Raman scattering gas cell development
CAD drawings of the new NCAR Raman cell by Jack Fox
The cell contains a tangential wheel fan to circulate the methane. It features
1" clear apertures and 2" internal mirrors for multiple passes.
First pics of the cell with plumbing attached. A pressure transducer and temperature sensor are included.
These pics are also the first pressure tests of the cell using nitrogen. Soapy water was applied to the places where leaks might occur. Notice white foam near the window which indicates a small leak there.
Pics of the NCAR Raman shifting cell designed by Jack Fox following advice from Norman Kurnit. The color table has been enhanced because the cell is anodized black and difficult to see otherwise. A burn mark (little white spec) can be seen on the exit window in the last pic in this row.
Pics of the NCAR Raman shifting cell before anodizing. The insert holds the fan and mirrors.