- TRH Wiring Diagram for KVH Compass
signal |
Compass (color) |
9 pin AMP |
RXD (RS232) |
Red/Black Tracer |
2 |
To KVH (reverse of field console) |
TXD (RS232) |
Blue/Black Tracer |
1 |
Signal Gnd |
Black/White Tracer |
4 |
Analog Output |
White/Black Tracer |
6 |
TRH Analog input 2 |
+12 Vdc |
White |
8 |
+12 Vdc |
Gnd |
Black |
7 |
Gnd |
The 9 pin AMP bulkhead connector to the TRH has pins 6, 7, 8 hooked up. There are internal wires going from these pins to connector points on the TRH board.
Comms: RS232 = 9600, N-8-1. The standard serial sensor test cable can be used with 9 pin barrel adaptor.
Coefficients: Nominal value used .1-1.9V = 0-360, ie 5mV/deg
Bad Connection, 0V = -20 deg
Options: Variation mode off, =v,m
Undamped =dt0,0
Analog Out Mode =at,0 (linear)
9600 bps =b,96
NMEA =t,0
Cal. Notes: 1) Set Procomm on PC CR/LF in terminal setup (to see cal. Report.)
2) Install on TRH, connect cable
3) Place on steady surface away from steel, watch,..
4) Commands: ‘h’ halt output
5) =ce1 8 point cal. Ea. Point 45-deg and type =ce1
5a) =ce3 slowly rotate KVH cal., seems OK also and don’t need to type in between
6) Report ‘noise magnetic’ Redo if noise < 7 (ie worse than 2-deg accuracy), or if magnetic<5 (bad location).
Selected Command Summary:
?w Report s/n, version, type, cal-date
s Start, continuous output
h Halt output
=r,X Message Rate (x=messages/minute)
=b,X Baud (48=4800, 96=max)
=v,X Variation: t=on, m=off
=vd,X Set variation degrees (0 to +/- 359.9)
=dt0,X Set damping type (0=undamped, 1=single IIR, 2=sum&dump
=d0,X Set damping rate (0=3s, 1=4.5s, 2=6s, 3=7.5s, 4=9s, 5=12s…)
=ce1 8-Point Calibration
=ce3 Circular Calibration
=cez Abort Calibration Procedure
?cs1 See Calibration Score and count
?cs2 See Calibration Score, hard iron influence, and count
Factory Defaults:
Variation Off =v,m
Variation 0.0 =vd,0
“A” Offset 0.0 =vi,0
Power up sending s
Baud 4800 =b,48
Msg Rate 1hz =r,60
Msg Type NMEA =t,0
Msg Units degrees =I,d
Digital Out continuous =z,0
Digital fmt 4 Digit BCD =zt,1
Analog Out Linear =at,0
Damping Type Double Infinite Impulse Response Filter (double IIR) =dt0,3(?)
Damping Rate 3 seconds =d0,0
Reference: $PAM/doc/maker/Sensors/KVH Compass Wiring.doc