 02-Apr-1997 14:27:47 GMT, check of filter/amp board in cosmos
Used the Datel voltage source to check the amplifier/filter cards
in cosmos.
The only suspect one is channel 102, to be used for the TECO.
port gain offset inputV measV
100 1. 0. # licor co2 .5 .4998+-.0002
101 1. 0. # licor t .5 .4997+-.0003
102 1. -5. # TECO O3 .5 .4953+-.0002 .0045 low
1 .9935+-.0002 .0065 low
103 1. 0. # zero chem .5 .4997+-.0003
104 1. 0. # Meyers O3 .5 .5000+-.0002
105 1. 0. # SECLOD O3 .5 .4997+-.0003
106 1. 0. # vais baro .5 .4997+-.0002
107 1. 0. # T.adam .5 .4998+-.0002
108 200. 0. # pyg.in .01 .01002+-.00002
109 2. -5. # case 1 .9970+-.0002
110 2. -5. # dome 1 .9971+-.0002
111 2. -5. # comp 1 .9981+-.0002
112 200. 0. # pyg.out .01 .01002+-.00002
113 2. -5. # case 1 .9977+-.0002
114 2. -5. # dome 1 .9983+-.0002
115 2. -5. # comp 1 .9986+-.0002
116 200. 0. # psp.in .01 .01002+-.00002
117 200. 0. # psp.out .01 .01002+-.00002
118 1000. 0. # rad.par.in 1 mv 1.047+-.003 mv
119 1000. 0. # rad.par.out 1 mv 1.043+-.003 mv
120 1. 0. # rad.uvb 1 .9992+-.0003
121 1. 0. # t.uvb 1 .9993+-.0003
122 1. 0. # rad.uv 1 .9990+-.0002
123 1. 0. # 660.veg 1 .9986+-.0002
124 1. 0. # 730.veg 1 .9985+-.0002
125 1. 0. # Tsurf 1 .9988+-.0002
- 5: RF_MODEMS, Site base, Wed 02-Apr-1997 12:36:30 GMT, RF modem configuration
Here is the initial configuration of 4 Freewaves before they left
for CASES.
cocklebur term/0 marigold port/a
560-0563 560-0575
master calling 560-0575 slave
Baud: 115200 38400
FreqKey: 11
Max packet: 7
Min packet: 9
Xmit rate 1
RF data rate: 3
RF Xmit power 5 in lab, 9 in field
cocklebur term/1 cosmos port/a
560-0512 560-0573
master calling 560-0575 slave
Baud: 115200 38400
FreqKey: E
Max packet: 7
Min packet: 9
Xmit rate 1
RF data rate: 3
RF Xmit power 0 in lab, 9 in field
- 4: NETWORK, Site base, Wed 02-Apr-1997 08:40:52 GMT, Monitoring PPP
Files of Interest
These files are all on cocklebur, don't look for them on aster!
/etc/asppp.cf main configuration file
Systems dial-out config: phone #s, accounts,
login "chat" script
Devices dial-out devices
Dialers modem AT command sequences
/etc/log/asppp.log log file, quite useful
script to configure dial-in terminal
ports for adam connections
/etc/asppp.cf describes the point-to-point interfaces
ipdptp0 -> marigold
ipdptp1 -> cosmos
ipdptp2 -> kansas-net
The file /etc/uucp/Systems contains further information on dial-out
connections. The phone number and account name for the kansas-net
internet service are listed in this file. In addition, the entry
for kansas-net contains the expect/send strings that are used
during the login "chat" session. The kansas-net entry specifies
ACU as the call device. The description of the ACU is found in
/etc/uucp/Devices. The last field in the entry for ACU is "usrv32-ec"
which is an entry for a US Robotics modem in /etc/uucp/Dialers.
The "usrv32-ec" entry in Dialers is where the modem AT command
sequence is specified.
Diagnosing the PPP connection to kansas.net.
The results of the dial sequence and the login chat are logged in asppp.log.
A good login should look like the following:
00:08:00 process_ipd_msg: ipdptp2 needs connection
Trying entry from '/etc/uucp/Systems' - device type ACU.
Device Type ACU wanted
Trying device entry 'cua/2' from '/etc/uucp/Devices'.
processdev: calling setdevcfg(ppp, ACU)
gdial(usrv32-ec) called
Trying caller script 'usrv32-ec' from '/etc/uucp/Dialers'.
expect: ("")
got it
sendthem (DELAY
expect: (OK^M)
ATE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A3&K1&H1&R2&I0&M4&B1&N0&W^M^M^JOK^Mgot it
sendthem (ECHO CHECK ON
expect: (CONNECT)
STTY crtscts,crtsxoff
getto ret 15
expect: ("")
got it
expect: ("")
got it
sendthem (^M^M)
expect: (ogin:)
lcome to Wheat State Internet Se.Wk+^K^I^IuIQ^AE%5)5)5)5)1=^]%9i^A^?^M^Jlogin:go
t it
sendthem (sssf^M)
expect: (ssword:)
sssf^M^JPassword:got it
expect: ("")
got it
STTY crtscts,crtsxoff
call cleanup(0)^M
00:08:48 start_ip: IP up on interface ipdptp2, timeout set for 3600 seconds
Diagnosing PPP RF connections
Log file: cocklebur:/etc/log/asppp.log
The asppp.log file is useful to watch. You may want to leave a term window
on cocklebur doing a "tail -f asppp.log".
