Here are some pics from our lidar lab. (Click on the thumbnails to see larger pics.)
16 July 2003: Scott Spuler in the lidar lab.

01 May 2003: Eye-safe lidar lab.

01 May 2003: Bruce and his new dual-channel receiver.

02 April 2003: Scott and Bruce checking out the first 1.5 micron light.

02 April 2003: Scott and Bruce installing the Raman cell (filled with methane) on the optics table.

01 April 2003: Al Fried, Scott and Bruce filling the Raman cell with methane in the APOL lab.

25 March 2003: Tim Rucker installing Pipsqueek Radar in the lidar lab.

27 Feb. 2003: Pressure test of the Raman cell.

Feb. 2003: Photo of the transmit beam steering optics. This coaxial arrangement utilizes the back of the telescope's secondary mirror as a place to install the final transmit beam turning mirror. The final mirror can be tipped and tilted electronically. Mechanical design: Scott Spuler. Made by NCAR DFS.

Feb. 2003: Scott Spuler uses a green laser to align the system.

Feb. 2003: Scott Spuler and Bruce Morley hard at work in the lidar lab.

Sept. 2002: By this time, a safety pipe and new telescope mount were installed.

Dec. 2002: This pic shows our setup to image the Nd:YAG beam using a holographic beam-splitter and beam-profiling CCD camera.

Sept. 2002: By this time, a safety pipe and new telescope mount were installed.

April 2002: A pic of the lab with the basic components: table, telescope and laser.