Jaz Utilities

The manipulation of the Jaz drive has been encapsulated in a setuid program called jaz. The source resides in the directory /iss/src/apps/jaz and the executable installs into /iss/bin, same as for other ISS executables. The command supports the following options, which can also be shown by running jaz with no options:

Basically the program is a setuid gateway to other commands or scripts. The mount and umount options call the respective mount and umount system commands for the Jaz device link /dev/jaz. The eject option runs ziptool eject on the Jaz character device /dev/rjaz. The /dev/jaz and /dev/rjaz device links are created by the script /iss/etc/init.d/jazdevice at boot. The jazdevice script looks for the particular Jaz SCSI disk target with the /iss/scripts/iss_disks script, then it creates the links to the appropriate character and block devices for that target.