Every time the carrier line drops on a Freewave modem, even for a second,
you will see entries like so:
01:53:06 process_ipd_msg: interface ipdptp1 has disconnected
01:53:06 disconnect: disconnected connection from ipdptp1
01:53:12 start_ip: IP up on interface ipdptp1, timeout set for 600 seconds
This indicates that carrier was lost momentarily on the Freewave
connection to cosmos. It was back up in 6 seconds. The socket
connections to the ADAM stay up, the adam keeps running and no data
is lost during these short interruptions. I saw these carrier drops
every few minutes when testing the freewaves in the lab, with the
antennas 2 feet apart, on a low power setting.
If the RF modems are powered up with carrier, then the aspppls process
should be active on the serial ports.
To check for aspppls enter:
ps -t term/0
ps -t term/1
These commands should show the aspppls process on the port.
7877 term/0 0:00 aspppls
If the carrier detect on a serial port is too active, going up and
down repeatedly, then after a while the Sun will start to ignore it,
namely the port monitor will not spawn aspppls when the carrier detect line
is raised.. If aspppls is not active on the port, then the adam will
not be able to establish a ppp connection.
There is a crontab entry on the root account on cocklebur, which
checks every 10 minutes that aspppls is active on the two ports,
and if not, runs /usr/local/adm/serialports/ppp_direct.pmadm which
restarts the port monitor. You must be root to restart the port monitor.
Status of Adam connection
To view statistics of the Adam data connection, enter:
sshow cosmos 0
or sshow marigold 0
This will display the data from the status channel 0 from the adam
as follows:
c:000 cosmos mem:50560 nent:100 nlost:0 nlate:0 pS:0 pD:0 dT:5100 msec, blocked:
863, lost:0, writerr:0 buf:80624
"lost:" shows the number of data samples that have been lost due
to network stoppages. The number of severe write errors on the
data socket are also shown under writerr. "buf:" shows the available
network buffer size in bytes. As the network becomes clogged the
available buffer size will shrink to 0.
Viewing Setup and RF Statistics of a Freewave Modem
Disconnect the serial cable between cocklebur and the freewave.
This will cause a carrier detect drop on the line and processes
that are using the serial port will exit. Then do:
kermit -l /dev/cua/N -b 19200 -c
N is 0 for the marigold freewave, 1 for cosmos
If you get a "? can't open device" wait a few moments and try again.
Once kermit says it is connected, reconnect the cable. Press the reset
button on the front of the modem, and use the menus to configure
the modem and display the RF statistics.
- 3: NETWORK, Site base, Wed 02-Apr-1997 07:29:44 GMT, Network configuration
| ppp over phone modem
| term/2 COCKLEBUR |
| |
| sssf.kansas.net |
| |
| |
| cocklebur adam-ppp adam-ppp |
| le0 term/0 term/1 |
| | |
| | PPP over RF modem |
| coax ethernet | |
| | |
| | |
| aster marigold cosmos
| | |
| | vxworks | vxworks
| | |
| platypus arnica goldenrod
| dj
Note that cocklebur is our big-time network gateway, and has
3 different net names (cocklebur, sssf.kansas.net and adam-ppp)
and 3 IP addresses. When you're accessing it from outside, address
it as sssf.kansas.net. When accessing it from the other PAM base
systems, call it cocklebur.
For ftp, telnet, rlogin and Web access, sssf.kansas.net is
the only system that is visible to the outside world. Therefore, if
you want to ftp to the PAM base from Boulder, you must ftp
to sssf.kansas.net. Likewise, if you want to ftp from the base to
anywhere on the internet, you must do it from sssf.kansas.net (cocklebur).
Email has been configured so that you can send email from any system
at the base (aster, platypus, cocklebur) to the Internet.
Your Email will have a return address of user@sssf.kansas.net.
It is should be much easier to send email directly from the base,
rather than logging into stout.
Once you're in the field (and the base system is setup) you can have
your email forwarded to Kansas. To do this, log into stout and create
a .forward file on your home directory containing one line:
ADAM network:
You can rlogin or rserial the adams from cocklebur, aster or platypus.
- 2: NETWORK, Site base, Fri 28-Mar-1997 01:12:35 GMT, Internet Provider Info
Configuration of the PPP service with Wheatstate Telephone
Our nodename: sssf.kansas.net
IP address: aka pm1-potwin-130.kansas.net
DNS servers: primary = tuttle.kansas.net
secondary: = bbs.tfs.net
Access phone #: 316 782 3802
Account: sssf
IP address of PPP server at wheatstate: potwinpm.kansas.net
Contact: Brian Zimmerman
Internet Tech Support
Wheat State Telephone Inc
800 442-6835 ext 116
800 227-4547 - most often at this number
- 1: LOG, Site none, Fri 28-Mar-1997 01:08:14 GMT, Logbook created
initial log file /net/aster/projects/CASES97/logbook/tklog.log created by tklog